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20 Oct, 2022 1285 Views Author: Saeed, Hamza

How can the LED Light Aging and Lumen Maintenance Test Instrument be used

To test and record the optical and electrical maintenance for a single LED or LED module, the LEDLM-80PL System for Testing LED Lumen Aging and Maintenance created in accordance with IES-LM-80 and TM-21. The software is based on the Arrhenius model and TM-21 to calculate the LED life. A GDJW/GW Series High-Temperature Chamber and a DC12010 DC Power Source are required for the LEDLM-80PL to function. The IES LM-84 and TM-28-compliant LEDLM-84PL LED Lumen Maintenance and Aging Life Test System is used to test and record the optical and electrical maintenance for LED luminaires.

To determine the LED life, the software is based on the Arrhenius model and TM-28. Although LEDs have a lengthy lifespan, this lifespan will vary depending on the driver’s current and working conditions. The life will typically last about 50K hours. In contrast to conventional light sources, LED light will progressively dim over time rather than going out all at once. This article is a detailed description of the LEDLM-80PL System for Testing LED Lumen Aging and Maintenance and it delves deep into the product details, functioning and characteristics.

LED product optical and energy efficiency testing

Temperature management is crucial during LED product performance tests. The junction temperature or housing hot spot temperature is often controlled by LED devices in accordance with pertinent national and international regulations. Control the hot spot temperature on the module’s heat sink for LED modules. Additionally, the ambient temperature serves as the baseline for items with LED applications. In order to evaluate the optical and energy efficiency of LED products, including devices, modules, and application products, it is crucial to use a temperature control method in the test equipment. Some LED devices have relatively great beam directivity.

The projection region of the beam and the location of the screen are relatively sensitive while measuring in the integrating sphere. It has been stated in both the CIE127 technical report and the IESNALM79 standard that using a sphere with a higher spectral reflectance is advised. material for inner wall covering. The US-based NIST is a global leader in establishing LED standard test procedures and standards and has set incredibly high standards for test equipment. The LED standard test apparatus created by Zhejiang University Tricolor Company for the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST is represented by the constant temperature integrating sphere.

LED life accelerated test

Tens of thousands of hours can pass before an LED device fails. How to assess a product’s life is a major challenge for the LED sector. An effective technique is an accelerated thermal stress test based on the LED junction’s operating temperature. In order to get the light decay curves of LEDs at various temperatures, the American LM-80 standard provides three test temperatures: 85°C, 55°C, and custom (25°C), with a test duration of 6000 hours. The test temperature is not specified in the LED life accelerated test standard that is being developed in my nation.

In general, the LED structural material properties must be taken into consideration while choosing the accelerated test thermal stress. Figure shows an accelerated test apparatus for LED life and dependability that my nation independently created. It can run tests in three different temperature zones simultaneously, with 30 samples per temperature zone. The detecting system monitors the forward current (defined electrical parameters) with time decay curve of the light intensity and chromaticity coordinates of each test LED sample in real time. The electrical parameters of the test, including the junction temperature (case temperature), are simultaneously recorded in real-time, and parameters like the LED’s effective life are automatically provided.

led light aging

LEDLM 80PL AL LED Optical Aging Test Instrument

LEDLM-80PL System for Testing LED Lumen Aging and Maintenance

LEDLM-80PL The IES-LM-80, IES-LM-82, TM-21, and GB2312-80 standards were followed in the development of the LED Lumen Maintenance and Aging Life Test System, and the software was built using the Arrhenius model. Although the lifespan of an LED will vary depending on the drive current and working conditions, it will typically last for about 50K hours.

Since LED light will not go off quickly, unlike traditional light sources, the LM-80 standard adds L70, L50, and other levels. LM-80PL TMP-8 Multiplex Temperature Meter, LMS-4000 Quick Test System for Photo and Color, CFO-1.5M Optical Fiber, LS2008R Digital Power Meter, LSP-18CH, LED Aging Control System The LED bulb switching power system, SLS-50W standard lamp, and CASE-19IN cabinet. A GDJW Series High and Low Temperature Chamber and an LSP Series AC Power Source are required for the LEDLM-80PL to function. Although the lifespan of an LED will vary depending on the drive current and working conditions, it will typically last for about 50K hours. Since LED light will not go off quickly, unlike traditional light sources, the LM-80 standard adds L70, L50, and other levels.

1) L70 (hour): maintenance of lumen at 70%
2) L50 (hour): Maintenance time at 50% lumen.

The Arrhenius model, which uses the following formula, predicts the LED life as follows:

1. P= PO exp (-ßt)
2. B= ß0 IFexp (-Ea/KTj)

Note: P0 is the initial lumen; P is lumen under heat and electricity; ß is the recession coefficient in a certain temperature; t is the time to electricity in a certain temperature; ß0 is a constant value, Ea.IF is working current, Tj is junction temperature, K is Boltzmann’s constant, and is activation energy.

firstly, we predict the LED life per 1000 hours. For example, we suppose the optical decade rate is in percent in 1000 hours former

Based on Formula One, L50 is: t=1000*in 0.5/lm (1-n %)
based on Formula One, L30 is: t=1000*In 0.7/lm(1-n%)

So we get:

Item Optical decay rate L50(h) L30(h)
85C 8% 8312.950414 4277.62127
70C 3% 22756.57306 11709.922

Product detail

Ripper to LM80, the LED typically exhibits very long operational life characteristics and depending on drive current and use conditions can be used for 50,000 hours or longer. The E di lumen maintenance and life test system include two parts of function: LED lumen maintenance life and also measures the LED colorimetric parameters maintenance curves such as CCT and spectrum.

