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13 Jun, 2024 372 Views Author: Cherry Shen

In-Depth Analysis of Ball Pressure Test Apparatus and Standardization Guidelines of Ball Pressure Test

In-Depth Analysis of Ball Pressure Test Apparatus and Standardization Guidelines of Ball Pressure Test

Ball Pressure Test Procedure and Methods:

• Sample Pressure Treatment: Place the sample under a pressure device, subjecting it to pressure for one hour to ensure testing in an unusually high-temperature environment. This step aims to simulate the behavior of the sample under specific conditions.

•Heating Phase: Put the sample into a preheated oven, ensuring the internal temperature stabilizes at 125°C±2°C. After one hour of constant temperature treatment, remove the ball applied to the sample’s surface to facilitate subsequent observations.

• Cooling Process: Immerse the sample, which has undergone heating treatment, quickly into cold water for approximately 10 seconds to rapidly cool it to room temperature. This aids in observing the sample’s reaction to temperature changes.

• Observation of Phenomena: Throughout the process, closely observe any changes, deformations, or other phenomena on the sample. This may include alterations in surface conditions, structural changes, providing reliable data for a comprehensive assessment of the sample’s performance.

Through these steps, a systematic evaluation of the sample’s stability and responsiveness under high-temperature conditions is conducted, offering robust support for product or material performance assessments.

Ball Pressure Test Standards:

In-Depth Analysis of Ball Pressure Test Apparatus and Standardization Guidelines of Ball Pressure Test

ZBP-T_Ball Pressure Test Device

Scope and Application of Ball Pressure Testing:

The ball pressure test apparatus finds application in the research, production, and quality inspection of electrical and electronic products, including lighting equipment, low-voltage appliances, household appliances, machine tool electrical components, motors, power tools, electronic instruments, electrical instruments, information technology equipment, electrical transaction equipment, electrical connectors, and accessories. Additionally, it is widely applicable in the insulation materials and engineering plastics industry.

In-Depth Analysis of Ball Pressure Test Apparatus and Standardization Guidelines of Ball Pressure Test

Important Considerations:

• Temperature Stabilization: Ensure the testing environment temperature is stable before conducting the ball pressure test. Place the sample on the apparatus only when the temperature is stable.
• Sample Size and Preparation: Optimal sample size is crucial. If the sample is too large, consider cutting it into at least 2mm thick pieces for testing. The sample should be placed on a steel plate of at least 3mm thickness, ensuring direct contact. Horizontally position the sample and use a force of 20N to press the half-sphere of the testing apparatus onto its surface.
• Insulation Material Consideration: For insulation materials, test charged components at 125°C and generally test uncharged components at 75°C. When using thermoplastic materials for additional insulation and reinforcement, consider the normal temperature rise of cl 11.8 and the temperature rise of cl 19.
• Cooling Process: After one hour of testing, remove the ball pressure tester and immediately immerse the tested sample in water to ensure rapid cooling to room temperature within 10 seconds. Measure the diameter of the indentation, which should not exceed 2mm.
• Environmental Pre-treatment: Before testing, place components in an environment with a temperature of 15-35°C and relative humidity of 45-75% for 24 hours, ensuring testing occurs under standard environmental conditions.

Note 2: Testing is only required for components in coil-shaped frames used to support or maintain terminals in place.

Note 3: This test is not applicable to ceramic components.


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