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12 Nov, 2022 1868 Views Author: root

IK code: Impact protection in line with the IEC62262 standard

IK ratings are defined as IKXX, where “XX“ is a number from 00 to 10 indicating the degrees of protection provided by enclosures (including luminaires) against external mechanical impacts. The different IK ratings relate to the ability of an enclosure to resist impact energy levels measured in joules (J). IEC62262 specifies how the enclosure must be mounted for testing, the atmospheric conditions required, the quantity and distribution of the test impacts and the impact hammer to be used for each level of IK rating. The IK test applicate on lighting luminaires test according to IEC60598 (GB7000) and IEC60068-2-75 (GB2423.55).

IK code: Impact protection in line with the IEC62262 standard

IK Level Tester 

The most of luminaires manufacturers are requested to do IK level test (Impact Protection). LISUN can supply the IK test instrument: IEC62262 Impact Protection Tester | IK07 to IK10 Pendulum Impact Hammer.

Application of the IK code, the degree of protection applies to the overall housing. If some parts of the enclosure have different degrees of protection, the corresponding protection levels should be marked. If the relevant product committee decides to require the marking of the IK code, the marking requirements shall be specified in detail in the relevant product standard. The product standard should also specify the marking method used in the following cases: 1. The protection level of a certain part of the same enclosure is different from other parts; 2. The installation state will affect the protection level of the enclosure.

The specific reference standard is the degree of protection (IK code) of the enclosure of electrical equipment against external mechanical impact. In the lighting industry, headlights like car lights, street lights, explosion-proof lights and some special lights all need to do the IK protection level test of the lamp housing between IK05 and IK10, especially IK07, IK08, IK09 and IK10 level test.

The scope of application of the IK level test is as follows:
1. Computers: computers, display screens, mainframes, computer components, medical equipment and other precision instruments;
2. Electronic communication: mobile phones, radio frequency devices, electronic communication components, etc.;
3. Electrical appliances: household appliances, lamps, transformers and other household appliances and electrical equipment;
4. Others: packing boxes, transportation equipment, etc.

In the IEC62262 protection class code, the IK code represents the protection class of the enclosure against external harmful mechanical impact, and the characteristic number combination is: 01 to 10, namely: IK01, IK02, IK03, IK04, IK05, IK06, IK07, IK08, IK09 and IK10.

These 10 grades are divided into two groups of tests according to different grade test levels:
The first group is the spring impact hammer test from IK01, IK02 to IK06, the energy of this group of tests is smaller (from 0.14J to 1J); The other group is the large pendulum test from IK07, IK08 to IK10, the test energy is larger (ranging from 2J to 20J).

In the lighting industry, headlights such as automotive lamps, street lamps, explosion-proof lamps and some special lamps all need to do the IK protection level test of the lamp housing between IK05 and IK10, especially in IK07, IK08, IK09 and IK10 level test. The purpose of the test is mainly to check whether the protection level of the product shell meets the requirements of the industry and the country.

IK10 Shell Shock Rating Test
The IK10 shell impact level test means that the shell’s anti-collision level exceeds 10 (that is, the shell can withstand more than 20J energy for 5 times, and the same point cannot be impacted more than 4 times). The application of IK code is usually, the protection level is suitable for the overall shell. If some parts of the enclosure have different degrees of protection, the corresponding protection levels should be marked. The IK10 enclosure impact rating test provides the protection provided by the equipment enclosure to protect the internal equipment from the harmful effects of mechanical impact.

Luminaire IK level test method:
IEC62262 (specifying how to install the object to be tested, ventilation requirements, the number and distribution of impact hammers and the corresponding impact hammers for each level), IEC60598 (GB7000) and IEC60068-2-75 (GB2423.55) standards for following application of IK test for lighting products. These relevant standards mainly regulate the relevant test steps and usage methods of lighting products in the IK protection level test, and finally meet the requirements for testing whether the products are qualified.

