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03 Jul, 2023 922 Views Author: Cherry Shen

How to use the esd generator gun to do the esd gun test

The esd generator gun is an important equipment in electromagnetic compatibility measurement and testing for electrostatic discharge immunity testing. You have encountered static electricity energy in your daily life, but you may not be aware of it. For example, when you are electrocuted by a door handle after walking through a carpet during a dry period of time, you experience an ESD event. When you remove clothes from the dryer, they stick together, commonly known as “electrostatic adhesion”, which is caused by static charges. The most eye-catching form is lightning in thunderstorms, which is a huge electrostatic discharge.

The working principle of esd generator gun:
The principle of ESD discharge: In a certain electric field, there is an unbalanced or uneven distribution of charges, or there is a voltage difference, and either must exist before charge transfer or strong discharge can occur. ESD phenomenon simulation: When a pointed object approaches and a circular object approaches, it disrupts the balance of the entire electrostatic system in the environment, generating energy or charge transfer or conversion.

ESD gun test:
1. Contact discharge
In the contact discharge method, stress can be directly applied to the EUT or the coupling plane adjacent to the EUT. Before each test pulse, the capacitor is charged to the required level, but its voltage is maintained on the probe of the generator through a vacuum relay. Apply the probe to an appropriately selected point on the EUT or coupling plane. Then trigger the generator to close the relay contacts, and the capacitor voltage is applied to the EUT through the probe. When the voltage is discharged through the combined series impedance of the generator, EUT, and ground plane, this will generate current pulses. The number of times required to repeat the action at each position with appropriate polarity and level.

2. Air discharge
The same generator is used for air discharge methods, but has a circular rather than pointed probe tip. The capacitor is charged to the required level as mentioned earlier, but the voltage is now continuously applied to the probe, keeping the probe away from the EUT. For each test pulse, the tip is cleverly raised to a selected point on the EUT until it comes into contact. Prior to this, the air gap between the tip and EUT will be broken down and the discharge current will flow, as mentioned earlier, limited by the combined series impedance, air gap, EUT, and return path of the generator. Similarly, repeat the action at the appropriate polarity and level for the required number of times at each position.

Layout of ESD electrostatic discharge testing:
ESD pulses have a rise time of sub nanoseconds, so preventive measures for RF layout are crucial.
1. The test must recreate the actual discovered fast rise time, as this is an important parameter determining the path of discharge through the EUT and the response of the EUT itself. The ground Plane of reference (GRP) is an integral part of the setting, and the return lead of the generator must be well connected with it, because this connection forms part of the current return path.


2. The indirect discharge part of the test uses two other planes different from GRP, called the horizontal coupling plane (HCP) and the vertical coupling plane (VCP). The discharge of these aircraft simulates the stress generated by radiation sites radiating from real life to nearby objects.
3. Each coupling plane is connected to the GRP through resistive leads to ensure that any charge flows out within a few microseconds. The structure of these leads is crucial: each end should be close to a resistor, isolating the lead length and connection between them, and neutralizing their stray coupling.
4. Although the rated power is not important, the resistor itself should be able to withstand high pulse dV/dt without damage, so the carbon composition type is suitable.
5. For tens of nanoseconds of ESD events, this plane carries a full stress voltage, which is capacitive coupled to the EUT. Any stray capacitance from a plane to an object outside of the EUT will modify the voltage and current waveforms of the plane, thereby modifying the applied stress.
6. Therefore, it is important to maintain a clear space of at least 1 meter around the EUT, which means that the desktop setting is somewhat detached from walls or other objects.
7. Similarly, the separation requirement from VCP to EUT is 10cm; Even a small change in distance can lead to significant changes in coupling with EUT, so convenient methods to control it, such as plastic 10cm spacers on flat surfaces, are helpful.

What harm can ESD cause?
Not many around you. If you get an electric shock when touching a Home computer, stereo or other electronic equipment, some damage may be caused, but this possibility is very small. Most likely, your computer will reset or your stereo will erase all the stations you recorded. Most companies have designed ESD protection measures in their products.

Of course, if you have already disassembled the computer or stereo, and an ESD event occurs when contacting internal components, you are likely to damage or destroy electronic circuits. When you come into contact with internal parts and components, the protection designed in these products is no longer effective, as individual components typically have little or no built-in ESD protection. Considering this, please consider the factory where your computer or stereo is manufactured, where the personnel and machines working there are constantly in contact with the internal operations and components of these products. The cost of ESD in such factories may be surprisingly high. Electrostatic discharge in manufacturing facilities can cause various defects and problems in the products assembled there, and it may also damage sensitive equipment and machines used in the manufacturing process. ESD is a huge problem for factories that produce everything from computers and sound systems to electronic components.

ESD simulator guns (Electrostatic Discharge Generator/Electrostatic Gun/ESD Guns) is in full compliance with IEC 61000-4-2EN61000-4-2ISO10605, GB/T17626.2, GB/T17215.301 and GB/T17215.322.

How to use the esd generator gun to do the esd gun test

ESD61000-2_Electrostatic Discharge Simulator

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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