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24 May, 2023 1073 Views Author: Raza Rabbani

Magnetic Field Generator: Measuring Immunity Characteristics of Electrical and Electronic Products

Testing for electromagnetic field immunity is crucial in the area of electrical and electronic device development. Engineers depend on cutting-edge testing gear to guarantee the quality, reliability, and compliance of their products with all applicable regulations.

The Magnetic Field Generator (MFG) is an essential device for this purpose; it is used to generate normal frequency magnetic fields in order to test immunity and assess their effects. To better understand MFGs, their role in product testing, and the specifications for normal frequency magnetic fields, we shall go into the specifics of each.

Understanding Magnetic Field Generator (MFG)
The generation of magnetic fields in a controlled laboratory environment is the primary function of a high-tech instrument known as a Magnetic Field Generator. This instrument is used to assess electrical and electronic products. Because of this, engineers are able to test the products’ resistance to magnetic fields, which ensures that the items’ functionality will not be hindered by electromagnetic interference.

The primary purpose of a magnetic field generator, also known as an MFG, is to recreate the circumstances that exist in the actual world when electrical and electronic devices are subjected to magnetic fields.

By generating a magnetic field that can have its strength precisely adjusted, the MFG is able to determine how a product will behave in a variety of environments. Because of this testing procedure, manufacturers have the opportunity to increase the dependability of their products by identifying and addressing issues that exist in the design.

Measuring Immunity Characteristics
Being able to operate normally while being exposed to electromagnetic fields is what we mean when we talk about an electrical or electronic equipment having immunity qualities. MFGs play a vital role in determining these immunity properties by subjecting the products to a range of magnetic field intensities and frequencies.

The results of the tests enable the engineers to make informed judgements regarding the product’s design and performance under a variety of magnetic field conditions.

During the testing process, the MFG generates a magnetic field with certain parameters, such as the intensity and frequency of the magnetic field, in compliance with the relevant regulations and recommendations.

The product being evaluated is first magnetized, and then it is placed in the field, where its performance is analyzed. Measurements of a product’s signal strength, noise, and functional stability may all be used by engineers to determine how well a device can withstand the effects of magnetic fields.

Requirements of Normal Frequency Magnetic Fields
The term “normal frequency magnetic fields” describes the magnetic fields produced by everyday power grids and home equipment. Testing electrical and electronic goods need these fields, which generally fall between 50 Hz and a few kilohertz.

Magnetic Field Intensity: The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) establishes minimum levels of magnetic fields for tests to follow. For instance, the IEC 61000-4-8 standard specifies minimum magnetic field strengths for certain product categories. Engineers can create magnetic fields with the precise intensity range needed for testing with the help of MFGs.

Frequency Range: Magnetic field generators (also known as MFGs) are supposed to be able to create magnetic fields at frequencies ranging from fifty hertz to a few thousand hertz.

In order to evaluate the resistance of electrical and electronic products to interference in real-world conditions, it is necessary to choose a frequency band that encompasses the frequencies produced by the majority of power transmission networks and common household appliances.

Control and Precision: MFGs are required to provide fine-grained control over the properties of magnetic fields in order to ensure consistent and repeatable results throughout the testing process.

The magnitude, frequency, and waveform of the magnetic field need to be precisely under the control of the engineers. Because of this legislation, all products and laboratories will be evaluated according to the same criteria and in the same manner.

Calibration and Compliance: In order to keep their performance within acceptable limits, MFGs need to undergo frequent calibration to guarantee accurate readings. It is essential that the magnetic field generator be in accordance with international norms and regulations so that accurate testing may be performed.

Utilizing a magnetic field generator (often abbreviated as MFG) is necessary in order to successfully test the resistance of electrical and electronic equipment to normal frequency magnetic fields. LISUN provides the best quality magnetic field generators

The usage of magnetic field generators (MFGs), which are simulations of real-world conditions, provides engineers with valuable insight into the behavior and performance of a product under a variety of magnetic field conditions.

It is possible for manufacturers to utilize this information to enhance product quality by making modifications to product designs, identifying vulnerabilities in security, and addressing those vulnerabilities.

MFGs are very helpful instruments that may be used to evaluate the dependability of electrical and electronic products. These characteristics have an impact on how effectively the product will function in the presence of electromagnetic fields and how long it will continue to do so.

By subjecting the product to regulated magnetic fields of varying intensities and frequencies, the engineers may be able to acquire a better understanding of the product’s behavior and response.

Standard frequency magnetic fields are an absolute necessity for thorough product testing. There are several considerations in creating and analyzing these magnetic fields:

  1. Magnetic Field Intensity: Specific magnetic field strengths are defined for various items by standards and regulations such as the IEC 61000-4-8. Engineers can produce magnetic fields in the precise intensity range needed for testing with the help of MFGs. Engineers may assess the product’s resistance by simulating real-world situations by adjusting the strength of the field.
  2. Frequency Range: ordinary sources of normal frequency magnetic fields include electricity grids and ordinary domestic equipment, with frequencies falling anywhere between 50 hertz and a few kilohertz. Manufacturers must test over this frequency range to verify compatibility. Engineers may test the product’s resilience in real-world settings by exposing it to magnetic fields in this frequency range.
  3. Control and Precision: To guarantee consistent and reproducible results in testing, MFGs must allow for fine-grained manipulation of magnetic field settings. Engineers should have precise control over the strength, frequency, and waveform of the magnetic field. This regulation ensures that all goods and labs are tested in the same way and to the same standard. Engineers may test the product’s responsiveness to simulated situations with more precision using MFGs that have sophisticated control capabilities.
  4. Calibration and Compliance: Regular calibration of MFGs is essential to maintain their performance within acceptable tolerances. Calibration ensures accurate measurements and reliable testing results. Additionally, compliance with international standards and regulations is crucial to ensure that the MFG meets the necessary requirements for conducting valid tests. Compliance certifications provide confidence in the accuracy and reliability of the MFG’s measurements.

Magnetic Field Generators, sometimes known as MFGs, are an essential tool for determining the resistance of electrical and electronic equipment. By generating controlled magnetic fields and subjecting the things being tested to varied intensities and frequencies, MFGs provide engineers the ability to evaluate how well products work under conditions that are more representative of everyday use.

Testing that is accurate and dependable is dependent on the use of magnetic fields that comply with requirements for normal frequency.

These standards include a variety of aspects pertaining to magnetic fields, including intensity, frequency range, control, accuracy, calibration, and compliance. Manufacturers who use MFGs have the ability to improve product designs, ensure adherence to regulatory standards, and supply consumers with electrical and electronic items that are reliable and safe.

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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