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05 Feb, 2023 1462 Views Author: root

Haze meter detect the optical performance of transparent film

Transparency is one of the important indicators to evaluate the optical properties of transparent film, but during the production process of transparent film, due to the stability of production processes, the optical performance of transparent film will change. In order to accurately evaluate the optical properties of the transparent film, you can use the haze meter to test.

Haze meter detect the optical performance of transparent film

Transparent film

The necessity of transparent film haze detection:
Plastic film can be seen everywhere in our lives, such as plastic wrap, file bags in the supermarket, or greenhouses and agricultural membranes in the farm, all of which are plastic film. Plastic film refers to a film made of polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, and other resin, which is used for packaging and used as a membrane layer. The output of Chinese plastic film accounts for about 20%of the total output of plastic products, and it is the fastest category of production growth in plastic products. From the perspective of the application field of Chinese plastic film, the most dosage, the most varieties, and the most widely used are the packaging industry. Its consumption accounts for about 65%, followed by about 30%of agriculture.

Such a widely application market will inevitably lead to its strict production process. Due to high requirements for thin film transparency in the production and application field, we generally use haze meter and light transmission to perform sample samples on its optical performance. Such a haze meter with simple measurement, accurate data, and rapid results is particularly important!

LISUN HM-700 haze meter fully meet by ASTM and ISO Mist measurement standards at the same time. The standards followed are: GB/T2410, ASTM D1003/D1044, ISO13468/ISO14782.
HAZE represents the degree of irregularity of transparent translucent materials. The transparent transparent semi -transparent material is transparent or bright.

HM 700 Haze And Transmittance Measurement

HM-700 Haze Meter and Spectrophotometer(Transmittance)

Optical principle
When a beam of parallel beam incident transparent and translucent material, affected by the reflection and absorption of the material, the volume of the optical flux through the incident light flux, the percentage of transmitted light flux and the percentage of incident light flux, we call it the light transmittance Tt.

Material components, surface defects, bubble impurities, etc. affect the direction of transmitted light. Some light will deviate from the incident direction. This part of the light is called the scattered light flux Td.

The haze value is the percentage of scattering light flux TD and the total light flux of the transmission. The traditional fog is called a wide -angle fog or near -angle fog.

The application of the Haze meter in the film industry:
The film is widely used in various fields such as agricultural film coverage, industrial and daily necessities, and chemical industry. Due to the high requirements for thin film transparency in the production and application field, we generally use a fog and light transmittance to perform the sample samples on its optical properties. Misty is also known as turbidity, the degree of transparent or translucent materials is not clear. The light transmission rate is represented by the percentage of the optical flux of the material to the influence of the incident.

There are many factors that affect the detection of haze and light transmission, involving sample preparation, sample processing time, sample surface status, and so on. Today, the effects of the surface state of the sample on the surface of the thin film and the mose detection. Mainly as follows:
1. The influence of the sample surface scratching on the thin film light transmission rate and mist
Adopt LISUN HM-700 haze meter to measure the fog value and light transmission rate value of the sample, and then process the surface surface, repeat the two parameters of the haze and pass rate, and check the surface scratching right The influence of light transmittance and mist.

Compared to found that abrasions have a greater impact on haze, and the impact on light transmission is relatively small. Therefore, in the film production and detection of thin film samples, they should avoid scratching.

2. The influence of pollution on the surface of the sample on the film light transmission and mist of the film
Determine the same thickness sample. Surface pollution has a greater effect on the mist value of the sample, and has less impact on the light transmission rate. The surface abradance and pollution increase the fog value. For light transmission, it is usually reduced, but some plastics such as PC and PS have slightly increased the surface of minor abrasions and pollution surfaces. This is because a part of the incident light is reflected on the sample, mild abrasions and pollution, which reduces the reflection and increases through the increase.

3. The effects of the thickness of the sample on the thin film light transmission rate and mist
Similar products, use different thickness samples, measure their light transmittance and mist with a HM-700 Haze Meter. As the thickness of the sample increases, the light transmission rate decreases, and the mist degree increases. What is the reason? Because the thickness increases, the more the light is absorbed. The light of the sample becomes less, and the light transmission rate decreases. At the same time, the increase in thickness causes the increase in light scattering, so the fog increases. It can be seen that only the light transmission rate and mist of the sample when the same thickness is at the same thickness.

In summary, the surface status of the sample is very critical for the detection of the film mog and light transmittance. Of course, after the quality of the product is tested, the above problems should be paid attention to during the transportation packaging process.

Haze Meter and Spectrophotometer HM-700 is designed for color, haze, spectral transmittance and total transmittance measurement of transparent and translucent materials such as plastic sheets, films, glass, LCD panel and touch screen, etc.

The advantages of LISUN Haze meter as below:
1. Comprehensive Transmission Color Parameters
Color and haze meter hascomprehensive color parameters, which can measure dozens of color parameters such as Lab, yellowness index, whiteness index, Gardner, Pt-Co / APHA / Hazen colors.

Haze meter detect the optical performance of transparent film

Parameter Setting

2. Comply with ASTM and ISO standards
The clarity and haze meter complies with both ASTM and ISO measurement standards. It can meet the following measurement standards ASTM D1003 / D1044, ISO13468 / ISO14782, JIS K7105, JIS K7361, JIS K7163 and other international standards.

Haze meter detect the optical performance of transparent film

Comply with ASTM and ISO standards

3. Different Light Sources for Different Measurement Requirements
Color and haze meter provides A, C and D65 measurement light source selection, and 24 types of measurement light source for color measurement.

Haze meter detect the optical performance of transparent film

Different Light Sources for Different Measurement Requirements

4. Compensation Measurement to Make Test Result More Accurate
It can realize the compensation measurement of transmittance and provide more accurate transmittance test results.

HM 700 Haze And Transmittance Measurement 4

Compensation Measurement to Make Test Result More Accurate

5. Haze QC software as Standard Accessory
Provide powerful haze, color, and transmittance measurement and analysissoftware, which can operate on a computer to generate and print test reports.

Haze meter detect the optical performance of transparent film

Haze QC software as Standard Accessory

6. Seven-inch Android Touch Screen for Better Testing Experience
Android operate system and touch screen for more convenient operation and better user experience.

Haze meter detect the optical performance of transparent film

Seven-inch Android Touch Screen for Better Testing Experience

7. Open Sample Measurement Area, Sample can be Measured Horizontally or Vertically
Open samplemeasurement area, which is no limit on sample size, you can perform horizontal or vertical measurement according to different samples.

8. Abundant Measurement Fixtures
Meet the measurement needs of different forms of sheet and liquid samples

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
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