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08 Apr, 2024 601 Views Author: Cherry Shen

How to operate the UV aging test chamber

The UV aging test chamber uses a fluorescent UV lamp as the light source to conduct accelerated weathering tests on the material by simulating ultraviolet radiation and condensation in natural sunlight, in order to obtain the results of the material’s weathering resistance. It can simulate environmental conditions such as ultraviolet, rain, high temperature, high humidity, condensation, and darkness in natural climates. By reproducing these conditions, they are combined into a cycle and automatically executed to complete the number of cycles.

Proper operation of the UV aging test chamber is particularly important, as improper operation may cause unnecessary malfunctions and safety hazards. For your safety, we hope to avoid some problems;

1. Connect the power supply and grounding wire;
2. Open the chamber door and place the sample in the correct way (you can search on the website or call to inquire);
3. Set the “total test time”; There are three gears on the time controller, with “h”, “M”, and “S” representing hours, minutes, and seconds respectively. The running time can be selected by scrolling up and down buttons;


4. Set the “lighting time”; The mutual conversion between “lighting” and “humidity is condensation” can be set, namely lighting (daytime illumination) and humidity (night condensation), and the operation method is the same as setting the total time;
5. Press the “Start” button and “Light up” button;
6. “Temperature setting”: Press the “Mode key” on the surface of the UV test chamber instrument, and then press “^ ^” to adjust the temperature. After adjustment, press the “Mode key” to return, and the word will remain stable without flashing. The setting is complete;

7. After setting all of the above, the device enters the running state;
8. When the experimental time ends, the UV aging test chamber will automatically be in standby mode;
9. Open the door of the test chamber and take out the sample;
10. When independent lighting testing is required, please set the “lighting timing” to the same time as the “total timing” on the other side to the “maximum value”;

How to extend the service life of the UV aging test chamber:

1. When the equipment is in a shutdown state, cut off the power supply and keep it dry;
2. After each experiment, drain the water inside and wipe the studio and chamber dry;
3. To prevent dust and other intrusion, it is recommended to cover it with plastic film or cloth after use; If there is dust, it should be removed in a timely manner;

4. The sensing device inside the test chamber must not be subjected to strong impact;
5. If the equipment needs to be installed in a well ventilated and constant temperature place, it is recommended to install a ventilation fan to maintain indoor ventilation. If necessary, air conditioning can be installed in the place;
6. When there is a malfunction in the UV test chamber that cannot be eliminated by oneself, do not disassemble and repair it without authorization. Please notify the manufacturer in a timely manner for repair;

7. When the equipment needs to be turned on again after being unused for a long time, it is necessary to check the power supply, water source, and various components, and confirm that there are no problems before starting use;
8. The equipment wastewater discharge system must be installed in place;
9. It is prohibited for corrosive chemicals, combustibles, explosives, etc. to come into contact with the equipment;
10. When using the UV aging test chamber without wearing protective glasses, please do not look directly at the lamp tube;

UV aging test Chamber is designed for evaluating the resistant performance of non-metallic materials, organic materials (plastics, paints, coatings, rubbers, etc.) under the specified conditions such as sunlight, temperature, and other climatic conditions. It creates a man-made testing environment imitating the natural light source such as sunlight and other damages in the nature, such as rain and dew damage, to impose on the materials and to assess the degree of color changing and fading under the accelerated environment conditions. The chamber fully complies with the requirements of Standard ISO 4892-1ISO 4892-3, GB/T16585-1996, GB14522-93, GB/T16422.3-1997, ASTMG53 and etc., provides the best UV sunlight simulation, and is easy to use and operate.

How to operate the UV aging test chamber

UV-263LS UV aging test Chamber


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