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30 Sep, 2022 1663 Views Author: Cherry Shen

How to use a digital oscilloscope

What is a digital oscilloscope:
Digital oscilloscope is a high-performance oscilloscope manufactured by a series of technologies such as data acquisition, a / D conversion and software programming. Digital oscilloscopes generally support multi-level menus and can provide users with a variety of choices and analysis functions. Some oscilloscopes can provide storage to save and process waveforms. At present, high-end digital oscilloscopes mainly rely on American technology. For oscilloscopes within 300MHz bandwidth, domestic brand oscilloscopes can compete with foreign brands in performance and have obvious cost-effectiveness advantages.


Digital oscilloscope can be divided into digital storage oscilloscope (DSOs), digital fluorescence oscilloscope (dpos), signal oscilloscope (MSOs) and sampling oscilloscope. It can transform the electrical signals invisible to the naked eye into visible images, which is convenient for people to study the changing process of various electrical phenomena. Oscilloscopes use narrow electron beams composed of high-speed electrons to hit the screen coated with fluorescent substances to produce small light spots. Under the action of the measured signal, the electron beam is like the pen tip of a pen, which can depict the change curve of the instantaneous value of the measured signal on the screen. The oscillograph can be used to observe the waveform curve of various signal amplitudes changing with time, and can also be used to test various electric quantities, such as voltage, current, frequency, phase difference, modulation amplitude, etc.

The microprocessor is used for control and data processing of the digital oscilloscope, which enables the digital oscilloscope to have the functions that art does not have, such as advanced trigger, combined trigger, burr capture, waveform processing, hard copy output, floppy disk recording, and long-time waveform storage. At present, the band width of the digital oscilloscope also exceeds 1GHz, which exceeds the performance of art in many aspects. Its use is increasingly popular. Due to the large performance difference between the oscilloscope and the analog oscilloscope, if it is not used properly, a large measurement error will be generated, thus affecting the test task.

Here are the digital oscilloscope three ways to use:
1. Two buttons of oscilloscope
Auto: the automatic setting function adjusts various control values to produce an input signal display suitable for observation. Run / stop: the oscilloscope is collecting the triggered information / the oscilloscope has stopped collecting waveform data.

2. Signal display control
Operation of horizontal control button: horizontal menu, change horizontal scale and waveform position. The center in the horizontal direction of the screen is the time reference point of the waveform. Adjust the position button to move the waveform left and right.
Operation of vertical control button: display waveform, adjust vertical scale and position, and set input parameters. Each channel needs to be adjusted separately. The waveform can be moved up and down by adjusting the position button.

3. Oscilloscope trigger mode
The “trigger” of the oscilloscope is to synchronize the scanning of the oscilloscope with the observed signal, so as to display a stable waveform. There are three basic trigger modes of oscilloscope: automatic mode (auto), normal mode / normal mode (NORM) and single mode (single).

LISUN lauched the OSP Series Digital Oscilloscope was designed and produced by high accuracy electronic components and modules. The test accuracy is world high class. It is used in all kinds of electronic products testing.

How to use a digital oscilloscope

OSP1102 Digital Oscilloscope

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