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23 Jul, 2014 2917 Views Author: root

LISUN Designed Several Different Test Instruments for LED Driver According to IEC 62384:2006

Due to the quality of LED Driver directly determines the life of the LED lamp, now more and more customers pay great attention to LED Driver testing. In order to meet IEC 62384:2006 and GB/T 24825-2009 standards, Lisun designed the following several products:

1. ATE-2 LED Driver Automatic Test System
It is suitable for LED lighting companies who are very demanding on LED driver. It can test the input and output parameters, surge current, input and output performance test. It can test 4PCS LED drive at the same time, and doesn’t need to be connected with the LED lamps.

2. LSLED-12 LED Drive Online Tester
It can test input and output characteristics of 6PCS drivers, or input characteristics of 12 PCS drivers at the same time. Lower and higher limit can be set. It will automatically alarm if one parameter failed. Lisun recommend users use LSP-500VAR AC Power Source and M9822 DC Electronic Load together with LSLED-12.

3. WT2080-OK LED Driver on line Tester
It is used for LED driver on line testing, It can test input and output characteristics of 1PCS LED driver at the same time. Lower limit and high limit can be set and it will automatically alarm if one parameter failed. It can only test one driver at the same time compared with LSLED-12. Lisun recommend users use LSP-500VAR AC Power Source and M9822 DC Electronic Load together with WT2080-OK.

4. WT2080 LED Driver Tester
It is suitable for laboratory research and production line, and only can test one product at the same time. It has harmonic test function but doesn’t have alarm function compared with WT2080-OK.

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