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30 Mar, 2024 555 Views Author: Cherry Shen

What is a Magnetic Field Generator? Analysis of Magnetic Field Generator and its Applications

What is a Magnetic Field Generator?

A Magnetic Field Generator is a widely used instrument for generating a steady power frequency magnetic field. It achieves its purpose by rectifying and filtering alternating current and generating the magnetic field through the coil. It is generally composed of a power module, controller, and coil. By regulating and controlling the power module and coil with a programmable controller, the desired magnetic field parameters and waveforms can be obtained. The Magnetic Field Generator has a wide range of applications in the design and testing of electronic products, and in the measurement of static magnetic field parameters of ships.

Principle of Magnetic Field Generator:

Magnetic Field Generators are devices that generate a controllable and stable power frequency magnetic field using an alternating current power source. When current flows through the coil, it will generate a magnetic field of corresponding strength and direction in the coil. The Magnetic Field Generator generates an alternating current, and after rectification, filtering and other perm processing, it is converted into a magnetic field and then by adjusting the size of the current to adjust the value of the magnetic field. Using the Magnetic Field Generator, a stable and controllable power frequency magnetic field can be obtained, which has an important role in the application of electronic technology.

Power frequency magnetic fields contain both relatively small stable fields generated by current under normal conditions and high-amplitude short-duration fields generated by short-circuit current under fault conditions. This kind of magnetic field may affect many devices, such as monitors of computers, electron microscopes, etc., which will cause program disorder; at the same time, devices composed of magnetic sensitive components such as Hall elements will also cause wrong actions under the influence of the magnetic field. In order to detect and evaluate the interference resistance of the equipment to the power frequency magnetic field, the test of the sine wave magnetic field waveform is carried out. The Magnetic Field Generator includes test generators, induction coils, grounding plates, etc.; the reference grounding plate and the safety ground of the laboratory should be connected; one end of the test generator should also be connected to the reference grounding plate; the specimen should be placed on the 0.1m-thick insulating material to reduce irrelevant interference.

What is a Magnetic Field Generator? Analysis of Magnetic Field Generator and its Applications

PFM61000-8A_Magnetic Field Generator

Application of Magnetic Field Generator:

The Magnetic Field Generator is a stable signal source for various test, application and application, which can be used in magnetic experiments, biomedicine, material research, etc. It includes a remote monitoring and control function, can record the output signal, in addition, some advanced models also have RS232 or USB interface, which can be connected with the computer to realize data transmission and processing. The application and advantages of the Magnetic Field Generator, and the scientific and technological progress it brings will surely make a great contribution to the scientific development of human beings.

The Magnetic Field Generator is composed of coil, DC/AC power supply, AC sampling signal source, and instrument adjustment components. It can simulate the magnetic field environment of residential areas, commercial areas, industrial and mining enterprises, power plants, and medium and high-voltage substations. Its features include accurate control of magnetic field strength, adjustable as needed, generating a continuous and reliable magnetic field signal, and ensuring the power frequency magnetic field quality test of electronic equipment, home appliances and other industries.

In summary, the Magnetic Field Generator has a variety of functions and can meet the magnetic environment test needs of residential areas, commercial areas, industrial and mining enterprises, power plants, and medium and high-voltage substations.


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