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Why required to do vibration test and related standards
28 Dec, 2021 1476 Author: Cherry Shen

Why required to do vibration test and related standards

Vibration test is to simulate the various vibration environment impacts encountered by the product in the transportation, installation. This test is to simulate the various impacts encountered by the product in the transportation, installation and use environment. This kind of vibration environmental impact is used to determine whether the product can withstand various environmental vibrations. Vi...

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Conducted emissions are the noise currents generated by the Device-Under-Test (DUT)
25 Dec, 2021 1863 Author: Cherry Shen

Conducted emissions are the noise currents generated by the Device-Under-Test (DUT)

Electromagnetic compatibility difficulties in electrical engineering include the impact of electromagnetic coupling, electronic switching, and semiconductor devices on power quality. Restricting or reducing electromagnetic energy creation, propagation, and reception in the electromagnetic environment affects all linked system devices in the environment. The conducted emissions are measured by usi...

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Test Method for the Horizontal Vertical Flame Tester
23 Dec, 2021 1328 Author: Cherry Shen

Test Method for the Horizontal Vertical Flame Tester

This HVR-LS Horizontal Vertical Flame Test Chamber meets the requirements of ANSI/UL94, IEC60695-11-3, IEC60695-11-4, IEC60695-11-10, IEC695-2-2 , GB- 4943, GB/T5169.15, GB/T5169.16, GB/T5169.17, GBT5169.22 Standard. Horizontal Vertical Flame Test Chamber uses a bunsenburner with a specified size and a specific gas source (methane or natural gas). According to a certain flame height and a...

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Glow Wire Test Method
21 Dec, 2021 1282 Author: Cherry Shen

Glow Wire Test Method

The reason why LED lighting is easy to spread the flame inside the equipment insulation material or other solid combustible material parts may be ignited by the glowing wire or hot components. Under certain conditions, such as fault current flowing through wires, component overload, and poor contact, some components will reach a certain temperature and cause nearby parts to ignite. The glow wire t...

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The difference between EMI and EMS
16 Dec, 2021 1774 Author: Cherry Shen

The difference between EMI and EMS

LED chip are small in size, low energy consumption, long life, and other advantages, which promote their rapid development and are widely used in various fields of lighting. Among them, long life is a very important advantage of LED lights. To ensure this advantage of LED, R & D personnel need to ensure good EMC and reliability of the LED power system. Power system compatibility The root of im...

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Why do lamps required to test for temperature rise
14 Dec, 2021 1601 Author: Cherry Shen

Why do lamps required to test for temperature rise

In LED lighting products, due to the heat generated by some high-current components, their own temperature rise is often too high. Working in this state for a long time may reduce or destroy the characteristics of the insulating materials in the product, resulting in electric shock or even fire. The dangerous result of the product; the temperature of the accessible parts such as the product shell ...

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IEC 60068 is a collection of standard for environmental testing
11 Dec, 2021 2204 Author: Cherry Shen

IEC 60068 is a collection of standard for environmental testing

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) created the IEC 60068 standard, which is widely accepted throughout the world. Environmental testing for electronic equipment, components, and electromechanical products is covered by IEC 60068, which is a collection of methods for determining the performance and survival of these items under various environmental conditions such as transportatio...

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How much do you know about the IES light distribution curve
10 Dec, 2021 2357 Author: Cherry Shen

How much do you know about the IES light distribution curve

Definition of light distribution curve: It refers to the light intensity distribution of light sources (or lamps) in all directions in space. On the metering plane passing through the center of the light source, the light intensity values of the lamps at different angles are measured. Starting from a certain direction, the light intensity of each angle is marked with a vector with the angle as a f...

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Goniophotometry is the technique of measuring the angular distribution of light
08 Dec, 2021 1224 Author: Cherry Shen

Goniophotometry is the technique of measuring the angular distribution of light

A goniophotometer is a device that combines the functions of a photometer with those of a goniometric motion stage to create a single instrument. This process is also called goniophotometry. Specifically, the photometer is a photoelectric light meter that replicates the photopic spectrum sensitivity of the human eye by converting incoming illumination into an electric current. The quantity of ligh...

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