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05 Mar, 2020 3183 Views Author: Cherry Shen

LSG-6000 Goniophotometer is Designed According to EN 13032- Goniophotometer type 3

The full name of EN13032-1 is Light and lighting Measurement and Presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires. It is edited by CEN in 2004. This standard is a guide to procedures referring where necessary to the relevant CIE, ISO and CEN publications . We will introduce the clause Goniophotometer type 3 in this article.

The following is the original content of EN 13032-1 Goniophotometer types 3. Goniophotometer type 3
The light source is rotated around a vertical axis, a mirror arrangement around a horizontal axis. The photometer head is fixed.
The mirror shall not limit the view of the light source from the photometer head and to be plane. They should have a spectrally constant reflectance or their spectral reflectance shall be considered for the V(λ) correction of the used photometer head. Attention shall be paid to the polarization of the radiation due to reflection by the mirrors and the local situation of the reflection.
The goniophotometer of type 3 can be distinguished as follows:
1) Type 3.1:
a ) centre of mirror in rotation center;
b ) light source is rotated around the mirror on a fixed radius.
2) Type 3.2:
a ) light source in rotation center;
b ) the mirror is rotated around the light source on a fixed radius.
3) Type 3.3:
Light source and mirror are led on two oppositely orientated fixed radius around the rotation center.

LISUN designed the LSG-6000 Moving detector goniophotometer according to the EN 13032-1 Clause standard. The measuring distance is from 5m to 30m. It can measure all types lighting sources, LED or HID luminaries such as indoor and outdoor luminaries. Roadway luminaries, street lamps, flood lights and other kinds of luminaries. And we also designed different kinds of dimension goniophotometer according to different sizes of tested samples. We will update the software and testing parameters according to the updating of the EN 13032-1 standard.

The following is the picture of LSG-6000 Moving Detector Goniophotometer:

LM-79 Moving Detector Goniophotometer (Mirror Type C)

LSG-6000CCD Moving Detector Goniospectroradiometer

The following is the video of LSG-6000 Moving Detector Goniophotometer:


Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are Goniophotometer, Surge Generator, EMC Test SystemsESD Simulator, EMI Test Receiver, Electrical Safety Tester, Integrating Sphere, Temperature Chamber, Salt Spray Test, Environmental Test ChamberLED Test Instruments, CFL Test Instruments, Spectroradiometer, Waterproof Test Equipment, Plug and Switch Testing, AC and DC Power Supply.

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