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09 Apr, 2024 784 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Introduction to the Sulfur Dioxide Test Chamber and Its Applications

Does SO2 cause corrosion?

The answer is yes. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a common and relatively simple sulfur oxide and one of the major air pollutants. It has strong corrosivity and reacts with homogeneous materials to form salt substances to corrode the surface of the material and disintegrate the material into particles, eventually causing the material to age, fail and damage, and also affecting the performance of fixtures. In an acidic environment, the corrosivity of sulfur dioxide is likely to quickly destroy any components on the metal structure and cause irreversible damage in the process. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the concentration of sulfur dioxide in real time in the industrial field, and the sulfur dioxide test chamber plays an irreplaceable role in this detection.

Working Principle of Sulfur Dioxide Test Chamber:

By using sulfur dioxide gas, accelerate corrosion at a certain temperature to test the degree of destruction suffered by material or product within a certain period of time. Sulfur dioxide test chamber can be used to test the corrosion resistance of materials and their protective layers, and also to test the resistance of electronic components, metal materials and protective layers, and industrial products to sulfur dioxide corrosion. The products used for this test are mainly mechanical parts, electronic components, metal materials and their protective layers, as well as industrial products. By using sulfur dioxide test chamber, we can effectively evaluate the corrosion resistance of materials and provide reliable basis for the corrosion prevention of materials.

Functions of Sulfur Dioxide Test Chamber:

Sulfur dioxide test chamber is an efficient tool for testing the corrosivity of materials. It uses sulfur dioxide gas at a specific temperature to study the degree of damage to materials or products caused by corrosion. Sulfur dioxide test chamber can be used to test the corrosion resistance of materials and the quality of protective layer, and also the resistance of products to sulfur dioxide corrosion. In addition to testing the corrosion resistance of mechanical parts, electronic components and metal plates, it can also be used for gas corrosion test of industrial products.

Advantages of Sulfur Dioxide Test Chamber:

1. The edge cover of the door can ensure the appearance and convenience of the device when the door lock is opened;
2. The door of the chamber is made of transparent material so that the condition of the test samples can be clearly seen during the test;
3. The gas filter device effectively eliminates the contamination of the outdoor air;
4. The chamber body is welded by high temperature to be corrosion-resistant, easy to clean and leak-free;
5. The P.I.D temperature controller makes the error of the equipment within plus or minus 0.1 degree;
6. There are also multiple protection systems such as electronic and mechanical over-temperature protection, making the equipment more secure and reliable.

Introduction to the Sulfur Dioxide Test Chamber and Its Applications

Sulfur Dioxide Test Chamber SQ 010 

Environmental Requirements for Using Sulfur Dioxide Test Chamber:

When using sulfur dioxide test chamber, pay attention to control its environmental conditions. The optimum temperature is between 15℃ and 28℃, with a relative humidity of no more than 85%; no strong vibration, direct sunlight or radiation from radiant heat source, and no strong airflow around. At that time, the sulfur dioxide test chamber should be placed stable and keep horizontal, and leave enough space for maintenance and other operations.

Points to Note when Using the Sulfur Dioxide Test Chamber:

1. Do not turn on the power switch before filling the water, otherwise the heating element may be damaged;
2. When the pressure of the cylinder is less than 0.2MPa, it should be replaced in time;
3. CO2 sensor needs to be adjusted in a humid environment, so there should be sterile water in the humidifier;
4. When it is used only as a constant temperature incubator, the CO2 control system must be closed;
5. Be careful when cleaning the sulfur dioxide test chamber, do not touch the sensor, stirrer propeller and other components;
6. When unused for a long time, the moisture in the workroom should be removed, and the glass door should be opened for ventilation 24 hours before closure;
7. When handling, first take out the grids and humidifiers in the workroom, so as not to damage the glass door components due to shaking.


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