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15 Jan, 2025 172 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Lightning Surge Immunity Testing with the IEC 61000-4-5 Surge Tester: A Detailed Guide to LISUN SG61000-5 Surge Generator

Surge testing, particularly in the context of lightning strikes and power-line surges, is a critical aspect of ensuring the reliability and durability of electrical and electronic equipment. According to the international standard IEC 61000-4-5, equipment must withstand surges caused by lightning or other transient over-voltage events. The surge immunity test is conducted to evaluate the equipment’s ability to protect itself from these harmful surges, and the 61000-4-5 surge tester plays a key role in this testing. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the surge immunity testing process using the LISUN SG61000-5 Surge Generator, detailing its capabilities and applications in line with IEC 61000-4-5 requirements. The article will cover test configurations, methods, and data interpretation, providing insights into how surge testing ensures equipment safety and performance under real-world conditions.

Electrical and electronic devices are susceptible to electrical surges caused by various factors, including lightning strikes, switching operations, and faults in power lines. These surges, often reaching thousands of volts, can cause significant damage to sensitive equipment, leading to malfunctions or even complete failure. To mitigate the risks associated with surges, manufacturers must ensure that their products are able to withstand these transient over-voltages.

The IEC 61000-4-5 standard outlines the surge immunity requirements for electrical and electronic equipment, specifying the levels and conditions under which surge testing should be conducted. The 61000-4-5 surge tester, such as the LISUN SG61000-5 Surge Generator, is designed to simulate the effects of lightning strikes and power-line surges on devices under test (DUTs). This article explores the technical aspects of surge immunity testing, focusing on the functionality and applications of the LISUN SG61000-5 Surge Generator.

Surge Immunity Testing: An Overview
Surge immunity testing involves exposing electrical and electronic equipment to simulated voltage surges to evaluate its performance under conditions that mimic lightning strikes, switching transients, and other surge-related events. The purpose of this test is to ensure that the equipment can continue to function correctly or recover quickly after exposure to high-energy transients.

The IEC 61000-4-5 standard provides guidelines for conducting surge immunity tests, including the voltage levels, test waveforms, and the test setup. The surge generator used in the testing process must be capable of producing high-energy transients that can simulate both the lightning-induced surges and power-line switching surges that equipment might encounter during normal operation.

IEC 61000-4-5 Standard and Surge Testing
IEC 61000-4-5 outlines the requirements for surge immunity testing of electrical and electronic equipment. The standard specifies:

• The voltage levels to be applied during testing.
• The waveform of the surge, which is typically a combination of 1.2/50 µs and 8/20 µs pulses.
• The test setup, which includes the coupling and decoupling networks (CDN) to inject the surge voltage into the DUT.

The standard also defines the surge levels in terms of peak voltage, and manufacturers are required to test their products at different voltage levels to ensure they can withstand a range of surge conditions. The LISUN SG61000-5 Surge Generator is designed to meet these standards, providing the necessary surge waveforms and voltage levels for effective testing.

Key Features of the LISUN SG61000-5 Surge Generator
The LISUN SG61000-5 Surge Generator is a state-of-the-art surge testing device designed to generate high-energy transients that simulate both lightning strikes and switching surges. It is specifically designed to comply with the IEC 61000-4-5 standard and offers a wide range of features to ensure accurate and reliable surge testing.

Key Features of the LISUN SG61000-5 Surge Generator:
• Wide Voltage Range: The SG61000-5 Surge Generator is capable of generating surge voltages from 0.5 kV to 10 kV, covering the typical surge voltage levels defined by IEC 61000-4-5.
• Multiple Test Configurations: The LISUN SG61000-5 allows for various test configurations, including testing of line-to-line (L-L) and line-to-ground (L-G) surges.
• Precise Surge Waveforms: It generates precise surge waveforms, including 1.2/50 µs and 8/20 µs, which are crucial for simulating lightning and power-line switching surges.
• Automated Testing and Reporting: The system supports automated surge testing and data logging, making it easier for users to conduct multiple tests and analyze results.
• Safety Features: It includes built-in protection mechanisms to safeguard both the DUT and the surge generator from damage during the testing process.
• Compliance with Standards: The LISUN SG61000-5 is fully compliant with IEC 61000-4-5 and other international standards, ensuring reliable and accurate surge immunity testing.

Lightning Surge Immunity Testing with the IEC 61000-4-5 Surge Tester: A Detailed Guide to LISUN SG61000-5 Surge Generator

Surge Generator SG61000-5

Testing Procedure with LISUN SG61000-5 Surge Generator

The surge immunity testing procedure with the LISUN SG61000-5 involves several key steps:


• Ensure that the DUT is properly connected to the surge generator.
• Set the desired surge voltage levels and test waveforms according to the IEC 61000-4-5 standard.
• Perform preliminary checks to ensure all equipment is functioning correctly.

Surge Application:

• The surge generator is activated, and the surge voltage is applied to the DUT. The LISUN SG61000-5 generates a series of pulses with the specified characteristics, simulating both lightning-induced surges and power-line switching surges.

Monitoring and Analysis:

• The DUT is monitored for any signs of malfunction or damage during the surge application.
• Data logging systems record the performance of the DUT during the test.

Post-Test Evaluation:

After the test, the DUT is evaluated for functionality. Any damage or failure to meet the required surge immunity criteria is noted.
Surge Immunity Test Data and Interpretation
Surge immunity tests provide critical data about the performance of the DUT under surge conditions. This data can be used to assess the durability and resilience of the equipment to transient over-voltage events. Below is an example of a typical surge immunity test report:

Surge Type Voltage Level (kV) Waveform DUT Response
Line-to-Ground (L-G) 2.5 8/20 µs No malfunction
Line-to-Line (L-L) 4 1.2/50 µs No malfunction
Line-to-Ground (L-G) 6 8/20 µs Minor voltage drop
Line-to-Line (L-L) 10 1.2/50 µs DUT failed

Surge immunity testing is essential for ensuring that electrical and electronic equipment can withstand the effects of lightning strikes, power-line surges, and other transient over-voltage events. The LISUN SG61000-5 Surge Generator is a powerful tool that complies with the IEC 61000-4-5 standard and provides accurate, reliable surge testing capabilities.

Through precise surge waveforms, automated testing, and comprehensive reporting, the SG61000-5 helps manufacturers assess the surge resilience of their products and ensures that they meet the required standards for safety and durability. Surge immunity testing is a critical step in the development of robust electrical and electronic devices that can perform reliably in real-world conditions.


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