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29 Sep, 2022 2997 Views Author: Saeed, Hamza

IEC 62471: Basics of Evaluating the photobiological safety of led radiation

The basic objective of the LISUN Optical Radiation Safety Test (EN62471-C) is to help guarantee that a product has the necessary safeguards to protect individuals who use, maintain, and service it. The IEC/EN 62471/CIE S009, IEC/TR 62778, GB/T 20145, IEC/EN 60598 Annex P, IEC/EN 60432, IEC/EN 60335, GB 7000.1, and 2009/125/EC standards are all followed by the LED Photobiological Radiation Safety Test System.

Optical radiation exposure levels pose a risk that can range from 200 nm to 3000 nm. Hence the optical radiation hazard exposure level measurement is a specialty of the IEC 62471 measurement equipment. It is based on the quantification of spectral radiance and irradiance in a given measuring geometry in relation to the exposure time. Therefore, it is important that en62471 testing be carried out to reduce the harm caused due to radiation and LED lights. This paper will discuss in detail LISUN’s Optical Radiation Safety Test (EN62471-C),

Optical Radiation Safety Test |EN62471-C|

led Radiation

EN62471_Optical Radiation Safety Test System


The LISUN Optical Radiation Safety Test is used to access the level of harm different types of radiation from LED sources can cause. In order to assess the optical radiation safety of non-laser sources, such as LED products, UV radiation in general lighting products, and others, guidance on manufacturing requirements related to non-laser optical radiation safety has been published. These requirements focus on the risk to humans (primarily the eye and skin).

Additionally, it complies with IEC/TR 62778, GB/T 20145, IEC/EN 60598 Annex P, IEC/EN 60432, IEC/EN 60335, GB 7000.1, and IEC/EN 62471/CIE S009, as well as 2009/125/EC. The measurement of spectral irradiance and spectral radiance in a given measuring geometry linked to exposure duration shall be used to estimate the hazard exposure level of optical radiation from tested sources, which may be connected to wavelengths between 200nm and 3000nm.

Effects of exposure

The sun’s UV rays are likely the source of visual radiation that poses the greatest threat to health. UV light exposure to the eyes can harm the cornea and cause pain and other symptoms resembling sand in the eye. The skin’s reactions might range from blistering, redness, and hastened ageing to several types of skin cancer. The improper use of strong lasers most likely poses the second largest risk to health from optical radiation. High-powered lasers can burn the skin and seriously harm the eye, even resulting in blindness.

Hazard measurement by the device

The measurement equipment for IEC 62471 is specifically designed to determine the optical radiation hazard exposures listed in IEC 62471, including the following:

1. Actinic UV danger exposure for the skin and eyes (weighted irradiance between 200nm and 400nm),
2. Near-UV danger exposure for the eyes (irradiance from 315 to 400 nm),
3. Retinal blue light hazard (weighted radiance from 300nm to 700nm),
4. Small source retinal blue light exposure (weighted irradiance, 300-700 nm)
5. Exposure to retinal thermal danger (weighted radiance from 380nm to 1400nm),
6. Weak visual stimulus from retinal thermal danger exposure (weighted radiance; 780-1400nm),
7. Exposure to infrared radiation for the eyes (irradiance from 780 to 3000 nm),
8. Skin exposure to thermal hazards (irradiance between 380 and 3000 nm)

Product detail and specifications

Some specific characteristics of the LISUN Optical Radiation Safety Test are:

• EN62471-A’s wavelength range is 200 nm to 800 nm, while EN62471-B’s range is 200 nm to 3000 nm (EN62471-C)
• Acceptance aperture: Dia. 7mm for radiance; Dia. 20mm & 7mm for irradiance
• Radiance geometry: optics replicating human eye’s retina
• The FOV range is 100mrad, 1.4rad, and 6.28rad for irradiance measurement, and 1.5mrad to 110mrad (1.7mrad, 11mrad, 100/110mard) for radiance measurement.
• 200mm to 6.0m (optional) of testing distance with constant FOVs and input aperture
• Image size: 1600 x 1200
• 2pi-space is the maximum exposure scanning range.
• Calibration: NIM is the source.
• PMT/InGaAs/Si/Pbs detectors
• Scientific-grade 16-bit CCD camera with TEC and imaging radiance meter
• Pulse source sampling speed: 20 us to 10 s
• Wavelength precision: 0.1 nm for UV, 0.2 nm for VIS, and 0.4 nm (IR)
• 10 Dynamic range

Working Principle

The EN62471 optical radiation safety test system primarily measures the related color temperature, color, and color products of LEDs, LED modules, LED lamps, fluorescent lamps, HID lamps, halogen lamps, and other lighting products. It also measures radiation exposure, specific effective radiation ultraviolet power, illumination, source size, and related color temperature, color, and color products of LEDs, LED modules, LED lamps, and other lighting products. It coordinates color tolerance and color rendering index. Infrared radiation, visible light, near-infrared radiation, retinal blue light risk weighted radiation, retinal heat damage, and UV radiation are some of the test parameters. The lamp can be categorized based on its photobiological risk.

The harm that optical radiation does to the human body has never been thoroughly measured or evaluated. The standard test procedure involves determining how much ultraviolet or invisible light is included in the light wave. We assess the LED using the same IEC/EN 60825 standard as for laser products when it first arrives. LED goods, however, are now covered by IEC/EN 62471 for risk assessment rather than IEC/EN 60825-1: 2007. IEC/EN 60825 is also only appropriate for laser-related products. The Artificial Light Radiation Directive (AORD 2006/25) and the CE Low Voltage Directive (LVD directive 2006/95 / EC) both cover IEC/EN 62471.

