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EMI receiver system for solving conducted emissions problem
17 Feb, 2022 1373 Author: Cherry Shen

EMI receiver system for solving conducted emissions problem

1. What is a conducted disturbance test? 1.1 Introduction of conducted interference: Electromagnetic interference (EMI)-The interference signals generated by electronic devices are transmitted through wires or public power lines, and mutual interference is called conducted interference. Conducted interference has brought confusion to many electronic engineers. How to solve the conducted interferen...

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Comparison of vertical goniophotometer and horizontal goniophotometer
15 Feb, 2022 1358 Author: Cherry Shen

Comparison of vertical goniophotometer and horizontal goniophotometer

The goniophotometer is mainly used to measure the light distribution performance of lamps and light sources. That is, the luminosity and chromaticity value distribution of the laser source of lamps in different directions in space. 1. What are the main types of goniophotometers and what are the test methods? 1.1 Types of goniophotometer Goniophotometers are mainly divided into two types: horizonta...

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How does a salt fog chamber work
12 Feb, 2022 1612 Author: root

How does a salt fog chamber work

Metal components, zinc plated nuts and bolts, surface coatings, and paint may be tested for corrosion resistance in salt spray test chambers or salt fog chambers. It is possible to test the suitability of a layer for use as a protective finish on finished items in such chambers, where coated samples are placed in a simulated corrosion environment. Corrosion-resistant samples are tested for a certa...

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Integrating spheres for measuring the radiant or luminous flux of light sources
08 Feb, 2022 1477 Author: root

Integrating spheres for measuring the radiant or luminous flux of light sources

The standard specifies that the size of the integrating sphere is based on the size of the lamp under test. But experts explain that for many product development and testing purposes, smaller spheres can provide acceptable measurement accuracy. 1. What is the function of integrating sphere and what is integrating sphere? 1.1 Integrating sphere instruction: The integrating sphere is a quick and con...

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How does a humidity chamber work
05 Feb, 2022 1778 Author: Cherry Shen

How does a humidity chamber work

It is possible to test the reaction of goods when they are exposed to fluctuations in humidity by using a humidity chamber. This chamber is also called an environmental chamber. Manufacturers utilize this form of environmental testing to put their goods through their paces under the most extreme circumstances possible before releasing them. Humidity chambers are used to evaluate the impact of vari...

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How do you clean an integrated sphere
29 Jan, 2022 1702 Author: Cherry Shen

How do you clean an integrated sphere

To integrate radioactive flow, an integrating sphere is needed. In many applications, the integrating sphere is used to measure optical radiation straightforwardly. A thorough understanding of how the integrated sphere works are required before designing a sphere for a particular application. Diffuse reflective surfaces have a crucial role in determining how light travels across the globe. The ill...

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Why flicker test is so important
28 Jan, 2022 1507 Author: Cherry Shen

Why flicker test is so important

The myopia rate of primary and secondary school students remains high. More and more people are advocating to pay attention to the improvement of students’ eyesight and the healthy lighting of classrooms, especially parents of students and classrooms. The education industry has also issued relevant standards, such as classroom lighting and lighting hygiene standards in primary and secondary ...

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What is Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Testing?
27 Jan, 2022 2473 Author: Cherry Shen

What is Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Testing?

The concept of electromagnetic compatibility IEC 60050 (161) is equivalent to GB/T4365-1995 “Electromagnetic Compatibility Terminology”, which defines EMC as “equipment or system can work normally in its electromagnetic environment and does not constitute unacceptable electromagnetic the ability to harass.” Electromagnetic compatibility is the research that under the condit...

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How an integrating sphere works?
25 Jan, 2022 1721 Author: Cherry Shen

How an integrating sphere works?

Foreword: With the rapid development of the LED industry, the application range of LED lamps is becoming wider and wider, and there are more and more types of lamps. Flat light is one of them. Flat light is suitable for indoor lighting such as living room, bedroom, corridor, kitchen, viewing balcony, etc. At the same wattage as traditional lighting sources, flat panel lights are energy efficient, ...

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