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The working principle of environmental chamber
12 Oct, 2021 1383 Author: Cherry Shen

The working principle of environmental chamber

Introduction: The temperature and humidity environmental chamber can simulate a variety of temperature and humidity natural environments, and is suitable for testing electronic devices, household appliances, food, trolleys, vulcanized rubber, plastic rubber, metal materials and other commodities. So how does the temperature and humidity environmental chamber carry out humidification? Standard: Hig...

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What function of  spectroradiometers
11 Oct, 2021 1447 Author: Cherry Shen

What function of spectroradiometers

Introduction: The portable spectroradiometer is a spectrum analysis instrument based on XRF (X Ray Fluorescence) spectrum analysis technology. It is mainly composed of X-ray tube, detector, CPU and memory. Because of its portability, it is highly efficient, portable and accurate. LMS-6000 Portable CCD Spectroradiometer Standards: Spectroradiometer fully meet CIE 177,  CIE-13.3 ,  Optical-Engin...

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How does a thermal chamber work?
10 Oct, 2021 1425 Author: Cherry Shen

How does a thermal chamber work?

Temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors may be regulated in an Environmental Chamber. Corrosion may be simulated in certain chambers by spraying salt into the room. They may vary significantly in size depending on the kind of product being examined. The thermal chamber is widely used in today’s world. What is the purpose of a thermal chamber? To find out how everyday goods perform...

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Different types of environmental chambers
09 Oct, 2021 1350 Author: Cherry Shen

Different types of environmental chambers

An environmental chamber’s job is to find out how a product will perform in various climatic, physical, and other unusual circumstances. When a product is being used, it will be exposed to a variety of conditions. Using controlled circumstances like humidity, temperature variations, and high or low pressure to test and evaluate a product’s characteristics, researchers depend on these f...

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How does Mirror Goniophotometer work
08 Oct, 2021 1538 Author: Cherry Shen

How does Mirror Goniophotometer work

1. Luminaire rotating distribution mirror goniophotometer: Goniophotometer adopts the measuring principle of static detector and rotating lamp to realize the measurement of light intensity distribution in all directions of the light source or lamp, which meets the requirements of CIE, IESNA and other international and domestic standards. It is equipped with different software to realize C-γ, A-α...

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What is an integrating sphere used for?
08 Oct, 2021 1308 Author: Cherry Shen

What is an integrating sphere used for?

Integrating sphere is a light collecting device. Illumination or measurement sources may be made from the gathered light. So, light enters the sphere, reflects off the highly reflective Lambertian surface, and is dispersed evenly throughout the sphere’s interior. A fiber-optic cable gathers a homogenized light signal behind a baffled port within the sphere, irrespective of the sample port...

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what is a sphere lighting system?
07 Oct, 2021 1641 Author: Cherry Shen

what is a sphere lighting system?

Integrating spheres are one of the fundamental devices for light sources, lamps, and luminaries measurement. An integrative sphere is also traditionally called the Ulbricht sphere, and its name derives from the name of Richard Ulbricht, a German engineer. He has taken photometric measures to discover the optimum illumination technique while preparing the electronics and lighting of a train station...

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What is a temperature test chamber?
06 Oct, 2021 1334 Author: Cherry Shen

What is a temperature test chamber?

Expert equipment for environmental testing, semi-conductive testing, chemical stability tests, and more is a temperature test chamber. The size of an environmental chamber temperature test chamber may vary from a small benchop unit to a big industrial unit. Still, it should keep the temperature throughout the chamber uniform and precise. Depending on the compressor, the temperature chambers often ...

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How do integrating spheres work?
05 Oct, 2021 1434 Author: Cherry Shen

How do integrating spheres work?

The computer completely controls modern measurement systems. A single user interface controls the measurement system with extra components and an additional light source to offset the absorption coefficient with the power supply system. Photometric measurement is now automatically integrated with colorimetric measurement and measurement of power and temperature for LED measurements. For all these ...

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