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How to do LSG-6000 Photometric Testing with a goniophotometer
02 Apr, 2022 1982 Author: Saeed, Hamza

How to do LSG-6000 Photometric Testing with a goniophotometer

Photometry LISUN is an independent lighting and optical test laboratory for testing LEDs, lamps, luminaries, displays, signs, and vehicle lighting. Photometry is the modern science used for the measurement of visible light regarding its perceived vision brightness to the human vision. The SI unit of photometry is lumen (lm). The two laws used in photometry are inverse square and cosine laws. The i...

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Integrating Sphere Fundamentals and Applications
01 Apr, 2022 1304 Author: root

Integrating Sphere Fundamentals and Applications

Introduction The photoreceptor cells on the retina of the human eye are divided into two types: rod-shaped (circle) cells and cone-shaped (round) cells. The former has high sensitivity and is used to sense low light and distinguish light and dark, but it has no color perception. Cone-shaped (round) cells have low sensitivity and are used to sense strong light and have color perception. The sensiti...

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The most affordable Goniophotometer: LM-79 Goniophotometer
01 Apr, 2022 1149 Author: Saeed, Hamza

The most affordable Goniophotometer: LM-79 Goniophotometer

Introduction LSG-6000 goniophotometer is manufactured by LISUN. LISUN manufactures an LSG-6000 goniophotometer. It can measure all lighting sources, LED, Plant Lighting or HID luminaires such as indoor and outdoor luminaires, roadway luminaires, street lamps, floodlights, and other luminaries. LM-79 Moving Detector Goniophotometer  Accessories There are six boxes in total. One package contains th...

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Integrating Sphere for LED glow lamps PAR and PPF Testing
31 Mar, 2022 1385 Author: Saeed, Hamza

Integrating Sphere for LED glow lamps PAR and PPF Testing

LED test instruments or LED Lamp Testing Equipment includes • LPCE-2(LMS-9000) High Precision Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere System. • EN62471-C Optical Radiation Safety Test. • LEDLM-80PL LED Optical Aging Test Instrument. • LPCE-3 CCD Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere Compact System. • LSRF-3 Lamp Start, Run-up Time and Flicker Test System. Plant Glow Lighting Engineers have i...

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Are you aware of the Spectroradiometer LMS-6000 different versions
30 Mar, 2022 1430 Author: Saeed, Hamza

Are you aware of the Spectroradiometer LMS-6000 different versions

Introduction A spectroradiometer is an instrument ( a light measuring tool ) used to measure the wavelength and amplitude of the light emitted from the light source. Spectrometers are used to discriminate the wavelength based on the position at which the light hits the detector array, allowing the full spectrum to obtain a single acquisition. A colorimeter is defined as ”an instrument that i...

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Easy ways to do a Needle Flame Test
29 Mar, 2022 1491 Author: Saeed, Hamza

Easy ways to do a Needle Flame Test

What is the needle flame test The full name of IEC 60695-2-2 is Fire hazard testing Part 2: Test methods – Section 2 Needle flame test. Needle flame test was prepared by IEC technical committee 89: Fire hazard testing. The following is the related introduction of IEC 60695-2-2 Scope. This section of IEC 60695-2-2 specifies a needle flame test to simulate effect of small flames which may result...

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How you can undertake RoHS testing
28 Mar, 2022 1419 Author: Saeed, Hamza

How you can undertake RoHS testing

What is RoHS? RoHS is a legal requirement set forth by the EU legislation. The full form of RoHS is Restriction of Hazardous Substances. This standard has been in effect since July 1, 2006. It is mainly used to control the materials and manufacturing processes of electrical and electronic equipment. It also helps in improving human health and environmental protection. The goal of this standard is ...

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How does the goniophotometry in goniophotometer work
27 Mar, 2022 1785 Author: Saeed, Hamza

How does the goniophotometry in goniophotometer work

Goniophotometer A goniophotometer is a measuring device. It is used to measure directional light distribution characteristics in lamps and luminaires. It collects photometric data from different spherical locations. Then it creates a web of photometric data that encircles the item under test. Gonio photometric data is obtained using a variety of instruments and is delivered in a variety of angular...

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Have you heard about the glow wire test procedure
26 Mar, 2022 1515 Author: Saeed, Hamza

Have you heard about the glow wire test procedure

What is the glow wire test? The Glow wire tester ZRS-3H/ZRS-3HS is suitable for providing resistance to abnormal heat and fire tests on the lighting lamps, the electronic products and household appliances. It uses a high-temperature coating spraying on the steel structure and all the imported instruments display with the easy operation and the stable performance. This equipment is applicable to t...

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