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01 Feb, 2023 1035 Views Author: Cherry Shen

LISUN LS2090 LED Power Driver Tester – After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

LS2090 LED Power Driver Test Instrument is the comprehensive test instrument for LED driver power which is according to GB/T 24825-2009 and IEC 62384:2006. It can measure the following parameters: input (AC&DC), output (AC&DC), output start (DC), Harmonic.

LISUN LS2090 LED Power Driver Tester – After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

LS2090_LED Test Driver

1. Input Characteristics Test (AC)
• Measures the input voltage, current, power, power factor, power frequency
• The fundamental frequency scope of the current and voltage: 45Hz~65Hz; Narrowband range: 45Hz~5kHz; Broadband range: 45Hz~1MHz.
• Voltage range: 3~300 V (CF=1.67); Current range: 5mA ~ 2.7A (CF=3); Power range: 0.015~800W; Power factor range: 0.000~1.000.

2. Input Characteristics Test (DC)
• Measures voltage, current, power.
• Voltage range: 3~500V; Current range: 5mA~8A; Power range: 0.015~4000W

3. Output Characteristics Test (AC)
• Measures lamp voltage, lamp current, lamp power.
• Lamp voltage range: 3~300V (CF=3); Lamp current range: 5mA~2.7A(CF=3); Lamp power range: 0.015~800W

4. Output Characteristics Test (DC)
• Measures output lamp voltage, lamp current, lamp power, ripple wave current.
• Voltage range: 3~500V; Current range: 5mA~8A; Power range: 0.015~4KW; Ripple wave current range: 5mA~2.5A.

5. Output Start Characteristics Test (DC)
• Changing curve and data of the lamp voltage and lamp current within 0~2 seconds.
• Lamp voltage range: 3~500V; Lamp current range: 5mA~8A

6. Harmonic Testing
Total harmonic and the harmonic component of 0~50 times, wave ratio, initial phase angle, peak phase angle and the phase Angle.

7. Displacement Factor (DF) Testing
The LS2090 is an update version for WT2080, the LS2090 has the Displacement Factor (DF) Testing function.

P.S. The LS2090-IEC with additional software (need to add extra cost on LS2090) can fully meet EN/IEC6100-3-2:2019. Please click here to see the LS2090-IEC additional Test Report Sample


Q1: The software cannot communicate with the LS2090 instrument.
①. The instrument is connected to the computer through RS232 communication cable or RS232-USB adapter cable. If you use the RS232-USB converter cable, please ensure that you have installed the driver of the converter cable.
②. Do not use communication cables and adapter cables other than our standard ones. If the communication cable is too long, the device will not be able to communicate.
③. Open the software, select “Auto Search” for the port, and the software should find the com port automatically. And make sure the baudrate is 115200.
LISUN LS2090 LED Power Driver Tester – After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If the software can’t find com port automatically, please check the RS232/RS232-USB cable connection. You can also go to the “Device manager” of the computer to confirm which port the LS2090 instrument uses.

LISUN LS2090 LED Power Driver Tester – After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q2: LED lamp cannot be turned on
A2: Please make sure that all these four wires here are connected to the correct polarities of the driver and lamp. If polarities connection is wrong, the LED will not on and the LS2090 will also be in risk.

LISUN LS2090 LED Power Driver Tester – After-sales Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q3: DC load alarm
A3: Pay attention to the operation sequence when connecting DC loads. After the DC load parameters are set, press the ON/OFF key to output. Then press the LS2090 load key to power on the LED driver.
After the test, first press the load key on the LS2090 to power off the driver, and then press the ON/OFF key on the DC load to turn off the DC load output.

Q4: The customer has an IEC-Pst power supply, but the test report still indicates that there is a problem with the power supply, as shown in the picture below:
voltage CF fail
A4: A Pst power supply with high enough power is required, and the power supply power needs to be about 3 times the LED driver power under test. For specific details, please contact our sales or engineers.

Q5: There is a difference between the LS2090 test data and the multimeter test data
A5: LS2090 is a professional product designed in accordance with standards, and the tested parameters are RMS value. Generally, the multimeter tests the AVE value. Please also use equipment that can test RMS value for comparison.
RMS value

Q6: When using different types of power supplies to power the LED driver, the LS2090 test data such as power factor, harmonics, etc. are inconsistent. (The same applies to the power factor tested by the LS series digital power meter)
A6: According to the IEC61000-3-2 standard, there are requirements for the input power of the LED driver during testing. Please use a pure sine wave linear power supply that complies with the IEC standard to power the LED driver. If you use other types of power supplies, such as IGBT switching power supplies, or directly use the mains, the test results will be a little different. Therefore, it is recommended that customers purchase a power supply that complies with the IEC standard when purchasing the LS2090. The following figure shows LISUN’s pure sine wave linear power supply:

LSP-500VARC Pure Sine Wave AC Power Source (High Precision)

LSP-500VARC Pure Sine Wave AC Power Source (High Precision)

Q7: The LS2090 cannot be turned on or the sample cannot be turned on
A7: Please check if the fuses on the back of the instrument are still good. If the fuse is damaged, it means that the input power of the LS2090 is abnormal or the sample is abnormal. Please replace the fuse, check the input power of the device and the sample before retesting.
LS2090 fuse

Q8: The input parameter voltage times current does not equal the power value
A8: The power measured by the device is active power, which is voltage multiplied by current multiplied by power factor.

Q9: The software can automatically find the COM port, but during the test it still prompts that the instrument cannot be communicated with.
A9: The power supply of the USB port is insufficient or unstable.
①. Please use our original RS232 communication cable and our RS232-USB converter. Do not add other USB extension cables or USB adapter cables.
②. Please change another USB port or change another computer.


Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

Please feel free to contact us if you need any support.
Tech Dep: Service@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8615317907381
Sales Dep: Sales@Lisungroup.com, Cell/WhatsApp:+8618117273997

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