In addition to the semiconductor lasers, when the current motivates the semiconductor diodes can emit the optical radiation. Strictly speaking, the term LED should be only applied to emit the visible Diode; The diode which can emit near-Infrared radiation is called infrared light emitting diode (IRED, Infrared Emitting Diode); The emission peak wavelength is limited near the shortwave, the diode which has part of the ultraviolet radiation is called ultraviolet light emitting diode; However, customarily the above three kinds of semiconductor diodes are collectively called LEDs.
2.Optical axis
It refers to the maximum luminous intensity (or radiation intensity) centerline direction.
3.VF Forward voltage
It refers to the voltage drop between the poles when the positive current through the leds is the fixed value
4.IR Reverse current
7.2 tr Rise time
It refers to the time interval between the lowest rating and the highest rating of the output pulse front porch.
7.3 ton Turn-on time
It refers to the time interval added in the device between the highest rating of the input pulse back porch and the highest rating of the output pulse back porch.
7.5 tf Fall time
It refers to the time interval added in the device between the lowest rating of the input pulse back porch and the lowest rating of the output pulse back porch.
toff =td(off)+tf
Iv(or Ie)=f(θ)
Note 1: unless otherwise provisions, the light-emitting (or radiation) intensity distribution should be included within the plane of the mechanical axis Z.
Note 2: if light-emitting (or radiation) intensity distribution pattern has the symmetry characteristics of rotating with respect to Z axis, light-emitting (or radiation) intensity space distribution only provide a plane.
Note 3: if there is no symmetry characteristics of rotating with respect to Z axis, the light-emitting (or radiation) intensity distribution of all kinds of angle θ should have requirements, X, Y, Z direction have the detailed and defined specification requirements.
12.4 θ1/2 Half-intensity angle
In the light-emitting (or radiation) intensity distribution pattern, the angle is formed when the light-emitting (or radiation) intensity is larger than half the maximum intensity degree.
12.5 Δθ Misalignment angle
In the light-emitting (or radiation) intensity distribution pattern, the angle between the maximum light-emitting (or radiation) intensity intensity (optical axis) and the mechanical axle Z.
13.Spectral characteristic
13.1 Peak-emission wavelength λp
The largest wavelength of spectral radiant power
13.2 Spectral radiation bandwith Δλ
Spectral radiant power is equal or greater than half of the maximum wavelength interval.
13.3 Spectral power distribution P(λ)
In the ray radiation wavelengths range, the radiation power distribution of each wavelength.
LEDs Test Method: The Electrical Characteristics Testing Methods
LEDs Test Method: Light Characteristics Measuring Methods
LEDs Test Method: Luminous Flux and Luminous Efficiency
LEDs Test Method: Radiation Flux and Radiation Efficiency
LEDs Test Method: Peak Emission Wavelength, Spectral Radiation Bandwidth and Spectrum Power Distribution
LEDs Test Method: Photoelectric Characteristics Testing Method – Switching Time
Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.
Our main products are Goniophotometer, Integrating Sphere, Spectroradiometer, Surge Generator, ESD Simulator Guns, EMI Receiver, EMC Test Equipment, Electrical Safety Tester, Environmental Chamber, Temperature Chamber, Climate Chamber, Thermal Chamber, Salt Spray Test, Dust Test Chamber, Waterproof Test, RoHS Test (EDXRF), Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.
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