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11 Dec, 2023 549 Views Author: Rachel He

IEC UL 499 Figure SB4.1 Battery Test Pin

Battery enclosure impact test
Batteries shall not cause fire or explosion as a result of impact experienced in normal use.

A non-metallic battery pack enclosure shall comply with the impact requirements specified in the Standard for Polymeric Materials -Use in Electric Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C. A 5 ft·lbf (6.8 J) impact value shall apply in the as-received condition. This impact value shall also be used for cold impact testing for batteries.

Enclosure impact testing shall be conducted on a detachable battery pack enclosure while it is installed on the heat gun and while on the battery charger. Batteries shall be fully charged prior to the test.

After the test of SB4.6.2, there shall be no electrical shorting of the batteries, no cracks in the enclosure that would allow the probe of Figure SB4.1 to bridge the gap between live parts of opposite polarity and no evidence of increased risk of fire.

IEC UL 499 Figure SB4.1 Battery Test Pin

IEC UL 499 Figure SB4.1 

Drop test
Detachable or separable battery packs shall be tested as described in 40.3, 40.4 and 40.5. After the test, there shall be no electrical shorting of the batteries and no cracks in the enclosure which would allow the probe of Figure SB4.1 to bridge the gap between live parts of opposite polarity and no evidence of increased risk of fire.

Abnormal operation/discharging
Battery powered heat guns shall be so designed to reduce the risk of fire as a result of an abnormal operating condition.

The heat gun with integral batteries or detachable battery pack shall be placed on a soft wood surface covered by two layers of tissue paper; and covered by one layer of cheesecloth. The tests are to be conducted with the battery pack fully charged with the heat / blower adjusted to the most unfavorable settings. No charring or burning of the cheesecloth or tissue paper shall result under the following fault conditions that are applied one at a time.

a) The exposed terminals of a detachable battery pack are shorted Battery pack terminals that can be contacted using the probes of either Figure 7.2 or Figure SB4.1 are considered exposed. The means of shorting shall not attain excessive temperatures so as to itself char or ignite the tissue paper or cheesecloth.

b) An exposed flexible cord provided between the separable battery back and the heat gun shall be shorted at the point likely to produce the most adverse effects. The cord is to be covered with one layer of cheesecloth.

c) The polarity of a detachable battery pack is reversed.
Exception: This test is not required if the battery is prevented from reversed polarity due to size, keying or other acceptable means.

d) Electronic components of the battery pack and of the integral charger of the heat gun are shorted or opened, one at a time, if the outcome of such a fault is uncertain based on analysis.

One shot, non-resettable thermal cut-outs and overload devices may operate during the above tests. When the test terminates by one of the above components, the test is to be repeated two additional times using new samples.

Shorts are to be introduced in such a manner as to provide negligible additional impedance to the circuit.

The conditions above are to be maintained until ultimate results occur, using one fully charged heat gun or battery pack. A new sample may be used for each test.

Charring is defined as a blackening of the cheesecloth caused by combustion. Discoloration of the cheesecloth caused by smoke is acceptable.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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