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04 Feb, 2024 730 Views Author: Cherry Shen

IP6X Dust Test Chamber: Evaluating Dustproof Performance

Dustproof test chamber is also known as IPX6 dustproof test chamber. With the rapid development of modern technology, electronic products are being widely used in our daily lives. However, due to the delicate circuits and components inside electronic products, they have low tolerance for dust and particles. Therefore, we need to conduct dustproof tests on them during production and use to ensure their normal operation and lifespan.

What is a dustproof test chamber:

A dustproof test chamber, is used to evaluate the ability of test samples (devices) to resist the penetration of dust particles, the ability to resist abrasion or blockage by sand and gravel, and the ability to store and operate under the effects of dry sand or dust-laden atmosphere. It works by blowing a certain concentration of sand or dust over the surface of the test sample at a certain flow rate, driven by a fan.

Working principle of dustproof test chamber:

A centrifugal fan is the main energy source for dust movement. The high-speed rotation of the fan blades sucks in the dust, which enters the dust pipe due to the centrifugal force of the fan blades. The entering wind speed in the pipe is generally more than 7.5m/s (if the wind speed is too low, the dust will settle in the pipe and the test tube will not work).


The dust pipe is sprayed into the test chamber from the top at a speed greater than 2m/s, passing through the sample. Since the lower part of the working chamber is funnel-shaped, the settled dust slides down onto the 72X50um filter above. Through the vibration of the vibration motor, the dust smaller than the diameter of the filter mesh is sucked in again by the centrifugal fan, thus repeating the cycle.

The symbols and abbreviations used in the national standard are as follows:

– IP: Ingress Protection, used to indicate the protection ability of electronic products against solid and liquid ingress.
– 6X: indicates the IP6X level, which represents the protection ability of electronic products against dust ingress.

The dustproof test chamber should meet the following requirements:

1.The chamber should have good sealing performance to prevent dust infiltration.
2.The chamber should have adjustable wind speed and air volume control devices to simulate different dust environments.
3.The test chamber should be equipped with appropriate sensors and monitoring instruments to measure and record parameters such as temperature, humidity, and dust concentration during the test.

The dustproof test should be conducted under the following conditions:

1.Temperature: Room temperature (20±5℃)
2.Humidity: Relative humidity should not exceed 80% (no condensation)
3.Dust particles: Simulated using standard particulate matter, the specific level is determined according to the electronic product being tested.

Test procedure:

1. Place the test electronic product in the test chamber and seal the chamber door.
2. Adjust the wind speed and air volume to meet the requirements.
3. Maintain the test time, determined according to the nature and requirements of the electronic product.
4. After the test, open the test chamber door and inspect the electronic product.

Evaluation of test results:

According to the requirements of the IP6X level, the results of the dustproof test can be divided into the following situations:
1.Pass: After the test, no dust ingress is detected within the specified time.
2.Fail: After the test, dust ingress is detected within the specified time.
3.Partial pass: After the test, dust ingress is only detected in certain areas or specific locations within the specified time.

Result report:

Based on the test results, a result report should be prepared. The report should include the following information:
1.Test date, description of test equipment and test conditions.
2.Model, specifications, and requirements of the tested electronic product.
3.Parameters and results monitored during the test.

When conducting dustproof tests, the following points should be noted:

1.The sealing performance of the test chamber should be regularly checked and maintained to ensure accuracy and stability.
2.The interior of the test chamber should be kept clean to avoid interference from impurities and foreign substances.
3.Test conditions should be selected and adjusted according to the actual environmental conditions to ensure the authenticity and reliability of the test.

The dustproof test chamber, conducted in accordance with the IP6X test method, is an important tool to ensure electronic products are protected from dust ingress in real-world environments. By rigorously adhering to the standards for dustproof tests, the dustproof performance of electronic products can be evaluated and validated, providing reference for improvements during production and use. The establishment and implementation of this national standard will help improve the quality and reliability of electronic products and protect the rights of consumers. Additionally, it will promote the development and innovation of the electronic product industry. Therefore, relevant companies and organizations should pay attention to and comply with this national standard to ensure that electronic products can operate normally in different dust environments and have a long service life.

SC-015 Dust-proof Test Chamber (Sand Dust Chamber) is applied to physical and other related performance tests for electronic and electrical products, lamps, electrical cabinets, electrical components, automobiles, motorcycles and their parts and other products under simulated dust climate conditions. Verify whether the performance of the product meets the requirements through verification after the measurement, so as to facilitate the design, improvement, verification and factory inspection of the product. Fully meets IEC60529:1989 +A1:1999 +A2: 2013 <Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)>,IEC60598-1,  GB2423.37-89 (Test L: dust test methods), GB4208, GB/T 4942.2-93(protective casing grade of low-voltage apparatus), GB7000.1 <Luminaires Part 1: General Requirements and Tests> 9.2.1, 9.2.2 and Figure 6, DIN40050 and IP5K0. The dust test chamber is applicable to the IP5X and IP6X dustproof test.

IP6X Dust Test Chamber: Evaluating Dustproof Performance

Dustproof Testing Machine SC-015


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