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27 Oct, 2022 1182 Views Author: Saeed, Hamza

How you can use LISUN’s Magnetic Shielding Cabinet

A conductive barrier entirely envelops a gadget in order to shelter it from outside interference. This is known as electromagnetic shielding. The gadget can also prevent emissions from interfering with other devices in the same area. It is an insulating method. This is because it lessens or stops the transfer of energy. In this scenario, electromagnetic energy acts as a barrier between a high output device and the environment. It can also act as a shield against electromagnetic fields to safeguard a sensitive equipment. By their very nature, environmental electromagnetic circumstances are unpredictable. This performance risk is intended to be eliminated through shielding.

Nowadays, almost everything has an embedded digital processing chip. These include greeting cards, kitchenware, manufacturing equipment, mobile phones, and MRI scanners. Widespread use of digital technology causes a significant increase in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cellular, and other types of communication. These may include higher-frequency broadcasts.

The end effect is a growing reliance on technology. Whether it be in a large, high-tech vehicle or a tiny, wirelessly enabled sensor. Whether they are engineering teams, design studios, appliance producers, telecommunications corporations, medical imaging providers, or other businesses. They all need interference testing to ensure they are in compliance with regulations. Use of shielded enclosures is required for interference testing. These isolation devices are crucial to data security and the avoidance of interference with essential measurement and processing equipment.

magnetic shielding cabinet

SDR-2000B Magnetic Shielding Cabinet for EMI Testing

Today’s EMI requirements affect every company in the electronics sector. Both the use of electronic gadgets and exposure to a variety of frequencies are growing. Early on in the creation of novel products, radiation and immunity must be considered. In many instances, shielding is required for enclosures and cables as well. This is because EMI issues cannot always be resolved at the PCB level alone. For this reason you can use LISUN magnetic shielding cabinets to test out your products.

What is EMI?

There is always a magnetic field present in conductors when electricity is present. The fields produced correlate with the amount of electricity lost. Power-hungry equipment like motors and transformers generate sizable fluctuating fields. To keep motors operating, electromagnetic fields switch at very high frequencies. This is the best approach to create interference.

The negative impact of these electromagnetic fields on other equipment is known as electromagnetic interference (EMI). As the fluctuating field travels through other devices, their connecting wires, or PCB traces, interference is created. A voltage is produced by each traversal. Though it could be very little. Though these induced voltages are rather significant and easily distort input and output data signals, data processing devices operate at low voltages.

Can you reduce this interference?

“The Faraday Cage” is the most well-known description of an EMI shield. Charges resist one another in a sideways direction in this conductive shell. This prevents voltages from entering. What voltages are excluded is determined by the cage’s opening dimensions. Any aperture for electronic devices must be small but need not be “airtight.”

What is Electromagnetic Shielding?

Electromagnetic shielding is the method of CT lowering the electromagnetic field in an area. This is done by obstructing the electromagnetic field with barriers constructed of conductive or magnetic materials. Shielding is frequently applied to cables. This is done to isolate wires from the environment through which the cable runs and to enclosures to insulate electrical devices from the “outside world.” RF shielding is another name for electromagnetic shielding that inhibits radio frequency electromagnetic radiation.

Radio waves, electromagnetic fields, and electrostatic fields can all be coupled less when there is shielding. A Faraday cage is a conductive container that is used to suppress electrostatic fields. The thickness of the material, the size of the shielded volume, the frequency of the fields of interest, and the size, shape, and orientation of apertures in a shield to an incident electromagnetic field all play a significant role in determining how much reduction occurs. LISUN’s electromagnetic shielding cage uses the same working.

Radio Frequency

Radio frequency (RF) is the rate of oscillation that describes the frequency of radio waves and the alternating currents that convey radio signals. Its range is roughly 3 kHz to 300 GHz. RF oscillations are typically electrical rather than mechanical. But mechanical RF systems do exist.

The word “radio frequency” or its abbreviation “RF” is also used to refer to the usage of radio. This means to describe wireless communication as opposed to communication using electric wires even though radio frequency is a rate of oscillation. Radio frequency electric currents have unique characteristics. These are not present in direct current or alternating current at lower frequencies. The foundation of radio technology is the ability of an RF current to emit energy as electromagnetic waves (radio waves) from a conductor into space.  

The skin effect is the tendency of RF current to flow over the surfaces of electrical conductors rather than through their interiors. RF currents applied to the body frequently do not provide the painful sensation of electric shock as do lower frequency currents. This makes it possible for them to inflict superficial but serious burns known as RF burns. It is due to the current changing directions too quickly for the neuron membranes to depolarize.

Air can be easily made conductive by RF current. This is done by ionizing it. Electric arc welding “high frequency” devices take advantage of this feature. These devices employ currents at frequencies higher than those used in power distribution. When conducted by an ordinary electric cable, RF current has a tendency to reflect from discontinuities in the cable and travel back down the cable toward the source. It causes a condition called standing waves. As a result, RF current must be carried by specialized types of cable called transmission lines. Another property that RF current has is its ability to appear to flow through paths containing insulating material. Example include dielectric insulator of a capacitor.

