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25 Jun, 2024 314 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Gauges for Two-pole Plugs and Two-pole Socket-outlets with Pin-type Earthing-contact with CEE7 C9

This specification applies to plugs and socket-outlets and to cable couplers, with and without earthing contact, with a rated voltage not exceeding 380 V and a rated current not exceeding 25 A, intended for domestic and similar general purposes, either indoors or outdoors. It also applies to mounting boxes for flush-type socket-outlets.

Gauges for Two-pole Plugs and Two-pole Socket-outlets with Pin-type Earthing-contact with CEE7 C9


This specification applies, as far as is reasonable, to single-way socket-outlet adaptors intended to allow a connection to be made between plugs not complying with the Standard Shects and socket-outlets complying with the Standard Sheets, provided that the safety requirements of this specification are met.

This specification applies to plugs incorporated in cord sets and to plugs and portable socket-outlets incorporated in cord extension sets. It also applies to plugs which are a component of an appliance, unless otherwise stated in the specification for the relevant appliance.

This specification does not apply to: plugs and socket-outlets and cable couplers for extra-low voltage, appliance couplers, fixed socket-outlets combined with fuses, automatic switches, etc., plugs and socket-outlets of groups A and B of IEC Publication 83.

Plugs and socket-outlets and cable couplers complying with this specification are suitable for use at ambient temperatures not normally exceeding 25°C, but occasionally reaching 35C.

In locations where special conditions prevail, as in ships, vehicles and the like, and in hazardous locations, for example, where explosions are linble to occur, special constructions may be required.

Requirements for plugs and socket-outlets and cable couplers for extra-low It follows from this specification that multiway adaptors are not allowed. voltage are under consideration.

1. Application: This plug and socket test gauge is mainly used to test and inspect whether the structure and size of plugs and sockets conform to CEE7 ( CEE7/7 ) standards. And the mainly application industries is electronics, electrical appliances, plugs and sockets and other similar areas.

2. Features: Gauge dimensions, tolerances, material, hardness, surface roughness conform to the standards requirements; Material hardness is more than 50HRC;Material thermal expansion coefficient is small,dimensions and tolerances is stable and reliable.

Gauges for Two-pole Plugs and Two-pole Socket-outlets with Pin-type Earthing-contact with CEE7 C9

Gauges for Two-pole Plugs and Two-pole Socket-outlets with Pin-type Earthing-contact with CEE7 C9


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