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08 May, 2021 1883 Views Author: Cherry Shen

LMS-6000 Protable CCD Spectroradiometer is Designed According to CIE 177_2007

The full name of CIE 177_2007 is Color Rendering of White LED Light Sources. It was prepared by CIE Technical Committee 1-62 of Division 1 “Vision and Colour” and has been approved by the Board of Administration of the Commission Internationale de I’Eclairage for studty and application, Now We will introduce the CIE 177_2007  Summary.

This Technical Report reviews the applicability of the CIE colour rendering index to white LED light sources based on the results of visual experiments. The currently recommended colour rendering index (CRI) calculation method was officially introduced in 1 974, and is described in the current publication CIE 1 3.3-1 995 (CIE, 1 995). Visual experience has shown that the current CRI based ranking of a set of light sources containing white LED light sources contradicts the visual ranking. In this Technical Report, three recent visual experiments (including simulations) on colour rendering including white LED light sources are described that confirm this contradiction. It was concluded from these visual colour rendering results that the current CRI method did not describe well those situations where white LED light sources were involved i.e. if white LED light sources were visually ranked together with other light sources. Low correlation was found between the visual colour differences and the computed colour differences if the current CRI method was applied to calculate those colour differences. The conclusion of the Technical Committee is that the CIE CRI is generally not applicable to predict the colour rendering rank order of a set of light sources when white LED light sources are involved in this set.

LISUN designed the LMS-6000 Protable Spectroradiometer according to the CIE 177_2007 standard. It can test CCT, W/m²,Lux, Peak Wavelength, SDCM and other many parameters.

LMS-6000 Protable CCD Spectroradiometer is Designed According to CIE 177_2007

LMS-6000 Portable CCD Spectroradiometer

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are Goniophotometer, Surge Generator, EMC Test SystemsESD Simulator, EMI Test Receiver, Electrical Safety Tester, Integrating Sphere, Temperature Chamber, Salt Spray Test, Environmental Test ChamberLED Test Instruments, CFL Test Instruments, Spectroradiometer, Waterproof Test Equipment, Plug and Switch Testing, AC and DC Power Supply.

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