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10 Aug, 2020 2517 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Judge about the test equipment of LED lamp aging rack

LED lamp aging test standards:
Generally speaking, as a green energy-saving LED lamp, if the performance test is reduced before use, there will be a certain degree of instability. For example, if the LED lamp is affected by the environment and the operation is not standardized, then the product will flash, not light, Phenomena such as broken lights make the life of LED lamps not as long as expected.

The purpose of LED lamp aging test:
In order to prevent and control the quality problems of LEDs, 100% of the LED lamps are produced into finished products, and they need to be aging tested. The main purpose is to test whether the LED is damaged during the assembly process and whether the power supply is stable under high temperature environments. The aging test has flexibility in actual operation, which can not only meet the requirements of relevant standards, but also improve production efficiency.

The importance of LED lamp aging test:
If there is no aging test, the product quality cannot be guaranteed, and uncertain factors will appear in the initial stage of the work, which will greatly increase subsequent maintenance costs and safety accidents. In contrast, the product has been professionally aged before leaving the factory, and the inspection check has been done, which has improved the efficiency of the lamp and greatly increased the stability of the later work efficiency.

LISUN Product Introduction:
Lisun developed and produced the SY2036 lamp aging test equipment based on years of experience. SY2036 LED aging and life test rack is fully designed according to the IEC standards, and it can also be designed based on the customer request. SY2036 can test all kinds of lamps and luminaires, such as LED, CFL, HID Indoor lamp and Outdoor lamp.

Product picture details:
LED Luminaires Aging Rack 1
LED Luminaires Aging Rack 2
LED Luminaires Aging Rack 3
Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are Goniophotometer, Surge Generator, EMC Test SystemsESD Simulator, EMI Test Receiver, Electrical Safety Tester, Integrating Sphere, Temperature Chamber, Salt Spray Test, Environmental Test ChamberLED Test Instruments, CFL Test Instruments, Spectroradiometer, Waterproof Test Equipment, Plug and Switch Testing, AC and DC Power Supply.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep: Service@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp: +8615317907381
Sales Dep: Sales@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp: +8618917996096


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