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08 Oct, 2021 1768 Views Author: Cherry Shen

How does Mirror Goniophotometer work

1. Luminaire rotating distribution mirror goniophotometer:
Goniophotometer adopts the measuring principle of static detector and rotating lamp to realize the measurement of light intensity distribution in all directions of the light source or lamp, which meets the requirements of CIE, IESNA and other international and domestic standards. It is equipped with different software to realize C-γ, A-α and B-β Various measurement methods.

Goniophotometer adopts the measuring principle of fixed detector and rotating lamp method. The measuring lamp is installed on a two-dimensional rotating worktable, and the luminous center of the lamp coincides with the rotating center of the rotating worktable through the laser beam of the laser sight. When the lamp rotates around the vertical axis, the detector at the same level as the center of the rotating worktable measures the light intensity values in all directions on the horizontal plane. When the lamp rotates around the horizontal axis, the detector measures the light intensity in all directions on the vertical plane. Both the vertical axis and the horizontal axis can be continuously rotated within the range of ±180° or 0°-360°. After obtaining the light intensity distribution data of the lamps in all directions according to the measurement lamps, the computer can calculate other luminosity parameters and light distribution curves.

In order to ensure the stable installation of lamps, the goniophotometer can be divided into the following two structures according to different measurement coordinate systems:
A. Double column structure (B-β and A-α plane coordinate goniophotometer system)
Mainly used for measuring floodlights, luminaire, etc. When installing the lamp, make the luminous center of the lamp consistent with the rotation center of the rotating worktable. In the B-β coordinate system, the lamp axis coincides with the horizontal axis of the rotating table. In the A-α coordinate system, the axis of the lamp is perpendicular to the horizontal axis of the rotating table.

B. Single column structure (C-γ plane coordinate goniophotometer system and conical surface coordinate goniophotometer system)
Mainly used to measure indoor lamps such as downlights and grille lamps and outdoor lamps such as LED street lamps. When installing the lamp, make the luminous center of the lamp consistent with the rotation center of the rotating worktable. The optical axis of the lamp coincides with the horizontal axis of the rotating table.

LM-79 Moving Detector Goniophotometer (Mirror Type C) AL

LM-79 Moving Detector Goniophotometer (Mirror Type C) 

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are Goniophotometer, Integrating Sphere, SpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator, EMI Receiver, EMC Test Equipment, Electrical Safety Tester, Environmental Chamber, Temperature Chamber, Climate Chamber, Thermal Chamber, Salt Spray Test, Dust Test Chamber, Waterproof Test, RoHS Test (EDXRF), Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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