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13 Jan, 2022 1628 Views Author: root

How to update Microsoft Signature USB driver for Spectroradiometer and Integrating Sphere

For Windows 7/8 USB driver coding, Microsoft explicitly requires drivers to use EV code signature, and after Windows 10/11, the EV coding signature is not enough but need to submit to Windows Hardware Development Center Dashboard to get Microsoft code signature, or the USB driver can’t be run in the newest Windows 10/11 (see Fig 1) even you Disable Digital Driver Signature Enforcement

How to update Microsoft Signature USB driver for Spectroradiometer and Integrating Sphere

Fig 1 USB Driver Invalid Due To Driver Coding Not Be Microsoft Certificated

Until Oct 2021, LISUN already got the Microsoft Signature USB driver for all our products such as LPCE-3 CCD Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere Compact System, LPCE-2 High Precision Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere System, LSRF-3 Lamp Start, Run-up Time and Flicker Test System and Goniophotometer System.

If you are LISUN new customers, you can installed the new USB driver with Miscrosoft Signature directly (Fig 2 Orange marked will be Microsoft but not others) , then it will make sure the instruments can be run in Win 7, Win8 and Win 10, Win 11. If you are our LISUN old customers, please follow up the following steps to install the new USB driver with Miscrosoft Signature:
1. Ask the newest Miscrosoft Signature USB driver from LISUN service engineer
2. Go to “Device Manager” and you will see as Fig 2  (Please google how to go to “Device Manager if you don’t know how to)
3. Choose LISUN products model number which has yellow exclamation mark (See Fig 2 Red showed), then go to Driver page, and Click Uninstall Device as Fig 2 green showed
4. Plug out the USB and plug in the USB again, then it request to re-install new driver. Please follow the 
5. After you re-install the new USB driver, the Fig 2 Orange cycle which should be display “Microsoft”, it means you already installed the Miscrosoft Signature USB driver for this instruments. 

How to update Microsoft Signature USB driver for Spectroradiometer and Integrating Sphere

Microsoft Signature For USB Driver

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