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10 Sep, 2021 2347 Views Author: Cherry Shen

How is photometry measured?

Photometry is a method that estimates the concentration by measuring wavelengths of light of organic and inorganic compounds in a solution. Photometric measurement is critical for water quality management when heavy metals, pesticides, and more are detected.

The quality management and development of lighting in a human context are essential for photometric measurements. This includes all displays, from displays on car dashboards and TVs to LEDs and general lighting used in buildings. Goniophotometer is a perfect device for photometry measurement.

Techniques of photometric measurement
Photometric measurements are based on the multi-type device photodetector, which generates an electric signal exposed to light. Accessible applications include switching on and off luminaires depending on ambient light and light meter conditions used to measure the total quantity of light on a spot.In the lighting business, more sophisticated types of photometric measuring are often employed. Sphere photometers may measure the directed light flow from lights and consist of a globe with a big diameter and a lamp placed in the center. A photocell spins in three axes around the light, measuring the lamp’s output on both sides.

Goniophotometers and spinning mirror photometers are used for testing lamps and lighting fittings that maintain the cell fixed at a sufficient distance to be considered a point source. Rotating mirror photometers utilize a motorized spotlight system to reflect from the luminaires in all directions into the remote photocell; goniophotometers use a 2-axis rotating table to alter the orientation of the luminaire towards the photocell. In each instance, this data shows the luminous intensity and is utilized in the lighting design.

Perfect Photometric Measurements
Photometry’s primary goal is to mimic the human eye’s spectrum response. Electronic sensors have significantly different response characteristics than the specified CIE standard observer. Therefore you must spectrally adjust photometer sensors. This may be done in two ways: software or hardware. The hardware integration of the filter and photodiode spectrum response is improved. The process of filter-matching requires layered colored-glass filters. Until the detector’s response matches the CIE curve, each element attenuates.

An electric signal is an objective assessment of a person’s view of light. The photometers operate by absorbing light, sending it through a filter that modifies the spectrum, and measuring the light through which a photosensitive sensor is used. The detector detects, magnifies, and displays light energy. And the combination filter/detector imitates the eye response.

Photometric Measurement Applications
Light meters and imaging photometers are used to evaluate display uniformity and photometric measurements.
1. Automotive Dashboards
2. Phones
3. Instruments
4. Night vision gear
5. Computers
6. Tablets
7. TV’s

In the aerospace and automobile sectors, tiny characters on instrument panels and cockpit displays are carefully regulated. LISUN will provide you the best goniophotometers for photometric measurements. Photometers also test the contrast ratios of OLED flat panel displays, CRTs, and LCDs. Photometric uses include filter optical density and transmittance, theatre screen illumination, ISO ergonomic certification of computer displays, and projection system uniformity. LEDs, CRT phosphors, and discharge lamps have narrowband spectra that vary significantly from the broadband incandescent sources used to calibrate most photometers. Lens flare and polarization errors may skew measurements of liquid crystal displays.


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