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02 Jan, 2013 3070 Views Author: root

LED Junction Temperature Measurement|Thermal Performance Test for LED

At present, LED and LED lamps and lanterns can’t achieve ideal service life due to the reason of the performance of LED. The LED junction temperature in the working status is not only the direct key to its life and efficacy, but is also influenced by the thermal resistance under the same service conditions. The feasibility of the heat conduction system design of LED also directly affects the life of lamps and lanterns. Therefore, the thermal performance test for LED has direct significance in the field of the LED production, application and research.

Referring to the relative international standard, Among Lisun LED Test Instruments series, Lisun T3 LED Thermal and Electrical Performance Analyzer and Lisun JDS200 Thermal & Spectroradiometeric System for LED are good instruments to do thermal performance test for LED.

Applications and features

 1. Lisun T3(LED thermal and electrical performance analyzer) could measure junction temperature, K factor, forward voltage, forward current, automatically record the changing curve of the parameters with time, track the instantaneous junction temperature changing, do the high resolution measurement of relation in junction temperature and voltage with time. In a word, Lisun T3 could test the thermal performance of single LED

2. Lisun JDS200 (LED Thermal and spectroradiometric system) could not only test the thermal performance of single LED, but also conduct integration testing on optic, color, electricity and heat, meanwhile record the changing curve of the parameters with time, set programmable thermal sink temperature and forward current of LED for the purpose of imitating different working situation of LED.  He test condition complies with corresponding international standard.

Thermal parameters

1.Junction temperature, thermal resistance and K factor.
2.Optical Parameters: spectral power distribution, chromaticity coordinate, correlative color temperature, peak wavelength, dominant wavelength, semibreadth, red ratio, rendering index, luminous flux and optical power.
3. Electrical parameters: forward voltage (Vf) and forward current (If).
4.Temperature control system accuracy: ±1℃.
5. Junction temperature accuracy: ±1℃
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