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08 Oct, 2023 1074 Views Author: Cherry Shen

Ozone testing evaluation of automotive components and its significance for environmental protection

Ozone testing is a common method for testing the weather resistance of materials, mainly used to evaluate the durability performance of materials in ozone environments. Ozone is a highly reactive oxygen molecule that can react with double bases in materials, leading to material aging and deterioration. Therefore, ozone resistance is very important for many experiments.

In ozone testing, the tested material is usually exposed to an environment containing sampling to simulate the ozone exposure in a real environment. The testing time usually ranges from several days to several weeks, and the specific time is determined by the material and purpose being tested. During the testing process, the ozone resistance of the material can be evaluated by observing changes in its appearance, physical properties, and chemical properties.

The results of ozone testing can be used to guide the selection and use of materials to ensure that they maintain good performance and appearance throughout their service life. For example, in the automotive manufacturing industry, ozone testing can be used to evaluate the durability of automotive components to ensure that they do not experience aging and deterioration during long-term use. In the construction materials industry, ozone testing can be used to evaluate the durability of building materials to ensure their long-term use and non damage in outdoor environments.

Ozone testing is a very important material testing method that can help us evaluate the durability of materials in ozone environments, guide the selection and use of materials, and ensure that they maintain good performance and appearance throughout their lifespan.

Ozone testing of automotive components is an aging test method that exposes specimens to a constant ozone concentration and constant temperature environment under static or dynamic tensile strain conditions. This method is often used to evaluate the ozone resistance of rubber, and environmental simulation is used to accelerate the process of rubber aging by ozone, thereby testing the aging resistance of rubber products.

Purpose of Ozone Test – Ozone Test for Automotive Components
Ozone is an extremely rare gas in the atmosphere, but it has a strong destructive effect on plastic materials. Ozone can undergo irreversible chemical reactions with unsaturated bonds and reducing groups in the chemical structure of plastic materials, leading to oxidative degradation of plastic materials and loss of their value for use.


The ozone aging test of plastic materials is usually conducted in an ozone aging test chamber. The required ozone for the test is provided by an ozone generator, and its concentration can be adjusted by mixing with air through a mixer. The concentration of ozone is generally determined based on the environmental conditions in which the material is actually used.

In addition, factors such as temperature and humidity inside the ozone aging chamber can also be adjusted to achieve the purpose of the experiment, thereby obtaining the material’s ozone aging resistance performance and ozone aging behavior and rules.

The Principle of Ozone Corrosion – Ozone Testing of Automotive Components
The oxidation of ozone leads to the rupture of unsaturated organic molecules. Bind ozone molecules onto the double base of organic molecules to form ozone oxides. The spontaneous division of ozone oxide produces a carboxyl compound and zwitterion with acidic and basic groups. The latter is unstable and can be decomposed into acids and aldehydes.

Meanwhile, ozone itself is not very stable and spontaneously transforms into oxygen and reactive oxygen atoms, among which reactive oxygen atoms are easily bound to organic matter and cause damage.

The significance of ozone testing – ozone testing of automotive components
With the increasing prosperity of industrial technology, the rubber industry has made significant progress in recent years. In daily life, products such as plastic toys, rubber gloves, and tape have added many conveniences to our lives.

Rubber not only provides essential daily and medical light industrial rubber products for people, but also provides various rubber consumer equipment or rubber components to heavy and emerging industries such as transportation, construction, machinery, electronics, etc. In the industrial field, rubber is used for vibration reduction in bridge buildings, sealing of automotive components, and conductors of electronic products.

The causes of rubber problems include temperature, humidity, light, ozone, etc. In order to test the weather resistance of ozone products, the damage of temperature and humidity to materials has been a concern. Various corrosive gases formed by the increasingly prosperous industry, such as ozone, are mixed in the air, and their destructiveness is a very serious test for materials or products. It can cause rubber products to crack, degrade, pulverize, harden, and other damages.

With the development of industry, the use of ozone weathering tests will increase accordingly. The usual ozone aging test chamber can be used for rubber products such as vulcanized rubber, thermoplastic rubber, cable insulation sheath, and other products.

Under static tensile deformation, exposed to sealed and unlit air with a constant ozone concentration and a constant temperature test chamber, the test sample is stopped at a predetermined time. Based on the level of cracking or other performance changes on the surface of the sample, the ozone aging test chamber is used to scientifically and reasonably complete the aging and cracking test of non-metallic materials and rubber products, in order to evaluate the ozone aging resistance of rubber, and to select and improve new materials for humans, Provide a solid scientific foundation.

Ozone test sample requirements – Ozone test for automotive components:
1. The standard style requirements for dumbbells in GB/T 13642 and GB/T 7762 should consist of a square with 12mm * 12mm at both ends and a strip with a width of 5mm and a length of 50mm in the middle.

2. DIN53509: The width of the wide sample shall not be less than 10mm, and the thickness shall be 2.0mm ± 0.2mm. The standard style requirement for narrow style dumbbells should be 6.5mm * 6.5 at both ends A square with a width of 2 ± 0.2mm and a length of 50mm is formed

Ozone test purpose:
Ozone Test Chamber (or called Ozone Aging Chamber and Ozone Aging Test Chamber) is design according to rubber being sensitive characteristic of to ozone, it simulate the environmental to accelerate the rubber aging process by ozone. It compared to different products(test sample) aging result each other according to the same ozone aging test conditions/standards, and get to comparable aging resistance performance.

Ozone testing evaluation of automotive components and its significance for environmental protection

OTC-015A_Ozone Test Chamber

Lisun Instruments Limited was found by LISUN GROUP in 2003. LISUN quality system has been strictly certified by ISO9001:2015. As a CIE Membership, LISUN products are designed based on CIE, IEC and other international or national standards. All products passed CE certificate and authenticated by the third party lab.

Our main products are GoniophotometerIntegrating SphereSpectroradiometerSurge GeneratorESD Simulator GunsEMI ReceiverEMC Test EquipmentElectrical Safety TesterEnvironmental ChamberTemperature ChamberClimate ChamberThermal ChamberSalt Spray TestDust Test ChamberWaterproof TestRoHS Test (EDXRF)Glow Wire Test and Needle Flame Test.

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