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Goniophotometry is the technique of measuring the angular distribution of light
08 Dec, 2021 1431 Author: Cherry Shen

Goniophotometry is the technique of measuring the angular distribution of light

A goniophotometer is a device that combines the functions of a photometer with those of a goniometric motion stage to create a single instrument. This process is also called goniophotometry. Specifically, the photometer is a photoelectric light meter that replicates the photopic spectrum sensitivity of the human eye by converting incoming illumination into an electric current. The quantity of ligh...

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Standard requirement for LED lighting package drop
08 Dec, 2021 2298 Author: Cherry Shen

Standard requirement for LED lighting package drop

A drop test generally refers to a free fall drop at a certain height after the product is packaged (in the outer box), and finally see if there is any damage. The drop test is mainly used to test the damage of the product after it is packaged. It is used to evaluate the impact strength of the component when it is dropped during the handling process, and the water chestnut, corner and surface of th...

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What is climate chambers?
06 Dec, 2021 2142 Author: Cherry Shen

What is climate chambers?

Climate chambers are enclosed spaces used to evaluate the impact of certain environmental conditions on biological things, industrial goods, materials, and electrical devices and components. Environmental chambers may also be called environmental chambers. An environmental test chamber simulates real-world circumstances to which equipment, materials, devices, or components may be subjected. ItR...

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What is goniophotometry meaning?
05 Dec, 2021 2036 Author: Cherry Shen

What is goniophotometry meaning?

Goniophotometers are devices that may be used to measure the characteristics of light produced by a light source, such as color, intensity, and wavelength. This provides information on the uniformity of the emitted light, the direction of the emitted light, and the characteristics of light at various angles and long distances. That’s why the method that involves goniophotometers is called goniop...

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The nature and influence of UV ultraviolet aging test chamber
03 Dec, 2021 1594 Author: Cherry Shen

The nature and influence of UV ultraviolet aging test chamber

Introduction: UV ultraviolet aging tester can simulate the damage caused by sunlight, rain and dew to materials. UV uses fluorescent ultraviolet (UV) lamp to simulate the effect of sunlight and uses cold to simulate rain and dew. The tested material is placed in a cycle program of alternating light and moisture at a certain temperature for testing. The UV test can be used for several days or weeks...

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How to solve the following problems encountered in the use of high and low temperature humidity chamber
02 Dec, 2021 2008 Author: Cherry Shen

How to solve the following problems encountered in the use of high and low temperature humidity chamber

The high and low temperature humidity environmental chamber is a test equipment in the fields of aviation, automobiles, home appliances, scientific research, etc., used to test and determine the temperature environment changes of electrical, electronic and other products and materials for high temperature, low temperature, alternating humidity and heat or constant test after the test parameters an...

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The eight major heavy metals in toys EU standards and Canadian standard methods
30 Nov, 2021 2053 Author: Cherry Shen

The eight major heavy metals in toys EU standards and Canadian standard methods

Introduction Where does the “poison” of children’s toys exist? Most of them are found in paint. Some domestic companies have two sets of standards for children’s toys. The export standards are very high and use non-toxic and harmless raw materials, while low-cost hazardous raw materials are used for domestic sales. Most of my country’s color toys have heavy metals tha...

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Application of LED stroboscopic test in the detection direction of LED lighting fixtures
26 Nov, 2021 1768 Author: Cherry Shen

Application of LED stroboscopic test in the detection direction of LED lighting fixtures

Application of portable spectroradiometer in the Detection Direction of LED Lighting Fixtures Since the invention of LED lamps, their advantages such as high brightness, low power consumption and long life have quickly won the favor of the lighting market. Nowadays, LED lamps have been popularized in all aspects of our lives. However, more and more people are paying attention to the fact that as a...

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The Importance of Measuring LED Chromaticity
25 Nov, 2021 1870 Author: Cherry Shen

The Importance of Measuring LED Chromaticity

Light-emitting diodes are not just a simple turn-on and turn-off mechanism. In addition to simply emitting a white light, LEDs also have the ability to emit thousands of shades. The characteristics of light color and intensity are called chromaticity, and this indicator is important to both LED manufacturers and consumers. Before the product goes on the market, the importance of measuring the chro...

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