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05 Dec, 2023 589 Views Author: Rachel He

IEC 60335-2-9:2019 Figure 105 Temperature Probe for Household Using

Part 2-9: Particular requirements for grills, toasters and similar portable cooking appliances

11 Heating
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.

11.1 Addition:
Compliance for toasters is also checked by the test of 11.101.
Compliance for ovens, rotary grills and cookers is also checked by the test of 11.102.
Compliance for contact grills, waffle irons, radiant grills, raclette grills, barbecues, candy floss appliances and hot plates, is also checked by the test of 11.103.
Compliance for breadmakers, pop-corn makers, and food dehydrators is also checked by the test of 11.104.
Compliance for roasters is also checked by the test of 11.105.
For all other types of appliances, compliance is checked by submitting the appliance to the tests of the nearest mentioned relevant type of household appliance.

11.2 Addition:
Radiant grills and raclette grills that are loaded from the front, rotary grills, ovens, breadmakers, cookers and hotplates are placed with their backs as near as possible to one of the walls of the test corner and away from the other wall. Other appliances are placed away from the walls.

11.3 Addition:
Where the external accessible surfaces are suitably flat and access permits, then the test probe of Figure 105 is used to measure the temperature rises of external accessible surfaces specified in Table 102. The probe is applied with a force of 4 N ± 1 N to the surface in such a way that the best possible contact between the probe and the surface is ensured. The measurement is performed after a contact period of 30 s.

IEC 60335-2-9:2019 Figure 105 Temperature Probe for Household Using

IEC 60335-2-9:2019 Figure 105 Temperature Probe

The probe may be held in place using a laboratory stand clamp or similar device. Any measuring instrument giving the same results as the probe may be used.

11.4 Addition:
Breadmakers are operated as specified for combined appliances.

If the temperature rise limits are exceeded in appliances incorporating motors, transformers or electronic circuits, and the power input is lower than the rated power input, the test is repeated with the appliance supplied at 1,06 times rated voltage.

11.6 Addition:
Induction hot plates are also operated with vessels, as specified in Figure 104, containing water and covered with a lid. Controls are adjusted to their highest setting until the water boils and then adjusted so that the water simmers. Water is added to maintain the level during simmering.

IEC 60335-2-9:2019 Figure 105 Temperature Probe for Household Using

IEC 60335-2-9-2019 Figure 104

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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