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Goniophotometric measurement system
08 Nov, 2021 1624 Author: Cherry Shen

Goniophotometric measurement system

Goniophotometer is mainly used to measure the light distribution performance of lamps and light sources, that is, the luminosity and color measurement value distribution of the laser source of the lamp in different directions in space. Goniophotometer test system. It is mainly divided into two types: horizontal and vertical. It is mainly used to test the lumens, light distribution curve, glare lev...

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What does RoHS apply to
05 Nov, 2021 1596 Author: Cherry Shen

What does RoHS apply to

The RoHS test directive applies to the 27 member states of the European Union: the United Kingdom (withdrawal from the European Union in 2020), France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Cyprus, Hungary, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania. The RoHS t...

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What is goniophotometry
04 Nov, 2021 1831 Author: Cherry Shen

What is goniophotometry

Goniophotometer is mainly used to measure the light distribution performance of lamps and light sources, that is, the luminosity and color measurement value distribution of the laser source of the lamp in different directions in space. Standard: Full meet the EN13032-1 clause goniophotometer type 1, COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2019/2015, CIE-70, CIE-121, IES LM-79, IES LM-7...

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How does a salt fog chamber work
03 Nov, 2021 1409 Author: Cherry Shen

How does a salt fog chamber work

The salt spray test chamber mainly deals with the surface treatment of various materials, including paint, electroplating, inorganic and surface film, anodizing, anti-rust oil and other anti-corrosion treatments, and then testing the corrosion resistance of its products. Electroplating can be done according to customer requirements the parts and products are subjected to salt spray test. Preparati...

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how does an environmental chamber work?
02 Nov, 2021 1541 Author: Cherry Shen

how does an environmental chamber work?

The temperature and humidity environmental chamber can simulate a variety of temperature and humidity natural environments, and is suitable for testing electronic devices, household appliances, food, trolleys, vulcanized rubber, plastic rubber, metal materials and other commodities. So how does the temperature and humidity environmental chamber carry out humidification? The whole process of humidi...

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What is spectral measurement
01 Nov, 2021 2048 Author: Cherry Shen

What is spectral measurement

Spectroscopy is a method of identifying substances and determining their chemical composition and relative content based on their spectra. It is an analytical method established on the basis of molecular and atomic spectroscopy which called spectroradiometer. Contains three main processes: ①energy provides energy; ②energy interacts with the measured substance; ③produces the detected signal. ...

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what is c type goniophotometer
29 Oct, 2021 1678 Author: Cherry Shen

what is c type goniophotometer

Goniophotometer is mainly used to measure the spatial distribution of light intensity and color space of lamps, and output various measurement reports according to the test report: When a lamp is lit, its light output in the 4π space with the lamp as the center of the sphere is not exactly the same, that is, the light intensity value of each point on a certain spherical surface is different. For ...

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What is the salt test?
28 Oct, 2021 1582 Author: Cherry Shen

What is the salt test?

The salt spray test is divided into two categories, one is the natural environment exposure test, and the other is the artificial accelerated simulated salt spray environment test. The artificial simulated salt spray  test is to use a kind of test equipment with a certain volume space-the salt spray test chamber, in its volume space, artificial methods are used to create a salt spray environment ...

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How to do the RoHS Test
27 Oct, 2021 1359 Author: Cherry Shen

How to do the RoHS Test

When you check the RoHS test compliance, It must be noted that the analysis values of x-ray fluorescence light provide information on the presence or absence of controlled substances in elemental form. Must pay special attention to such as Cr and Br, the result is total Cr and total Br, and does not reflect the form of its existence. Therefore, if Cr and Br are present, hexavalent chromium, PBB, P...

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