In the IEC62262 protection class code, the IK code indicates the protection class of the enclosure against external harmful mechanical impact, and the characteristic number combination is: 01 to 10, namely: IK01, IK02, IK03, IK04, IK05, IK06, IK07, IK08, IK09 and IK10 . In these 10 grades, there are two groups of tests according to different test levels: one group is the spring impact hammer test from IK01.IKO2 to IK06, this group of tests has a smaller energy (from 0.14J to 1J); the other group It is a large pendulum test from IK07, IK08 to IK10, and its test energy is larger (ranging from 2J to 20J).

The purpose of this standard is to specify:
a) The protection provided by the enclosure of electrical equipment to protect the internal equipment from the harmful effects of mechanical impact
b) The marking of the degree of protection;
c) The requirements for each type of marking;
d) The tests to be carried out to confirm whether the enclosure complies with the requirements of this standard.

Luminaire IK level test method:
Lighting products are indispensable in our life. In the lighting industry, there are various types of lamps, such as car headlights, street lamps, explosion-proof lamps and some special lamps, which can be used for IK05 to IK10. Lamp housing IK protection level test, especially for IK07, IK08, IK09 and IK10. The purpose of the test is mainly to check whether the protection level of the lighting product shell meets the requirements of the industry and the country.

IK code: Impact protection in line with the IEC62262 standard

Luminaire IK level test

The purpose of the IK level test for lamps and lanterns:
a) The protection provided by the luminaire equipment enclosure to protect the internal equipment from the harmful effects of mechanical impact
b) Marking of protection class
C) Requirements for each mark
d) the tests to be carried out to confirm whether the enclosure complies with the requirements of this standard

The technical committees still have the authority to decide the extent and manner of applying this classification method in the standards they develop, and to define the “enclosure” of the equipment under their jurisdiction. However, for any designated classification, the test shall not deviate from the provisions of this standard. If necessary, supplementary requirements can be added to the corresponding product standards.

For some specific types of equipment, the product technical committee may specify different requirements under the premise of ensuring the same level of safety protection. This standard only specifies enclosures whose intended use can meet the requirements of the corresponding product standard in any other respect, and from the point of view of materials and workmanship, the enclosures shall ensure the indicated degree of protection under normal conditions of use. This standard also applies to empty enclosures, provided that the surface of the enclosure can meet the requirements of routine tests and the selected degree of protection is suitable for this type of equipment.

IEC62262 (prescribes how to install the object to be tested during the IK protection level test, ventilation requirements, the number and distribution of impact hammers and the corresponding impact hammers for each level), IEC60598 (GB7000) and IEC60068-2-75 (GB2423.55) standards following application of IK test for lighting products. These relevant standards mainly regulate the relevant test steps and usage methods of lighting products in the IK protection level test, and finally meet the requirements for testing whether the products are qualified.

The installation status will affect the degree of enclosure protection
The IK level is an internationally accepted digital code used to indicate the degree of protection of electrical equipment enclosures against external mechanical impacts. According to IEC 62262:2002 and IEC 60068-2-75:1997 standards, it is the protection ability of electrical equipment enclosures for internal equipment when subjected to external impact.


IK00 – Unprotected
IK01 – withstand 0.14J impact force (equivalent to the impact of a 0.25KG object falling from a height of 56mm on the surface)
IK02 – Withstand 0.2J impact force (equivalent to the impact of a 0.25KG object falling from a height of 80mm on the surface)
IK03 – withstand 0.35J impact force (equivalent to the impact of a 0.2KG object falling from a height of 140mm on the surface)
IK04 – withstand 0.5J impact force (equivalent to the impact of a 0.25KG object falling from a height of 200mm on the surface)
IK05 – Withstand 0.7J impact force (equivalent to the impact of a 0.25KG object falling from a height of 280mm on the surface)
IK06 – withstand 1J impact force (equivalent to the impact of a 0.25KG object falling from a height of 400mm on the surface)
IK07 – withstand 2J impact force (equivalent to the impact of a 0.5KG object falling from a height of 400mm on the surface)
IK08 – withstand 5J impact force (equivalent to the impact of a 1.7KG object falling from a height of 300mm on the surface)
IK09 – Withstand 10J impact force (equivalent to the impact of a 5KG object falling from a height of 200mm on the surface)
IK10 – withstand 20J impact force (equivalent to the impact of a 5KG object falling from a height of 400mm on the surface)

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep: Service@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep: Sales@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997

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