It is possible to test the reaction of goods when they are exposed to fluctuations in humidity by using a humidity chamber. This chamber is also called an environmental chamber. Manufacturers utilize this form of environmental testing to put their goods through their paces under the most extreme circumstances possible before releasing them.
Humidity chambers are used to evaluate the impact of various environmental conditions on items to determine how long they will remain usable and at what point they will fail. When engineers use the data they acquire, they may adjust their designs and use more robust materials.
The various types of humidity chambers enable testing to be done in either a static or dynamic condition, depending on the needed data and the kind of product tested. In prolonged testing, humidification chambers are used to examine how a specimen reacts to high moisture conditions after being subjected for many weeks or months in the chamber.
Working of humidity chamber
The devices that bring moisture and heat into a humidity chamber are the primary components of the chamber. The introduction of water into the chamber may be accomplished via several means, such as spraying or bathing the chamber. The same notion holds for heat that is delivered in the form of coils or heating elements, as well.
It is most often the case that humidity chambers are developed, constructed, and supplied to precisely match the conditions required by the client. Even though there are many different chambers, the fundamental components of heat and moisture are needed to provide the necessary humid conditions.
humidity chamber
Temperature and humidity are the two elements that have the most significant impact on the stability of a product, with humidity being the second most detrimental. For this reason, manufacturers test their goods for the effects of humidity variations, which might induce the expansion and contraction of the product. Steam generators, atomizers, and water baths are the three most common means of producing artificial humidity.
Steam generator
Water is heated within the chamber of a steam generator using immersion heaters. After being created by a tank of water, steam rises to the top of the chamber, where heaters create humidity and cool the steam. LISUN also provides the top quality humidity chambers worldwide.
The capacity of a steam generator humidity chamber to create a large volume of moisture with constant good quality water vapor is one of the most significant advantages of this kind of equipment.
Atomizer test chamber
Spray chambers with an atomizer generate moisture and humidity by spraying atomized water from a spray nozzle. During the passage of water through the chamber heater, it is heated, resulting in the creation of humidity. It is simple to operate an atomizer test chamber, and it is capable of creating large amounts of moisture throughout the testing procedure.
Water bath test chamber
While not as contained as a steam generator, water bath test chambers operate on the same principles as a steam generator. In the mixing plenum with the heater, a small water bath is installed. If any water vapors are present, they are picked up by the air as it travels through the bath. Because it just requires a tiny quantity of water and does not need the water to be at the boiling point, this kind of chamber responds quickly to changes in temperature.
Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.
Our main products are Goniophotometer, Integrating Sphere, Spectroradiometer, Surge Generator, ESD Simulator Guns, EMI Receiver, EMC Test Equipment, Electrical Safety Tester, Environmental Chamber, Temperature Chamber, Climate Chamber, Thermal Chamber, Salt Spray Test, Dust Test Chamber, Waterproof Test, RoHS Test (EDXRF), Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.
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