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04 Jun, 2022 2271 Views Author: Cherry Shen

IK impact protection test introduce in IEC 62262 and application in lighting industry

IEC 62262 IK protection test means that electrical equipment housings are protected against external mechanical collisions, and the IK standard applies to rated voltages not exceeding 72. The 5 kV electrical equipment enclosure is only suitable for shells with special requirements for external mechanical collision protection classification
a) The definition of the degree of protection that electrical equipment housing has to protect internal equipment from harmful effects caused by mechanical collisions
b) A sign of the level of protection
c) Requirements for each type of mark
d) Tests that should be carried out to confirm whether the housing meets the requirements of this standard


IEC62262 IK protection test standard
Usually, the application of IK codes, the degree of protection applies to the overall housing. The IK code IK code code indicates the enclosure’s level of protection against harmful mechanical collisions. The logo indicates that the enclosure is protected against external mechanical collisions using the IK code as specified below. If the relevant product committee decides to require a mark IK code, the mark requirements shall be specified in detail in its relevant product standards. The product standard shall also stipulate the marking method adopted in the following cases: 1. The degree of protection of a certain part of the same shell is different from that of other parts; 2. The installation status will affect the level of enclosure protection.

Characteristic numbers of IK codes and their definitions
Each set of characteristic numbers represents a collision energy value, the correspondence between the IK code and its corresponding collision energy. In the IEC62262 protection class code, the IK code indicates the protection level of the shell against harmful mechanical collisions to the outside world, and the characteristic number combinations are: 01 to 10, i.e.: IK01, IK02, IK03, IK04, IK05, IK06, IK07, IK08, IK09 and IK10, collision energy //J a 0.14 0. 2 0.35 0.5 0. 7 1 2 5 10 20 In these 10 levels, there are two groups of tests according to different levels of test levels: the first group is spring impact hammer test from IK01, IK02 to IK06, this group test has a smaller energy (from 0.14J to 1J); The other group is the pendulum test from IK07, IK08 to IK10, which tests with larger energies (ranging from 2J to 20J).
For example: IK10 vandal rating test refers to the shell impact resistance level of more than 10 (that is, the shell can withstand more than 20J energy 5 times, of which the same point can not be impacted more than 4 times), the application of IK code is usually, the protection level is applicable to the overall shell. If some parts of the housing have different degrees of protection, they should be marked with the corresponding degree of protection.

IEC 62262 IK protection class crash test requirements
1. Unless otherwise specified in the relevant product standards, the test should be carried out under the standard atmospheric pressure state described in GI3/T 2421-1999:
2. Temperature range: 150C-350C; Air pressure: 86 kPa-106 kPa (860 mbar-1 060 mbar). When the altitude of the test site is higher than 2 000 m, it should be adjusted to the necessary drop height to obtain the specified collision energy.
3. Shell under test Unless otherwise specified in the relevant product standards, all shells under test should be clean, new and complete shells, and all components should be installed in place.

Therefore LISUN GROUP launched the IK01-06 Spring Impact Hammer IK Level Tester, and the IK07-10 IK Level Tester | IEC62262 IK07 to IK10 Pendulum Impact Hammer. Accord with IK ratings are defined as IKXX, where “XX“ is a number from 00 to 10 indicating the degrees of protection provided by enclosures (including luminaires) against external mechanical impacts. The different IK ratings relate to the ability of an enclosure to resist impact energy levels measured in joules (J). IEC62262 specifies how the enclosure must be mounted for testing, the atmospheric conditions required, the quantity and distribution of the test impacts and the impact hammer to be used for each level of IK rating. The IK test applicate on lighting luminaires test according to IEC60598 (GB7000) and IEC60068-2-75 (GB2423.55).

IK impact protection test introduce in IEC 62262 and application in lighting industry

IK01-06 Lever Tester

IK impact protection test introduce in IEC 62262 and application in lighting industry

IK07-10 IK Level Tester

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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