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How you can properly conduct a Glow Wire Test
25 Mar, 2022 2410 Author: Saeed, Hamza

How you can properly conduct a Glow Wire Test

Security is critical in the home appliance business. The purpose of fire safety rules is to assess and rate the flammability of materials used in appliance wiring systems. This is owing to the possibility of human error, over-current, or short circuit failures in a wiring system for an appliance. One such rule that is now in use in the appliance industry is the glow wire test. This regulation is m...

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How exactly do the integrating spheres function
24 Mar, 2022 1620 Author: Saeed, Hamza

How exactly do the integrating spheres function

The use of LEDs has increased with the advancement of technology. So, in order to meet today’s needs LEDs must be thoroughly evaluated. This is done using standardized and uniform LED testing methodologies. The LM-79 testing standard was developed by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, commonly known as IESNA. It was to offer more trustworthy results when evaluating such t...

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How does IPX9K waterproof test chamber operated
23 Mar, 2022 1326 Author: root

How does IPX9K waterproof test chamber operated

Introduction JL-9K1L High Temperature & Pressure Jet Waterproof Test Chamber is according to IEC60529:1989 +A1:1999 +A2:2013 《Degrees of protection provided by enclosures(IP Code)》, GB4208, DIN40050-9,GB7000.1,ISO20653 and VW80000 for protection level IPX9K testing. It is a waterproof test machine designed for vehicle spare parts, electrical and electronic industry, to simulate n...

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Environmental Chamber for Environmental Testing
22 Mar, 2022 1449 Author: Saeed, Hamza

Environmental Chamber for Environmental Testing

Introduction An environmental chamber, also known as a climate test chamber, is an enclosed area in which the temperature and humidity conditions can be modified as per need. The major function of this device is the environmental testing of objects which provides a preview of the resistance or changes an object will offer when exposed to certain environmental conditions in real life. The specimen ...

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ESD Simulator Gun for conducting ESD Simulations
21 Mar, 2022 1326 Author: Saeed, Hamza

ESD Simulator Gun for conducting ESD Simulations

Introduction Electrostatic discharge simulator is a precision high voltage instrument. The internal design of the equipment has a protection mechanism. But for safety, do not use it in high humidity and high temperature environments. All grounding terminals of the system shall be grounded. Do not touch the electrode of the ESD gun with your hand, after the instrument is powered on to prevent the e...

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The most astonishing Salt Spray Test Chamber
20 Mar, 2022 1242 Author: Saeed, Hamza

The most astonishing Salt Spray Test Chamber

Salt Spray Test Chamber  YWX/Q-010_Salt Spray Test Machine Introduction The Salt Spray Test Chamber applies to the salt spray corrosion test to protect layers of the components, parts, electronic and other electric parts, including the metal materials and industrial products. Accessories of a salt test chamber include; a measuring cylinder, sodium chloride, spare nozzle, and a sample holder. The...

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EMI Test Receiver for conducting emissions
19 Mar, 2022 1408 Author: Saeed, Hamza

EMI Test Receiver for conducting emissions

Introduction The EMI-9KB is an automatic EMI receiver system for radiation conduction or conducted emissions testing. THE FOLLOWING CLOSURE STRUCTURE PRODUCES the EMI-9KB receiver and a strong material (electro-conductible). This strong electro-conductible material has a high shielding effect. Due to advanced technology for the EMI testing system, EMI test receiver has resolved the issue of the in...

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How to “qualify” the flicker test for lighting?
18 Mar, 2022 1868 Author: root

How to “qualify” the flicker test for lighting?

Introduction Any lamps and lanterns may have “flicker“ when connected to AC power! Unless you don’t use batteries or transformers, lighting fixtures cannot avoid “strobe“, which is common in our lives. What is alternating current? The current increases first in a cycle, then decreases when it reaches the peak value, and when it reaches 0, the power supply continues in...

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Why you should use a Spectroradiometer to test out your devices
18 Mar, 2022 1495 Author: Cherry Shen

Why you should use a Spectroradiometer to test out your devices

LISUN is a leading manufacturer of spectroradiometers for remote sensing applications. These include geological and spectral remote sensing, crop and soil research, vegetative, forestry and canopy studies and more. Our spectroradiometers offer the finest mix of high resolution and sensitivity. This makes them the most precise field handheld devices available. These devices can be used both in the ...

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