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08 Oct, 2024 838 Views Author: Cherry Shen

LISUN LSG-1950 Goniophotometer for Automotive and Signal Lamps – After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

LSG-1950 is a CIE A-α goiophotometer. The photometer head keeps static and it faces to the sample under test while the sample is rotating around both horizontal axis and vertical axis. So the luminous intensity and illuminance of the lamp or luminaires can be tested. It fully meets the Final Report PC13050202 OregonECE-R65FMVSS108GB13954 and GB 25991 Standard.

ECE-R65 “Special Warning Lights”
FMVSS108 “Lamps, re-flective devices, and associated equipment. “
IEC60662(GB13954 ) “High-pressure sodium vapour lamps”
GB 25991 “Automotive headlamps with LED light sources and/or LED modules”



Q1:The software cannot communicate with the device.
A1:① Confirm that the driver of the communication box is successfully installed.
LISUN LSG-1950 Goniophotometer for Automotive and Signal Lamps - After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)② Connect the other end of the USB cable of the communication box to a USB port with stable power supply on the computer, and try not to use USB extension cables. The communication box is powered via USB cable.
LISUN LSG-1950 Goniophotometer for Automotive and Signal Lamps - After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
③System configuration interface. Refer to the user manual and all the devices of the system you purchased, select the correct models for all devices, and then click “Auto Search Communication Port”.
LISUN LSG-1950 Goniophotometer for Automotive and Signal Lamps - After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
If there is still an error message, please check whether the corresponding device has been purchased, whether the model is selected correctly, and whether the communication cable is connected correctly according to the prompt content.


Q2:A parameter on the front panel of digital power meter shows a negative value.
A2:Please check the wiring on the back of the power meter and confirm that the four wires A1 A2 V1 V2 are connected to the correct terminals.
LISUN LSG-1950 Goniophotometer for Automotive and Signal Lamps - After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q3:The electrical parameters displayed on the digital power meter and the power supply are inconsistent.
A3:①The voltage displayed on the power supply is the total voltage of the entire circuit, while the digital power meter uses the four-wire measurement method, and the voltage displayed is the voltage value at the sample after removing the line voltage drop.
② Error caused by accuracy. The accuracy of DC power supply is higher than that of LS series digital power meter. The accuracy of LS series digital power meter is higher than that of AC power supply.

Q4:When the software opens, it prompts “File is not a database”.
A4:Click the white button in the picture below to create a new database file and save it on your computer. Subsequent test results will be automatically saved in this file. If this file is deleted or moved, you need to reopen the database file or create a new database file. If the computer is not logged in with an administrator account, the database file or the contents in the file may be automatically deleted. Please try to log in your computer with an administrator account.
LISUN LSG-1950 Goniophotometer for Automotive and Signal Lamps - After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q5:The standard lamp can’t be turned on automatically.
A5:① Confirm that the AC/DC switch is at DC.
LISUN LSG-1950 Goniophotometer for Automotive and Signal Lamps - After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

②Confirm that the input voltage and current are consistent with the standard lamp certificate, and be sure to select CC (constant current mode):
LISUN LSG-1950 Goniophotometer for Automotive and Signal Lamps - After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
③Check whether the filament of the standard lamp is still intact. Severe impact during transportation and handling may cause the filament to break:
LISUN LSG-1950 Goniophotometer for Automotive and Signal Lamps - After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
④Check the connection of the four banana-plug cables from the cabinet to the goniophotometer, and check the connection of the standard lamp power cable.

Q6:The difference between the calibration distance and the actual distance is big.
A6:After the calibration is successful, the calibration distance automatically calculated by the software is displayed here:
LISUN LSG-1950 Goniophotometer for Automotive and Signal Lamps - After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The actual distance is the distance from the center of the goniophotometer to the photo detector. You can refer to the darkroom drawings or actually measure it.
The difference between the two distances should be within 2% or less. If the difference is too large, the following steps may not be done well enough:
a. The standard lamp is unstable. The standard lamp needs about 15 minutes to be stable after turned on. Calibration can be performed when it is stable.
b. The darkroom is not painted completely matte black. There may be light leakage or reflection.
c. The hardware adjustment is not adjusted properly. Including the goniophotometer level, photo detector position and direction, Gamma axis zero direction, etc.
d. During calibration, the direction of the standard lamp is incorrectly adjusted.
Please check the darkroom and refer to the user manual to make sure every step is done correctly.

