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06 Jun, 2023 756 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Find Accurate Color Measurements with Portable Colorimeters: A Guide to Color Meters

The emergence of portable colorimeter has enabled businesses to diagnose problems related to color and improve the accuracy of their manufactured products. Lisun is developing and establishing solutions in the measurement of color in their respective industries, making it easier and more efficient for businesses and professionals to estimate and control the colors involved in daily measurements.

LISUN latest technology is the portable colorimeter, which provides an easier and more effective way to measure and monitor precise colors. Customers are very pleased with Lisun’s portable colorimeter because it offers simple recording, portable sizing, and professional estimation. This ensures more accurate color control and consistency in appearance. Additionally, since they are much smaller than other forms of spectrophotometers, they can be placed in smaller visible spaces and are more easily transported, which can help businesses achieve faster and more efficient color measurement and analysis.

In conclusion, LISUN portable colorimeter greatly facilitates businesses in accurately detecting and analyzing complex colors, which is a tremendous improvement for multiple industries. As color meter technology continues to progress, we will continue to see its application in more fields in the future.

The color meter can detect the color of a product according to its trichromatic and complementary color principles. The essence of the three primary colors is independent, and any one of them cannot be composed of the other two colors. In addition, three primary colors can be blended to form various colors through color space blending as the basic colors of color. In the process of forming color sensation, the source color is related to the three factors of light source, eyes and brain, so the selection of three primary colors of light color involves factors such as the wavelength and energy of the light source, and the spectral response range of the human eye. This is also a detail that must be taken into account in the R&D process of the colorimeter.

But from the perspective of energy, the brightness addition of colored light mixing is superimposed, and the brightness of the mixed light must be brighter than that of the mixed color. Only the color with low brightness can be mixed with more colors, otherwise, if the color with high brightness is used as the original color, the brightness will become higher and will never be able to mix out low brightness colors. In addition, we also know that the three primary colors are distributed in different regions of the visible spectrum. If they are concentrated in a certain area, it will lead to the inability to mix out more colors.

In the white-light dispersion experiment of the color meter, we can observe that the three colors of red, green and blue are distributed evenly on the entire visible spectrum and occupy a wide area. However, if we adjust the angle of the three-prism experiment to make the spectrum narrower, we will find that the corresponding color occupies a different area.

In the color meter color experiment, we can find that the three colors of red, green and blue on the narrowed spectrum change the most significantly, and the rest of the color gradually decreases, some of which are about to disappear. Through the experiment, we can get the wavelength range of the three colors, respectively: R (600~700nm), G (500~570nm), B (400~470nm).

In colorimetry, the entire visible spectrum is generally divided into the blue region, green region and red region for study. When white light is mixed with red, green and blue light, yellow light, cyan light and magenta light can be obtained respectively. Magenta light is not in the spectrum, which is called spectrum hue. If we mix these three lights in equal proportions, we can get white light, and if we mix these three lights in different proportions, we can get different colors of light.

Because the colorimeter is developed to simulate the principle of human eye color, the visual physiological characteristics must be taken into account when analyzing the color light and the three primary colors. When we see an object, there are three kinds of cerebral cells on the retina of our eyes, namely,,, red cones, green cones and blue cones, which are sensitive to red light, green light and blue light respectively.

When one of these cerebral cells is strongly stimulated, it will cause the excitation of the color cell, thus producing the sensation of this color. Likewise, in the process of colorimetry measurement, when the red color color light stimulates the colorimeter, the microprocessor of the colorimeter will send out the red color information. The three kinds of cerebral cells of the human eye have the ability to match colors. When a trichromatic light stimulates the human eye, the cerebral cells of the human eye can decompose it into red, green and blue monochromatic lights, and then mix it into a color. It is because of this ability to match colors that we can identify a wider range of colors than red, green and blue.

In conclusion, we can determine that there are three basic colors in the color light, their colors are red, green and blue. These three colors are not only the major colors obtained after the decomposition of white light, but also the major components of mixed colors, which can match the spectral response range of the cerebral cells of the human retina, and conform to the visual physiological effect of the human eye.

These three colors of light can be mixed in different proportions to almost obtain all the lights in nature, and the mixed color field is the largest; and these three colors of light are independent, one of the primary colors cannot be mixed from the other primary colors, so we call red, green and blue as the primary colors of light. In order to unify understanding, the CIE (International Lighting Committee) stipulates that the wavelengths λ R = 700.0 nm, λG = 546.1 nm, λB = 435.8 nm for the three primary colors in 1931. In the research of colorimetry, in order to facilitate qualitative analysis, white light is often seen as composed of equal amounts of red, green and blue.

The color light and three primary colors are involved in many places in the process of colorimetry. Not only the more obvious concepts, but also more complex analysis and comparison, but those are the different knowledge we involve in the process of using colorimeter, So we just need to be familiar with these concepts of color primary colors to help us better measure and understand the test results.

Portable Colorimeter/Chroma Meter is an innovation color measuring tool with powerful configuration to make color measurement easier and more professional; It support Bluetooth to connect with Android and ISO devices, Portable Colorimeter/Chroma Meter will take you into a new world of color management; It can be widely used to measure color value, color difference value and find similar color from color cards for printing industry, paint industry, textile industry, etc.

Find Accurate Color Measurements with Portable Colorimeters: A Guide to Color Meters

CD-320PRO_Portable Colorimeter/Chroma Meter

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
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