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08 Jun, 2022 1856 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Goniophotometer | Guide to working, application & LSG-6000 goniophotometer

What is type C goniophotometer definition?
LSG-6000 Moving Detector Goniophotometer (Mirror Type C) was manufactured by LISUN completely meets LM-79-19, IES LM-80-08, COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2019/2015, CIE-121, CIE S025, SASO 2902, IS16106 and EN13032-1 clause type 4 requirements. LSG-6000 is the latest upgraded product of LSG-5000 and LSG-3000 in compliance with the requirements of the LM-79-19 standard Clause 7.3.1, its an automatic light distribution intensity 3D curve testing system for measuring light. The measuring distance is from 5m to 30m.

LM-79 Moving Detector Goniophotometer (Mirror Type C) AL

LM-79 Moving Detector Goniophotometer (Mirror Type C)

The method of measuring angular distribution of light is termed as goniophotometry. A photometric device combining photometer and a goniometric motion stage to measure the light emitted by an object at different angles is known as goniophotometer. LISUN is well known name for manufacturing different models of goniophotometer in accordance with CIE, IEC and other national or international standards. This blog is intended to give a detailed overview of LSG-6000 goniophotometer.

IES Testing
In 2001, the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA, commonly abbreviated as “IES”) published a standard called LM-75-01 (since modified in 2019 to LM-75-19) that describes three generic forms of goniometer motion. All photometric testing is carried out in strict accordance with the applicable IES Photometric Guidelines and Recommended Practices, often known as IES Testing.
The technique employs IES files, which are a standardised data file that expresses a luminaire’s light output as luminous intensity versus angle, as well as sufficient descriptive and documentary test data.“Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA)” is the full form for the acronym IES.
The file extension called”.ies” is utilized for IES files. Lighting designers utilize commercial lighting design packages in order to model the illumination performance of a lighting scheme. Photometric data for a luminaire is typically referred to as an IES file. Customers receive a detailed test report (in PDF format) as well as an IES file that can be used in most application and modelling tools.

Working of goniophotometer
The apparatus measures the distribution of light intensity in all directions of the light source or light using a static detector and rotating light. The measuring light is positioned on a two-dimensional rotating worktable, and the laser sight’s laser beam keeps the light’s luminous center aligned with the rotating worktable’s spinning center. As the light circles around the vertical axis, the detector, which is located at the same level as the center of the revolving worktable, measures the light intensity values in all directions on the horizontal plane.
As the light spins along the horizontal axis, the detector measures the light intensity in all directions on the vertical plane. Between 180 and 360 degrees, both the vertical and horizontal axes can be turned continuously. After obtaining the light intensity distribution data of the lights in all directions according to the measuring lights, the computer calculates various luminosity parameters and light distribution curves.


Goniophotometer is an optical device that is used to measure the intensity of light at different points in the same space. It is used to test the working and intensity of different types of light resources in order to estimate their power and efficiency. The goniophotometer is mainly used in places where there is only one source of light. A goniophotometer measures the intensity and power of the unidirectional light source. It is used to test the uniformity of the color in the scattered light as well as to measure the temperature as well. Keeping all the above-mentioned points under consideration, the applications of a goniophotometer can be summarized as
• It is used to measure the amount of light emitted by a light source at different angles.
• It calculates the color texture of the spread light
• It is used to measure the temperature of the scattered light
• It is used to measure the characteristics of the unidirectional light source.

LSG-6000 Goniophotometer (Type C)
The C-type goniophotometer is different from other types of goniophotometers. The LSG-6000 goniophotometer is also known by the name Moving Detector Goniophotometer. The IES Testing LSG 6000 goniophotometer is the most updated version of all the other type C goniophotometers. It has unique features. The measuring distance of this device ranges from 5m to 30m. The near field detector f this optical device and the significant mirror move in a single direction in coordination with each other. Their high quality makes this instrument the most precise and updated one among all of its types.

Features of LSG-6000 Goniophotometer
The LSG-6000 LM-79 is a goniophotometer with a rotating mirror, also known as a C-type goniophotometer, which is a system for evaluating the intensity of light distribution in three dimensions. LISUN makes an LSG-6000 goniophotometer with the following features.
• The LSG-6000 goniophotometer can realize different measurement solutions of C- γ, B-β, and A-α with the power to measure up to 5m to 30m distance.
• Additionally, it can measure LED and HID luminaries such as street lamps, floodlights, and other forms of lighting sources. It may be used to measure all types of lighting sources.
• The large mirror and the near field detector move in parallel. Synchronized movement of the large mirror and the far-field detector is observed.
• As long as the luminaries do not move, the detector will always be able to detect the light directly from the luminaires.
• A specific laser cross-aim device is used to install the luminaire.
• The tested luminaire’s revolving electric devices
• It is possible to apply additional lighting design tools, such as Dialux, to lighting design based on the measured data.
• It is based on the IESNA and CIE standards of operation. All of the LM-80, LM-79, LM-75, GB, EN, and CIE121-1996 requirements are fully met by the LSG-6000 goniophotometer.

The LSG-6000 goniophotometer has different specifications that are mentioned below:
• USB cable can be used to connect the goniophotometer to the PC. Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 all support English version apps.
• LSG-6000 can measure with an accurate angle of 0.05°. The resolution angle for measurement is 0.001°.
• An angle (C) 180° (or 0-360°) separates the luminaire’s rotation around the mirror and its rotation around itself in the test.
• Plant lighting PAR, PPF, and PPFD spatial patterns testing is supported by LSG-6000CCD software as well as hardware. IES/LDT files can be exported from the system.

LISUN is a trusted name in the market known for designing and manufacturing electrical and lighting test instruments as per the national and international standards of various countries. Goniophotometer is among the major products. The blog features LSG-6000 goniophotometer and everything and you need to know about it. We offer the best quality and services acceptable throughout the globe as we sell our products in more than 150 countries.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep: Service@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
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