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05 Jun, 2023 1307 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Measuring Gloss with Gloss Meters: An Essential Guide

Gloss meter is an instrument used to gloss measurement of an object’s surface. Its main function is to analyze and identify the glossiness of different materials or objects. In the market with different surface glossiness, it is necessary to use glossmeter. The correct use of gloss meter is an important prerequisite for ensuring accurate measurement experimental results.

Gloss is one aspect of visual feeling. Considering the psychological influence of products on consumers, it is as important as color. Gloss is the mirror reflection of light on the surface of the object.

Because many industries need to test materials such as paint and metal products, gloss meters are also widely used, including the automotive industry, food industry, packaging industry, household appliances industry, and metal processing industry. So, if you’re looking to buy a gloss meter, what do you need to consider?

1 .You must determine the type of material you need to measure, and the range of gloss you need. This ensures that you can purchase the most suitable instrument to meet your actual gloss measurement needs.

2. What you need to consider is that the instrument characteristics of the glossmeter should include sensitivity, resolution, and range, so that you can better achieve measurement accuracy and reliability.

3. What you need to consider is whether the gloss meter can meet the quality requirements of your market challenge. For example, do you need AS (Specification) or ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) standards for better measurement accuracy and whether this would help your evaluation practice.

All of these decisions require careful consideration by the buyer before making a purchase. This will ensure that you can find the most suitable gloss meter for all your measuring requirements. Of course, you can also contact local professional instrument and equipment manufacturers, who can recommend the most suitable instrument for you, as well as professional measurement and evaluation services.

How to measure gloss?
The gloss measurement is carried out by irradiating a certain amount of light on the surface of the object, and then quantifying the amount of reflected light. The angle of light and the testing method of reflection depend on the surface and appearance of the object.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose a suitable angle to measure gloss. NHG268 Gloss Meter meets ISO2813 and GB/T9754 (Chinese National Standard), and three angles can completely cover the gloss measurement of all surfaces.

The unit of gloss is (GU). It is traceable to the reference standards of BAM (Germany), NRC (Canada) and NPL (UK).

Average gloss (Universal Angle):60°
60° is the measurement angle suitable for all surfaces. It is also used as the reference angle for measuring low gloss 85° and high gloss 20°.

Low Gloss:85°
In order to improve the resolution of low gloss surface, it can be measured with 85°. When measuring the surface gloss with 60°, it is recommended to use 85° to measure when the gloss value is lower than 10GU.
When measuring different gloss textures or slightly uneven surfaces with 85°, multi-point measurements should be taken to obtain the average value.

High Gloss:20°
The 20° measurement angle can improve the resolution of high gloss surfaces. When the surface gloss is measured with 60°, it is recommended to use 20° to measure when the gloss value is higher than 70GU.
The 20° angle (light path) is very sensitive to the fogging phenomenon on the surface of the object because fogging is a typical phenomenon of high gloss surface.

Methods of correct use of gloss meter:
1. Calibration of gloss meter: The calibration of gloss meter is the key to get correct results. Before using, first compare with the gloss defined by the gloss meter to calibrate. The calibration results and actual measurement values may be discrepant, and at this time, determination and adjustment should be made.

2. Selection of measurement surface: The surface of the test sample has various characteristics, such as flatness, low glossiness, roughness, coating, etc., only by selecting the most suitable measurement surface can the true glossiness of the surface of the object be accurately reflected.

3. Place the measured object uniformly: Some objects will be adjusted in position and angle constantly during measurement, so as much as possible to place the measured object uniformly before measurement.

4. Pay attention to the temperature: Most gloss meters use an environment temperature of 20°C, so when using it correctly, pay attention to whether the environment temperature is within 20°C to avoid affecting the measurement results.

Precautions for using gloss meter:
1. The sample surface should be smooth without sand holes and other appearance defects, and should be wiped clean before measurement.

2. The surface of the sample should be flat and free of curvature. Generally, glossmeters are not suitable for measuring curved surfaces, unless they are calibrated with a curved surface with a known gloss value beforehand, otherwise the value measured on the curved surface is inaccurate.
3. Calibrate the gloss meter with the standard board before each measurement. Calibrate with the high gloss standard board first, then with the medium gloss or low gloss standard board.

4. The gloss values measured at different angles of incidence may be different, so the correct angle gloss meter should be used for detection. Generally, a 60° gloss meter is used for testing first. When the measured value is greater than 70°, a 20° gloss meter can be used for detection; when the measured value is less than 30°, an 85° gloss meter can be used for detection.
5. Generally, multiple points should be selected on the sample for measurement.

In order to buy a glossmeter, many factors need to be considered, including the type of materials to be measured, gloss testing range, glossmeter instrument characteristics, meeting market challenge quality requirements, etc. In addition, calibration must be done before use, and finally an appropriate measuring area should be selected, the test object should be placed correctly, and attention should be paid to the temperature. Finally, measurement should be conducted at the correct angle and multiple points evenly distributed on the sample should be selected for measurement to achieve the goal of measuring gloss.

Gloss meters AGM-580 are mainly used in the surface gloss measurement for paint, plastic, metal, ceramics, building materials. It conforms to the DIN67530, ISO2813, ASTM D523, JIS Z8741, BS 3900 Part D5, JJG696 standards and so on.

Measuring Gloss with Gloss Meters: An Essential Guide

AGM-580_Gloss Meter with 3 Angles (20, 60 and 85º)

Gloss Meter with Single Angle: AGM-500PRO

Measuring Gloss with Gloss Meters: An Essential Guide

AGM-500PRO_Gloss Meter with Single Angle

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

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