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05 Mar, 2024 547 Views Author: Cherry Shen

How long does it take for a High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber to detect electrical products

In industrial production, when testing electronic components, it is necessary to use a High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber for detection and testing. It is used for temperature cold and hot impact testing. The time for temperature conversion is short and the change is fast, so that the temperature impact of product testing can be achieved. Under ultra-high and ultra-low temperature conditions for a period of time, chemical changes or physical damage caused by thermal expansion and contraction of the product are detected for a short time to determine the quality of the product.

The High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber is composed of an equipment chamber, an air circulation system, a refrigeration system, and a control system. In addition, it is divided into three areas: high temperature, low temperature, and shock testing. The wind circulation system generally adopts an adjustable wind direction structure; The air conditioning refrigeration structure forms a temperature humidity treatment system; The heating system adopts electric heating; The control and display operation interface adopts temperature humidity separation and combined temperature humidity separation controller.


1. The low temperature did not meet the test index

It is necessary to observe the temperature change of the low-temperature impact chamber, whether the temperature drops very slowly, or if the temperature drops to a certain point and then rises again. The workroom should be dry before conducting the test before conducting the high and low temperature impact test. The sample should not be placed too much.

2. Sudden failure of the High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber during test operation

The control instrument displays corresponding fault prompts and audible alarm prompts. The tester can quickly check the faults by referring to the troubleshooting section in the use of the equipment, or invite professional personnel to quickly eliminate the faults to ensure the normal operation of the test. Other environmental testing instruments may encounter other phenomena during use, which requires specific analysis and elimination.

3. During the high temperature test, the temperature change cannot reach the test temperature value

The operator can troubleshoot whether there is a problem with the electrical system one by one. If the temperature rises slowly, check whether the regulating baffle of the air circulation system opens normally. If not, check whether the air circulation motor operates normally. If the temperature overshoot is too strong, it is necessary to adjust the PID setting parameters. If the temperature is too high for high temperature protection, it is necessary to check whether the controller is damaged. If it is damaged, it is necessary to replace the control instrument.

When using High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber, if attention is paid to maintenance, the probability of failure will be very low:

1. After the completion of the equipment sample weighing inspection time, try to take and place the sample when the machine is turned off and the staff must wear dry, safe electrical, and heat-resistant rubber gloves.

2. Regarding insufficient equipment cleaning efforts, the ground near and at the bottom of the equipment should be kept clean at all times to prevent a large amount of dust from being sucked into the diesel generator, causing accidents and reducing characteristics.

3. As an important part of the test chamber, refrigeration must undergo a safety inspection once every six months to check whether all air conditioning copper pipes have leaks, as well as all functional tee joints and welded joints. If there are oil stains or leaks, they must be immediately addressed.

4. When loading or taking inspection samples from the High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber, the samples should not be touched with the door and window sealing strips to avoid damage to the window sealing strips or reduce their service life.

5. There is a problem with the internal maintenance of the equipment. During the operation process of the test chamber, it is necessary to first remove the internal sediment. In work, the room should be cleaned up and down at least once a year. When cleaning, a vacuum cleaner should be used to remove the dust in the room.

6. The cooling tower in the refrigeration unit of the equipment must be maintained on time once a month to keep it clean and tidy. Use a wireless dust collector to remove the dust adhering to the wire mesh of the cooling pipe radiator, or use a hard brush or a high pressure nozzle to blow clean and tidy dust after starting. Additional dust on the cooling tower can cause the high pressure cabinet of the refrigeration unit to resolve and cause false alarms.

How long does it take for electronic products to be tested in a High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber?

1. The products of High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber need to solve the problems of insulation resistance, withstand voltage, and contact resistance by themselves.

2. The experiment of environmental reliability, that is, the ability of a product to complete a specified function within a specified condition and time. During the design and application process of this product, it is necessary to withstand the impact of its own, mechanical environment, and external climatic environment, and at the same time ensure normal and effective operation. First, it is required to inspect the cold and hot impact test chamber for testing, which is generally divided into research and development, pilot production, and batch production.

3. EMC inspection and EMC refers to the ability of a High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber or system to operate and operate in its electromagnetic environment without generating intolerable electromagnetic interference to any equipment in the environment. On the one hand, while the equipment is in normal operation, the electromagnetic interference generated by the equipment around a certain environment during normal operation is not allowed to exceed a certain limit. On the other hand, the electromagnetic interference generated by the equipment to a certain environment must have a certain degree of immunity, that is, electromagnetic sensitivity.

High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber can be used in the temperature shock test and fast-changing temperature test in a wide range such as aviation, air space, electronic components and material research.

HLST-500D has two separate chambers: high temperature chamber and low temperature chamber.
HLST-500T has three separate chambers: high temperature chamber, low temperature chamber and test chamber.

How long does it take for a High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber to detect electrical products

HLST 500D High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber


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