The full system of LED L M-8 EPL includes the following items:

• LED agent control system with Arrhenius software LM80-PL: it measures will be 16 channels on the following curve photometric VS colorimetric VS power VS temperature VS time. The aging time can be maximum 20K hours it can calculate the life according to TM-21.
Multiple temperature tester TMP-16: to measure temperature for 16 channel samples it can communicate with PC via LM-80PL software.
• Photometric and colorimetric and electric parameters measurement system: to measure photometric, colorimetric, and electric parameters for 16 channels, all the instruments can communicate with PC via LM-8O PL software.
• Multi-channel power switch system to control the power for the test plan.
• Lamp adapter in high and low-temperature chamber design according to customers request maximum 16 pieces.
Other significant features of the LEDLM-80PL LED Lumen Maintenance and Aging Life Test System are:
• Note the changing curves of the electrical, colorimetric, and lumen characteristics against time.
• Test the light attenuation data and record it quickly. Then, use software to anticipate the LED life.
• To view a sample test report for the LEDLM-80PL, kindly click here (The LEDLM-84PL report is similar but only difference is based on TM-28)
• The LEDLM-80PL/LEDLM-84PL test system can simultaneously test 16 DUTs. (More DUTs may be specially created to meet the needs of customers.)
• Two sets of testing equipment are already included in the temperature chamber of the LEDLM-80PL/LEDLM-84PL test system.
• The system offers two options for the ageing test and LED lumen maintenance:

1. The LISUN LEDLM-80PL/LEDLM-84PL test system will be entirely autonomous and require no human operation during the 6000hour test, strictly in accordance with LM-80 or LM-84 to test up to 6000hours to obtain L50 and L70 test reports based on TM-21 or TM-28.
2. The LISUN LEDLM-80PL/LEDLM-84PL test system provides a fast acceleration of the DUT; the software was developed based on the Arrhenius Model to simulate 6000 hours of testing in a relatively short amount of time to obtain the L50 and L70 test reports based on TM-21 or TM-28. The testing company will save a tone of time with this method.

System Configuration

Take note of the colorimetric parameters’ time-versus-lumen and lumen-versus-time shifting curves. Also, test the light attenuation data and record it quickly; subsequent to that, software will forecast the LED life. Lastly, use the Arrhenius Model to improve the accuracy and dependability of the test results.

LM-80PL Arrhenius software-enabled LED ageing control system, TMP-8 multiplex temperature sensor, and LMS-4000 LS2008R Digital Power Meter, CFO-1.5M Optical Fiber, Quick Test System for Photo and Color, LSP-18CH The LED lamp’s switching power system, CASE-19IN Cabinet

A GDJW Series High and Low-Temperature Chamber and an LSP Series AC Power Source are required for the LEDLM-80PL to function.


To test and record the optical and electrical maintenance for a single LED or LED module, the LEDLM-80PL LED Lumen Maintenance and Aging Life Test System is created in accordance with IES-LM-80 and TM-21. The software is based on the Arrhenius model and TM-21 to calculate the LED life. A GDJW/GW Series High Temperature Chamber and a DC12010 DC Power Source are required for the LEDLM-80PL to function.

According to IES LM-84 and TM-28, the LEDLM-84PL LED Lumen Maintenance and Aging Life Test System is used to test and record the optical and electrical maintenance for LED luminaires. The software uses the TM-28 and Arrhenius models to calculate the lifespan of LEDs. The LEDLM-84PL requires a GDJW/GW Series High Temperature Chamber and LSP-1KVARC AC Power Source. Although LEDs have a long lifespan, their lifespans vary depending on the working environment and driver current. The life will typically last about 50K hours.

Company information

LISUN GROUP established LISUN INSTRUMENTS LIMITED in 2003. We have offices in China, Russia, India, and Korea where we offer sales and support. We constructed a high-end product showcase and accreditation lab in Shanghai in 2012. To design and manufacture lighting and electrical test devices, LISUN has established a new plant in China. Its quality management system has received stringent certification under ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Member, LISUN designs its products in accordance with CIE, IEC, and other global or national standards.

All goods have a CE certification and were verified by an independent lab. Our primary offerings include goniophotometers, integrating spheres, spectroradiometers, LED and CFL test instruments, photometers, colorimeters, surge generators, electrical safety testing, environmental test chambers, IP water and dust proof test equipment, high and low temperature humidity chambers, plug and switch testing, and AC and DC power supplies. Products from LISUN have been distributed to more than 150 nations and areas worldwide. Numerous well-known businesses around the world, including UL, SGS, NIST, NIM, UNDP, Philips, OSRAM, and others, are satisfied with its quality. LISUN attracts thousands of new clients. AcAAcAA Right Product, Right Price, and Right Service is the motto of a trust. AcAA . In the future, we’ll keep bringing more and better products to our clients.


What are the main features of the LEDLM-80PL LED Lumen Maintenance and Aging Life Test System?


1) Capture the changing curves of luminosity vs time and colorimetric parameters versus time.
2) Test the light attenuation data and record it quickly; subsequent to that, software will forecast the LED life.
3) Use the Arrhenius Model to improve the accuracy and dependability of the test results.

What two options are offered by the system for the ageing test and LED lumen maintenance?

1. The LISUN LEDLM-80PL/LEDLM-84PL test system will be entirely autonomous and require no human operation during the 6000hour test, strictly in accordance with LM-80 or LM-84 to test up to 6000hours to obtain L50 and L70 test reports based on TM-21 or TM-28.

2. The LISUN LEDLM-80PL/LEDLM-84PL test system provides a fast acceleration of the DUT; the software was developed based on the Arrhenius Model to simulate 6000 hours of testing in a relatively short amount of time to obtain the L50 and L70 test reports based on TM-21 or TM-28. The testing company will save a ton of time with this method.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep:  Service@Lisungroup.com , Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep:  Sales@Lisungroup.com , Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997


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