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24 Jan, 2024 615 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Installation requirements and precautions for sand dust test chamber

The scientific name of the sand dust test chamber is Dustproof chamber, and Dustproof Testing Machine. It is used for IP dust testing of products. Its scope of use includes but is not limited to electrical appliances, lighting fixtures, instrumentation, intelligent robots, camera equipment, vacuum cleaners, sweepers, and other products.

Working principle:

The sand dust test chamber is a closed test chamber where the powder circulating pump can be replaced by other methods that can suspend talc powder. The talc powder shall be filtered through a metal square mesh sieve. Straight wire diameter 50 μ m. Mesh size 75 μ m。 The amount of talc powder used shall be 2kg per cubic meter of test chamber volume, and the number of times of use shall not exceed 20.


The medium used in the sand dust test chamber is relatively strict. The dust is dry talc powder, and the talc powder should be filtered through a metal square mesh sieve. The diameter of the wire is 50 um, and the mesh size is 75 um. The dosage of talc powder is 2kg/m3. The criterion is that dust cannot be completely prevented from entering, but the amount of dust entering must not affect the normal operation of the equipment.

Installation requirements for sand dust test chamber:

1. The site must have sufficient space to accommodate the test equipment and leave appropriate maintenance space;
2. The power supply for the device should have good grounding facilities;
3. The space height of the site should be such that after the installation of the device, it can operate normally, maintain and repair in the future, etc;

4. The device should be located in a place where the perennial temperature is maintained at 2-35 ℃ and the relative humidity is not greater than 85%, and there should be good ventilation facilities;
5. It should be installed in a place with little dust;
6. The ambient temperature of the installation site must not change sharply;

7. It should be installed on a horizontal ground (use a level meter to determine the level on the ground during installation);
8. It should be installed in a place without direct sunlight;
9. It should be installed away from combustibles, explosives, and high temperature heat sources.

Precautions for sand dust test chamber:

1. When there is a fault in the internal sand dust test chamber, immediately stop heating and give a fault prompt to indicate that there is an internal fault;
2. After the test, first turn off the running switch, then turn off the main switch. When opening the door for sampling, pay attention to the sand and dust flushing out;

3. The air temperature in the sand dust test chamber should be high enough to ensure that the relative humidity in the box reaches 25% or less. Place the sample at room temperature in the test chamber in the normal use position or according to relevant regulations without packaging, without power, and ready for use. If multiple samples are included, attention should be paid to avoiding contact between samples and shielding each other from dust;

4. Injecting sand and dust into the test chamber ensures that the specified dust concentration is maintained within the specified injection time or throughout the test period;
5. After the completion of the conditional test, the sample remains in the test chamber until all the sand and dust settle;
6. The sample volume should not exceed 25% of the volume of the test chamber, and the sample base should not exceed 50% of the horizontal area of the working space of the test chamber.

SC-015 Dust-proof Test Chamber (Sand Dust Chamber) is applied to physical and other related performance tests for electronic and electrical products, lamps, electrical cabinets, electrical components, automobiles, motorcycles and their parts and other products under simulated dust climate conditions. After the measurement, it is judged whether the performance of the product meets the requirements through verification, so as to facilitate the design, improvement, verification and factory inspection of the product. Comply meets IEC60529:1989 +A1:1999 +A2: 2013 <Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)>,IEC60598-1,  GB2423.37-89 (Test L: dust test methods), GB4208, GB/T 4942.2-93(protective casing grade of low-voltage apparatus), GB7000.1 <Luminaires Part 1: General Requirements and Tests> 9.2.1, 9.2.2 and Figure 6, DIN40050 and IP5K0. The dust test chamber is applicable to the IP5X and IP6X dustproof test of the products.

Installation requirements and precautions for sand dust test chamber

Dustproof Testing Machine SC-015



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