What is the role of LISUN shielded enclosures?

Faraday cages or other grounded metal constructions are shielded enclosures. Both of these stop RF energy from leaking into the enclosure and from getting in. MRI rooms, test lab enclosures (HEMP or Tempest applications), screened enclosures or cabinets for the wireless communication industry, and sizable shielded enclosures for the high voltage industry are examples of shielded enclosure types. The enclosures range in size from tiny boxes to enormous spaces big enough to fit an item the size of an airplane.

Small enclosures might be made entirely of metal. The standards are more complicated for larger enclosures. There is space between the top of the enclosure and the ceiling of the building where they are located. Due of the enclosures’ size, solid metal is too expensive and cumbersome. They typically use metal mesh structure as an alternative. Signals can be blocked as long as the mesh’s pores are small in relation to the frequency wavelengths. Even if some RF energy does pass through the enclosure walls, the remaining energy should be so weak as to be insignificant.

There are two key areas are where LISUN shielded enclosures are useful. Compliance testing is bigger. Through standards like IEEE-299 or EN 50147-1, regulatory authorities in the U.S., EU, and other countries impose limitations on RF signals. Without mandatory restrictions, any device could produce any quantity of electromagnetic radiation and obstruct the proper operation of communications systems, medical equipment, and other gadgets.

Measurement of device-emitted signals and comparison to the applicable standard are required for regulatory compliance. The test procedure does, however, face a problem. The majority of surroundings are overrun with RF radiation from sources like solar activity, broadcast radio, television, cellphone, Wi-Fi, satellite broadcasts, and many more. Engineers can more precisely evaluate device signal levels and attenuation for comparison to requirements thanks to shielded enclosures, which isolate the test process from outside signal interference.

Electromagnetic isolation from external influences is the other general application that necessitates shielded enclosures. Security, the prevention of information loss, or the isolation of an electronic process from potential unintentional intervention could be the motivation.

Commonly used materials for such kind of shielding

When researching electromagnetic shielding, one of the first queries is, “What materials block EMI and RF signals?” There are three most often utilized EMI and RF shielding materials. These are copper, aluminum, and steel. Each has unique qualities that may affect the choice. Reflection is one of the primary factors affecting a material’s level of EMI/RF shielding. The electrical component of the interference is lessened through reflection. The shielding material must have mobile charge carriers in order to achieve EMI reflection. In layman’s words, what does this mean? It should be made of a highly conductive substance.

Aluminum Shielding

Another excellent EMI/RF shielding material is aluminum. It has various special qualities that make it a terrific choice, and it is about 60% as conductive as copper. It is pliable, strong for its weight, and excellent at both thermal and electrical conductivity. Additionally, aluminum is less expensive than copper. Galvanic corrosion and oxidation of aluminum are potential risks, but they can be lessened by keeping aluminum well-maintained and limiting its exposure to the environment. When efficiency, cost, and weight are taken into account, aluminum is the best material for EMI/RF shielding.

Copper Shielding

Due to its high conductivity, copper serves as a reliable EMI and RF shield. It may be readily fitted and made into a variety of shapes. Additionally, it is enduring and oxidation-resistant. It is usually regarded as the best EMI and RF shielding material, despite the fact that it can be pricey. It is frequently utilized in MRI facilities as well as IT hardware.

Nickel, copper, and zinc are the three metals that make up copper alloy 770, sometimes referred to as alloy 770 and nickel silver. It is corrosion-resistant and effective in shielding frequencies between the middle and gigahertz range.

Steel Shielding

Regarding signal attenuation, steel is the least effective of the three materials. Compared to other varieties, cold rolled steel provides better EMI and RF shielding qualities. Pre-tin-plated steel functions well across a wide frequency range, and the tin plating aids in preventing corrosion. It gives the magnetic shielding capabilities that copper and aluminum do not, making it a good low-cost option.


What is a major advantage of a magnetic shielding cabinet?

The shield metalwork (or metallization) of a shielded enclosure provides a low-inductance RF ground reference, which is one of its key benefits. This makes it possible to spread interfaces without having to deal with the negative effects of high ground noise voltages produced by common mode noise currents traveling from port to port.

What standards are followed by LISUN magnetic shielding chambers?

According to GB/T12190, GJB5792, IEEE std299, and EN50147, the SDR-2000B/SDR-800S Magnetic Shielding Cabinet (or EMC Test Chamber) is designed. The EMI-9KB/EMI-9KA can be used with the SDR-2000B/SDR-800S for EMI testing to prevent environmental electromagnetic interference.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep:  Service@Lisungroup.com , Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep:  Sales@Lisungroup.com , Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997



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