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26 May, 2023 950 Views Author: Raza Rabbani

Haze and Turbidity Measurement Techniques

Techniques for measuring haze and turbidity are necessary in a wide variety of businesses, such as the food and beverage industry, the cosmetics industry, the pharmaceutical industry, and the water treatment industry. These measures are used to assess the clarity and quality of liquids, both of which may have an effect on the performance of the product and the level of happiness experienced by the client.
It is vital to follow best practices and pick the proper measurement approach for the sample type in order to achieve accurate and reliable findings. This may be accomplished by choosing the suitable measurement technique.
Nephelometry and spectrophotometry are the two basic methods of measurement that are used for determining levels of haze and turbidity. The quantity of light that is absorbed by a sample is measured by spectrophotometry, while the amount of light that is scattered by a sample is measured by nephelometry. Both approaches have their pluses and minuses, and selecting one over the other is contingent on the nature of the sample as well as the intended use.
Nephelometry is often used for the analysis of samples that have a low turbidity, including drinking water and cosmetic items. The calculation for this measurement is predicated on the idea that the amount of light that is dispersed by the particles in the sample is directly proportional to the amount of those particles. The equipment takes readings in terms of Nephelometric Turbidity Units by measuring the angle of scattered light at a predetermined angle, which is generally set to 90 degrees (NTUs).
Spectrophotometry, on the other hand, is used for the analysis of materials that have a greater turbidity, such as milk and fruit juice. The method of measurement is predicated on the idea that the quantity of light that is absorbed by the sample is directly proportionate to the number of particles that are present in the sample. The absorbance units are the findings that are reported by the instrument after it has measured the quantity of light that is absorbed by the sample at a particular wavelength.
In order to get reliable findings from either nephelometry or spectrophotometry, you have to spend a lot of time and effort handling and preparing your samples. When it comes to measuring haze and turbidity, the following are some best practices that should be adhered to:

Select the appropriate measurement technique for the sample type: As was said earlier, the kind of sample in addition to the reason for doing the analysis are both factors that play a part in deciding the method that should be used. In order to acquire results that can be relied on and are reliable, it is important to make sure that the technique you select is the one that is most suited for the sample.
Ensure the instrument is calibrated: Calibration is very required to ensure that the gadget is producing accurate readings and should be performed regularly. The instrument has to be calibrated with a standard reference material that already has a value defined for its turbidity or haze content. This is necessary in order for the instrument to be accurate.
Prepare the sample correctly: In order to get accurate findings from measurements, one of the most important steps is the preparation of the samples. In order to get a sample that is consistent throughout, the sample must first be thoroughly combined, and then any particles that may be present must be extracted from the sample using either filtration or centrifugation.
Use a clean sample cell:  It is very necessary to ensure that the sample cell is clean and free of any particles or residues that can impede the accuracy of the measurement. You need to make sure that there are no residues left on the cell before using it, and the best way to do this is to give it a short rinse with the sample.
Use the correct measurement range: In order to get results from the experiment that can be relied upon, you will need to make certain that the apparatus is calibrated to the appropriate measurement range for the sample. If the measurement is outside of the range that the instrument is able to take, dilution or some other adjustment may be necessary.
Take multiple measurements:  To ensure that the results that are acquired are reliable and accurate, it is suggested to carry out a number of different measurements. In order to arrive at a reliable average, it is necessary to perform measurements on the sample in issue on no less than three different times.
Monitor and control the measurement environment: The environment in which the measurements are taken has to be under control so that accurate and reliable conclusions may be obtained from them. It is important to monitor and control the temperature and humidity, and the instrument has to be insulated from any external light sources that might affect the accuracy of the measurement.

In addition to these recommendations for best practices, it is very necessary to take into account the constraints imposed by the measuring method. Nephelometry, for instance, may be impacted by shifts in particle size and shape, while spectrophotometry can be influenced by variations in sample color. When analyzing the findings, it is essential to have a solid understanding of these limits and to take them into consideration.
In conclusion, haze and turbidity measuring methods are essential in a wide variety of sectors. In order to guarantee precise and trustworthy findings, sample preparation, handling, and equipment calibration must be performed with extreme care. LISUN may guarantee that their goods satisfy both regulatory standards and consumer expectations by adhering to industry best practices and using the measuring method that is most suited for the kind of sample being measured.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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