The primary components of the system are a UV-VIS-IR spectroradiometer, a retina radiance meter for measuring spectral radiance and a light receiver for measuring spectral irradiance. It also includes motorized two-axis rotation goniometer for measuring spatial maximum exposure value and an optical rail for measuring general lighting sources at 200 mm and 500 lx. Lastly, calibrated sources of spectral irradiance with wavelengths between 200 nm and 3 000nm and that of spectral radiance with the wavelength from 300nm to 1400nm are also a part of it.

EN62471 Optical Radiation Safety Test | IEC62471 LED Photobiological Blue Light Safety Test – LISUN

IEC62471 states that this system is particularly useful for determining the safety class of various non-laser radiation sources, particularly for the measurement of weighted radiance within related 1.7 rad to 110 rad fields of viewing. It is also useful in measuring irradiance in the specified receiving angles, the determination of maximum exposure related to hazard classification in the space and corresponding apparent source, etc.

The system can be used to measure optical radiation safety generally in accordance with IEC62471 and IEC-CTL recommendations for laboratory needs.

EN62471 Light Bio Safety Testing Standards

The European Union’s laser product testing standards are IEC/EN62471 (including LED). The objective of IEC/EN 62471 is to assess the risks from optical radiation posed by various lights and lamp systems. Additionally, it is utilized to replace the IEC/EN60825 standards for the requirements of the energy level of LED products. The demands of optical biology, such as those related to radiation intensity and radiant brightness, grew as a result. According to test results on the product, this standard classifies hazards into four categories: low damage, medium hazard, and high hazard. Among these, the EN62471:2008 standard’s EU portion was put into effect in 2009. On September 1, 2010, the LED component of EN60825 will be utterly useless.

Background of the IEC/EN62471 Standard

1. IEC/EN60825 is primarily for the single wavelength of the light energy testing;
2. IEC/EN62471 is primarily for the wide band of light measurement, and takes into account the angle, sensitivity, time, and other factors while doing calculations.

All types of lights and lighting systems, excluding lasers, are applicable. The common lamp could be a wide band light source due to the influence of the light emitting body and diffuser, lens, optical components, and other devices (single wavelength laser is simple to test).
IEC/EN62471 testing with laser light from 3000 nm to 200 nm in wavelength IEC/EN62471

Test variables and test object

Irradiance is the ratio of radiation flux to unit area (measured in W? M-2)
Radiance 2 (irradiance divided by the field, can be converted through irradiance)

Test item

1. UV damage to the skin and eyes
2. Near UV threat to the eyes (315-400 nm)
3. Hazard from retinal blue light
4. UV blue light hazard to retina (light source)
5. Thermal retinal danger
6. Thermal hazard of the retina (for weak visual stimuli) (780nm-1400nm)
Eye risk from infrared radiation, number
7. (780nm-3000nm)
8. Risk of skin heat (380nm-3000nm)

evaluation of outcomes Constant Light: No threat; Low risk at level 1, intermediate risk at level 2, and high risk at level 3 (high risk) pulsing light 1. If radiation restrictions are exceeded, then according to the three levels of hazard; 3 The multi pulse light does not exceed radiation limitations according to the continuous lamp classification technique; 2 the single pulse does not exceed radiation limits in accordance with no hazard.

According to IEC-CTL and IEC62471 for laboratories standards, the LISUN designed IEC62471/EN62471-A LED optical radiation measurement system can be used in the general measurement of optical radiation safety. The lighting instrument, EMI/EMC testing system, and safety testing instruments development and after-sales maintenance are the focus of the LISUN Electronic (Shanghai) office’s efforts in the domestic and international markets. All of LISUN’s products are developed and produced in strict accordance with the quality management and control standards of ISO9001:2008. LISUN is also a member of the CIE Association for Global Lighting, and all of its products adhere to CIE standards. In addition, all LISUN products are CE-certified, giving them EU certification.


What is the safety criteria?

The ANSI RP-27 and IEC 62471 family of standards usually contain the requirements for LED radiation safety. The photobiological effects of radiation on the skin and eye are taken into account by these guidelines. These standards include specifications for labelling, user manual statements, and classification of LED radiation, among other things.

What should the ideal measurement distance be while using the device?

Non-generic lighting sources are measured at 200 mm from the viewing point to the apparent sources, while general lighting sources are measured at the distance necessary to produce 500 lx of illumination over a 6 m optical rail.

What is LISUN’s response to the blue light hazard and what is the test report?

Design and manufacturing by LISUN IEC62471-2006 (CIE S009) IEC TR62471-2, Photobiological Safety of Lamps and Lamp Systems (2009) Instructions for Manufacturing Requirements Regarding Non-Laser Optical Radiation Safety, which have been published and focus on human health risks (mostly to the eyes and skin), are ideal for evaluating the optical radiation safety of non-laser sources such LEDs, UV radiation from general lighting goods, and others. Optical radiation exposure levels that pose a risk can range from 200 nm to 3000 nm. It is based on the quantification of spectrum radiance and irradiance in a given measuring geometry in relation to exposure time. This solution is appropriate for labs and businesses with adequate budgets.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
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