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28 Sep, 2022 1452 Views Author: Saeed, Hamza

How you can use a LISUN Vibration Table for vibration testing

The terms “shaker table” and “vibration table” can refer to a variety of things in the field of vibration testing. Shaker tables are used for a variety of testing. These include vibration testing of structures, dynamic transducer calibration and general vibration testing of components. Shaker tables can be categorized under any of the following product categories. These include general purpose platform vibration shakers, horizontal tables, slip tables, head expanders, and shaker combinations.

You can use the vibration test systems that LISUN provides. This can be to check the responsiveness and dependability of your components and products under vibration and shock loads. This implies that a wide range of products may be verified in a timely manner while adhering to standards. These can include cellphones, satellite thrusters, battery systems and much more.

What is Vibration Test System?
Vibration test system is used for evaluating industrial products against vibrations. This system is made up of a vibration generator and a vibration control system. It also has a power amplifier as well. The system provides you with a vibration test. This helps you to cope with different kinds of loads. These include sine vibration, random vibration, mechanical shock pulse and replication of real-time trace.

This test system generates vibration according to the parameters of arbitrary force, acceleration, and frequency. It can help you assess the endurance of different kinds of industrial products through the application of vibration load. LISUN vibration test System simulate the vibration environment under the laboratory condition. It tests the impact strength as well as reliability of various vibration test applications.

vibration testing

Electrodynamic Vibration Generator System

The impact strength as well as the dependability of various vibration test applications are tested using the LISUN electromagnetic vibration testing system. The device simulates the vibration environment under laboratory conditions. Simulations of the replication of sinusoidal, random, resonant search and dwell, classical shock and road models, etc. can be accomplished in the lab with the help of a vibration testing equipment. It is necessary for new product research and development as well as product quality assurance.

The LISUN electromagnetic vibration testing system was specifically created to accommodate long-term operation requirements. Vibration resistant bases can be installed to produce both vertical as well as horizontal vibrations. The basic platform has a high-performance airbag shock isolation system installed. This is so that the amount of vibration that is communicated to the building is kept to a minimum. Most of the time extra foundation is not required.

To provide technical assistance for setting up product quality inspection, a full set of vibration testing systems is used. It is composed of a shaker, power amplifier, and vibration measuring control system. LISUN Vibration Table is in accordance with the pertinent national as well as international standards.

Where can you use LISUN Vibration Table?
These devices can be used for various purposes. These include qualification testing, electronic assembly, computer equipment testing, avionics and military hardware testing, satellite component testing. You can also conduct product and packaging testing as well as general stress screening with these devices.

What mechanism do vibration test systems operate on?
The loud speakers of the audio systems are the vibration generators for the vibration test equipment. They utilize vibration controllers in the place of using a sound source for the purpose of powering the vibration generators.


The idea is similar to audio systems. Here powerful speakers amplify as well as transform electronic signals from various sources (such CDs) into sound. The loud speakers of the audio systems are the vibration generators for the vibration test equipment. They do not use a sound source to power the vibration generators that feed electricity via the amplifiers. Instead they use vibration controllers. The distinction is that the vibration controllers use the signals from the transducers mounted on the specimens and/or vibration tables. This is to monitor their motions to adjust the vibrations to the required test conditions.

Vibration Generator
The generator is based on the “Fleming’s left hand rule”. When a wire is placed in a magnetic field, an electric current flows through it. It creates a force that is perpendicular to both the magnetic field as well as the direction of the current.

Vibration Controller
Simply using the vibration data collected in the field or from test specimens won’t be able to replicate the original waveforms. The waveforms will be completely distorted. This is due to the properties of the amplifiers, coupled dynamics of the vibration generators and test specimens. The vibration controllers are the tools that enable the vibration generators to produce the desired vibration characteristics or dynamics automatically. Each of our clients receives a unique set of IMV vibration controllers that are made to suit their specific requirements. User-Friendliness has always been the goal.

Power Amplifier
The power amplifier’s job is to feed the vibration generator driving current. It is then used to transform the little electrical signal produced by the vibration controller into a larger, higher voltage current. The switching amplifier system is used by the power amplifiers from IMV. To contribute to energy and space savings, they mostly use the top-tier, highly efficient, and compact power modules.

Types of Vibration Testing
Sine vibration testing
You have the option of vibrating while sweeping a fixed time or vibrating with a fixed period. This test is required close to structures with naturally occurring frequencies (e.g. fans as well as motors). Additionally, a sweep test can be used to determine the sample’s natural frequency (i.e., the product’s weakness).

1. Sweep test
Sweep test is done to gradually shift the frequency from one frequency to another. This happens while generating a sine wave with its frequency component. The waveform is ever-evolving and continuous.

2. Spot check
Spot check is done to continually produce a sine wave with a component at a particular frequency for a predetermined amount of time. The waveforms remain the same (at the same frequency).

