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06 Jul, 2022 1664 Views Author: Cherry Shen

LISUN GDJS-015B Temperature Humidity Chamber – After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Temperature Humidity Chamber | Thermal Chamber | Climate Chamber is according to IEC60068-2-1 (GB/T2423.1) and IEC60068-2-2 (GB/T2423.2), IEC60068-2-78, IEC60598-1, GB/T2423.17, GB/T5170.2, GB/T5170.5. The climate chamber is used to test the CFL/LED which meets IES LM-80-08, electricity products, automative cars, home appications and mobiles.

GDJS-015B High and Low Temperature Humidity Chamber

GDJS-015B High and Low Temperature Humidity Chamber

What is Climate Chamber?

Climate chambers is used to simulate a temperature enviromental condistions, it may also be called environmental chambers or Thermal Chamber or Temperature Chamber. You can click the below videos to learn the details and also how to operate it.



Q1: The chamber cannot be powered on
A1: The power supply of the chamber is three-phase 380V 50Hz (except for customized ones, which can be confirmed by checking the product nameplate). Please make sure that the voltage, frequency, and phase sequence are correct. If it still cannot be turned on, swap the phase sequence of any two live wires and restart it.

Q2: Humidity is not displayed or the error is too large
A2: The hygrometer in the early test chamber was a hygroscopic bulb hygrometer, as shown in the following figure. It is necessary to cover the wet bulb gauze belt on the wet bulb sensor. The gauze belt must be covered at the root of the sensor, and the tail of the gauze belt must be placed in the wet bulb water box under the sensor. If the water absorption of the gauze tape decreases after long-term use, the humidity display will be abnormal. Then you need to replace the gauze.

Humidity sensor

Humidity sensor

Note: Later humidity chambers have used electronic hygrometers, so this problem does not exist.

Q3: Other error alarms on the touch screen
A3: During the operation, if the touch screen gives an alarm,  please just take photos instead of the alarm interface errors, and we will guide you to troubleshoot.

Q4: Over temperature alarm
A4: The high and low temperature humidity chamber has two over-temperature protectors. One is for the boiler to prevent the boiler from drying out without water. It is usually set to 120℃. If it exceeds, an alarm will sound. One is for the chamber. If the maximum temperature of your test chamber is 150℃, the over-temperature protector is set to about 180℃. If it exceeds, an alarm will sound.
First, confirm that the temperature set for all over-temperature protectors is correct. If it still alarm there, please contact LISUN engineers.

Overtemperature protector

Overtemperature protector

Q5: Overload alarm

Overload alarm

Overload alarm

A5: Confirm and operate the following in order
①. The external ambient temperature of the test chamber should not be too high and should be kept at 25 degrees or below.
②. The test chamber should be placed in a well-ventilated and heat-dissipating environment.
③. Confirm that the condenser in is not covered with dust.



④. Adjust the thermal overload limit indicated by the cross knob of the corresponding compressor control module in the electric cabinet clockwise to a bigger value, and press RESET in the upper right corner. Then turn on the chamber to test whether the same alarm still exists.

Compressor control module

Compressor control module

⑤. If there is still overload alarm, please contact LISUN engineers.

Q6: When testing at high humidity, such as 95%, the amount of water flow from the “water overflow” of the  chamber increases.
A6: When running at high humidity such as 95%, the compressor will start even if a high temperature test is performed, otherwise the temperature cannot be lowered. Therefore, more water will flow out from “water overflow” port, which is normal.

GDJS chamber water overflow

GDJS chamber water overflow

Q7: Why do the heating tubes in boiler burn out frequently?
A7: If the filter or filter element is not replaced for a long time, or the water source used is too dirty, and there is too much dirt in the water pipes and boiler of the test chamber, the heating tubes will burn out frequently, as shown in the figure below:

The water entering the chamber is too dirty

The water entering the chamber is too dirty

It can be clearly seen from the above picture that there is too much dirt in the water entering the test chamber. Please clean all water pipes, water containers and the inside of the boiler, replace the filter element, and ensure that the water source connected to the test chamber is clean. If the heating tube has been burned out, replace it with a new one.


Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep: Service@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep: Sales@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997


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