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How does the high and low temperature humidity chamber work?
15 Sep, 2021 1234 Author: Cherry Shen

How does the high and low temperature humidity chamber work?

The high and low temperature humidity chamber, as its name implies is the experimental equipment that performs high and low temperatures on the product. The production of the high and low temperature chamber is mainly composed of five systems: heating system, refrigeration system, air circulation, control system, and temperature monitoring system. Heating system: The heating system of the high and...

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Which meter is used to test the LED?
15 Sep, 2021 1238 Author: Cherry Shen

Which meter is used to test the LED?

LEDs have opened up new levels of freedom of design which enable architects and designers to free up their creativity. Light-emitting diodes provide many design options in lighting goods. However, a proper measurement technique is necessary to compare important technical parameters to make the most use of the variety of lighting options available. Critical items accessible for the LED testing are ...

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What is the use of integrating spheres and goniophotometers?
14 Sep, 2021 1226 Author: Cherry Shen

What is the use of integrating spheres and goniophotometers?

In photometry, the light power measurement is performed using two different instruments: a goniophotometer and an integrating sphere. Both have outstanding characteristics that make them suitable for various flux testing and measurement kinds. Although they are employed for the same purpose, ie, for measuring optical power, they have distinct features and principles. While it is clear that the met...

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What is an esd simulator gun used for?
13 Sep, 2021 1607 Author: Cherry Shen

What is an esd simulator gun used for?

The ESD simulator gun is mainly used to simulate the static electricity on the human body. The main function is to generate a certain amount of static electricity to see whether the electronic products can maintain normal work under the action of static electricity. Then why do we do such a simulation test? Mainly because ESD simulator gun will cause certain harm to electronic components or produc...

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What are the types of optical goniometers?
12 Sep, 2021 1955 Author: Cherry Shen

What are the types of optical goniometers?

An optical goniometer is an instrument that measures an angle or allows an item to rotate to a certain point. The former term applies more in orthopedics. The knowledge and knowledge of measuring the joints in each joint plane are termed goniometry. Thus, a goniophotometer is also derived from this family. The most common usage is the universal standard goniometer, manufactured from either plastic...

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What is a lumen measurement?
11 Sep, 2021 2818 Author: Cherry Shen

What is a lumen measurement?

Lighting, everything is about lumens. But precisely what are lumens? And how do you comprehend what light bulbs and light fittings contain? And if you want a brilliant and luminous fixture, it is essential to choose the right part for your lighting. In short, the lumen is equal to brightness. Lumens quantify how much light a bulb gives you. More lights indicate that light is brighter; fewer lumens...

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How to test EMI Interference?
10 Sep, 2021 1526 Author: Cherry Shen

How to test EMI Interference?

Electromagnetic disturbance that degrades the performance of electrical equipment or electronic device, works abnormally or fails. It can be divided into conducted interference test and radiated interference test. EMI Test Standard: EMI test standards for electronic products can be classified according to different types of products: Industrial, scientific, medical: CISPRI1, EN501, GB4824, YYO505-...

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How is photometry measured?
10 Sep, 2021 2082 Author: Cherry Shen

How is photometry measured?

Photometry is a method that estimates the concentration by measuring wavelengths of light of organic and inorganic compounds in a solution. Photometric measurement is critical for water quality management when heavy metals, pesticides, and more are detected. The quality management and development of lighting in a human context are essential for photometric measurements. This includes all displays,...

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The working principle of lightning surge generator
09 Sep, 2021 2009 Author: Cherry Shen

The working principle of lightning surge generator

Lighting surge generator provides a common basis for evaluating the resistance of power cords and internal connectors of different equipment to high energy transient interference caused by natural lightning surge induction and large capacity load switching. It fully meets the IEC 61000-4-5, EN61000-4-5 and GB/T17626.5 standards. Here we talk about the surge generator working principle. 1. The basi...

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