Shock vibration test
As implied by the name, it mimics the vibration caused when a desk is struck by a van or a car is struck by a dog. The horizontal axis is also used in the IMV controller. This done to provide the oscillation that replicates the measured wave form of the time axis.

Random vibration test
This is an erratic waveform that can only be characterized statistically. Its amplitude and frequency cannot be predicted at any given time. Vibration tests can be completed quickly since it is easy to vibrate with a variety of frequency components at the same time as adding random vibration. This is the vibration that comes from the road surface when a car is moving or when a rocket blasts off into space. The real vibration that takes place may nearly be referred to as random vibration.

Characteristics of LISUN Vibration Table
High Performance and Reliability
The DSP processor implements closed-loop control. The PC is not a part of the control loop. This assures a real-time and effective control system, prompt and quick response to any changes in the test system, and high precision and dependability of the control. High precision analysis is effectively ensured by the 24-bit resolution ADC, low-noise hardware, and integrated analog and digital anti-aliasing filters found on all input channels.

Simplicity of Operation Performance
The Windows-based application program for the vibrating shaker table is user-friendly. It is also packed with extra features. The automated test report generation of the vibration testing and shaker testing system make tedious as well as repetitive test procedures simple. The USB2.0 interface makes it more directly connected to the computer. The testing parameters are extensive and rigorous as well.

Powerful Functionality and Flexibility
The controller for electrodynamic shaker systems is a potent vibration control platform that can handle a variety of challenging jobs. Different apps can be set up to perform a variety of analysis activities on the same hardware platform to satisfy your various test analysis requirements. The vibration shaker controller utilizes a modular design that allows customers to customize the corresponding hardware as well as software to match their unique demands.

Test Safety
The controller for an electrodynamic shaker system can offer small magnitude signal control. It is to gain a sneak peek at system vibration control. This method can aid test engineers in generally understanding the transfer function and other system features. It can also help them determine the noise level in advance. To ensure the utmost safety of testers, test items, and electrodynamic vibration system, there are also a variety of security checks and interlock Settings. Press the built-in termination key right away to stop the test if the shaker vibration system is abnormal.

The Test Report Generation is very easy
You only need to click the report generation button to get the most recent trial results. Support one-click quick generation of word format or PDF test reports. You may easily alter and create a horizontal table and shaker to meet the requirements of various test reports. It can be sent online, printed directly, and given a print preview.

Electrodynamic vs Hydraulic Shakers
A strong current amplifier receives a signal from the shaker via a frequency generator. This generates an electromagnetic force that moves the shaker’s armature up and down the field coil. The coil is a sizable polarized electric magnet situated inside the shaker’s body.
The hydraulic shaker moves the shaker head up and down. It does so by using a strong hydraulic pump to generate pressures of 2200 psi and flow rates of 55 gallons per minute. The vertical movement is controlled by a proportional valve. It moves the piston up and down by applying negative control voltage and positive control voltage, respectively. This voltage is being produced by the vibration controller’s frequency generator.

Technology is complimentary between the two types of shakers. Despite having a bigger displacement, the hydraulic shaker cannot react to control frequency as quickly (6 inches of head movement peak to peak). The electrodynamic vibration table, on the other hand, can react swiftly to the control frequency. But its displacement is only as much as the flux concentration of the field magnet (1-1.5 inches peak to peak).

The simplest approach to distinguish between the two types of shakers is to think about the kinds of vibrations they are imitating. This is because the various shakers have distinct frequency ranges. A hydraulic shaker simulates the transportation vibrations. These occur when a semi-trailer strikes a curb in the parking lot, an automobile crosses a bridge, or a cargo ship is rocked by ocean waves. Higher frequency vibrations can be produced using the electrodynamic shaker. It can also mimic the vibrations of a rocket’s booster stage or a sizable church bell.

In conclusion, when creating the ideal test plan for your products, it’s critical to draw on the resources and knowledge of reliability engineers. This is because every product and testing procedure is different.

How is vibration testing useful for you?
Vibration testing is helpful in building high-quality, affordable products and shipping containers. This is done by precisely assessing sensitivity to sine or random vibrations. This testing helps establish how well products can physically and functionally endure forces encountered. It may be in handling, transit, and service situations. This is helpful during product design, regulatory qualification, as well as production.

What is vibration testing performed?
Vibration testing is done for a variety of reasons. These can include finding out if a product can withstand the rigors of the environment in which it will be used, to ensure that the final design won’t break during shipping, for Environmental Stress Screening to find production flaws, or even as a form of Accelerated Stress Testing. Vibration tests are frequently used to increase the dependability of telecommunications equipment, consumer electronics, avionics instrumentation, as well as military hardware.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep:  Service@Lisungroup.com , Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep:  Sales@Lisungroup.com , Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997


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