Q7:Under what circumstances is recalibration required?
A7:① If there are no changes in the darkroom or computer, theoretically there is no need to calibrate again.
② If you change the computer, you do not need to do the candela calibration again. You can directly enter the previous test distance and save it. However, spectrum calibration needs to be re-operated.
③ If the darkroom is replaced, both the candela calibration and spectrum calibration need to be re-operated.

Q8:Software can’t get electrical parameters.
A8:Please confirm that you selected the correct power meter model and the correct COM port. See the figure below:
LISUN LSG-1950 Goniophotometer for Automotive and Signal Lamps - After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
If your power meter is only for AC, so please select DC power supply as the DC power meter if your sample is DC lamp. See the figure below:
LISUN LSG-1950 Goniophotometer for Automotive and Signal Lamps - After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q9:DC samples can’t be turned on automatically.
A9:Please confirm that the voltage and current of the sample is within the limit of the DC power supply. For example, the limit voltage is 30V and the limit current is 10A for DC3010 DC power supply.
If the sample needs constant current (CC), you need to input its rated current and a high enough voltage.
If the sample needs constant voltage (CV), you need to input its rated voltage and a high enough current.
LISUN LSG-1950 Goniophotometer for Automotive and Signal Lamps - After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q10:The test result is 0
A10:Please check whether the calibration distance is normal. If the computer is not logged in with an administrator account or for other reasons, the calibration distance may be tampered with by the computer to 0. Please change it to the correct test distance:
LISUN LSG-1950 Goniophotometer for Automotive and Signal Lamps - After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q11:How to maintain the goniophotometer?
A11:① Keep the darkroom as dust-free as possible. If there is a lot of dust, the photo detector surface needs to be cleaned regularly (be careful not to scratch the detector surface).
②The hardware part does not require maintenance. The internal lubricant can be used for about 10 years.


Q12:Everything looks normal, but the software still can’t communicate with the AC power supply.
A12:Check the baudrate of it, and confirm it is 9600. If not, please set it to 9600.
LISUN LSG-1950 Goniophotometer for Automotive and Signal Lamps - After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Q13:Software navigation is not fully displayed
A13:Due to the low resolution of the monitor, the navigation column may not be fully displayed. You can also force the navigation column to be displayed in full, as shown below. However, if the screen resolution is low, the navigation bar may be displayed abnormally after it is fully displayed. It is recommended to replace the monitor with a higher resolution.
LSG Software Navigation


Q14:Too many test reports are saved in the same database file, which affects the running speed of the software.
A14:If you always open the same database file by default, after a long time, there will be too many test reports saved in the file, which will affect the software running speed and make it inconvenient to find a certain test report. It is recommended to create different database files for different samples to facilitate saving and searching. Note: Every time the software is opened, the last database file is opened by default. If the file has changed, the software will automatically pop up the dialog box for creating a new database file, and you can directly create a new database file.
Click the button in the figure below to create a new database file:

Build a new database file

Build a new database file

Q15:How to confirm whether the candela calibration is accurate?
A15:The goniophotometer system uses a candela standard lamp, not a luminous flux standard lamp. According to the formula: candela = illuminance * distance 2, during calibration, the photo detector will monitor the real-time illuminance value. After entering its standard candela value, the software will automatically calculate the test distance according to the formula to complete the calibration. You can measure the actual distance, that is, the distance from the center of the goniophotometer to the surface of the detector. If it is very close to the calibration distance, there is no problem with the calibration. If the difference between the two is relatively large, please refer to Q6 of this FAQ to confirm where the problem is.


Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep: Service@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep: Sales@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997


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