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What is salt spray test used for
28 Sep, 2021 1436 Author: Cherry Shen

What is salt spray test used for

Application: The salt spray test machine is suitable for the surface treatment of various materials, including paint, electroplating, organic and inorganic film, anode treatment, anti-rust oil, etc. YWX/Q-010_Salt Spray Test Machine Salt spray test is an environmental test that mainly uses artificially simulated salt spray environmental conditions created by salt spray test equipment to assess th...

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What is an environmental chamber used for
27 Sep, 2021 1312 Author: Cherry Shen

What is an environmental chamber used for

Environmental chamber is the general name of all test chambers that simulate natural climate environment. The representative products include salt spray test chamber, high and low temperature test chamber, constant temperature and humidity test chamber, ultraviolet aging test chamber, xenon lamp aging test chamber, ozone aging test chamber, oven, etc. . The high and low temperature humidity test c...

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How do you calibrate an integrating sphere
26 Sep, 2021 2094 Author: Cherry Shen

How do you calibrate an integrating sphere

1. Operation steps: 1. First connect the probe and optical fiber to the corresponding position of the integrating sphere, and fix it. 2. Turn on the DC power supply of the integrating sphere system configuration. 3. Turn on the computer, then open the computer desktop test software, and select “System Settings” on the software, and connect the DC power supply, the electric parameter me...

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What is EMI receiver
25 Sep, 2021 2248 Author: Cherry Shen

What is EMI receiver

Electromagnetic Interference(EMI Receiver) Introduction: Electromagnetic Interference (EMI receiver) is electronic noise that interferes with cable signals and reduces signal integrity. EMI Receiver is usually generated by electromagnetic radiation sources such as motors and machines. EMI Receiver (Electromagnetic Interference) has two types: conducted interference and radiated interference. Condu...

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What is a combination wave?
25 Sep, 2021 2484 Author: Cherry Shen

What is a combination wave?

Combination waves generator or surges Generators are typically benchtop pieces of equipment that weigh a lot. Ground planes with links to the earth are needed for the safe operation of a transient generator in electromagnetic test settings. Testing three-phase power line systems necessitate more extensive coupling/decoupling networks, which significantly increases the overall size of the system. A...

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What are the three goniophotometer types?
24 Sep, 2021 1549 Author: Cherry Shen

What are the three goniophotometer types?

Goniophotometer is the main measurement equipment for the light distribution performance test of lamps and luminous. It can be used to measure the spatial light intensity distribution of lamps or light sources, total luminous flux and lamp efficiency and other parameters. The composition of the Goniophotometer system includes: precision turntable and control system, spectrum analysis system, stand...

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What can an integrating sphere spectrophotometer system measure?
24 Sep, 2021 2148 Author: Cherry Shen

What can an integrating sphere spectrophotometer system measure?

Integrating spheres spectrophotometers are optical devices often used to compute the optical characteristics of a turbid medium, i.e., reflectance and transmission. In many areas of science, including optics, radiometry, medicine, and biology, these integrating spheres, hereafter referred to as “spheres.” Techniques and uses of integrating sphere spectrophotometer The integrating spher...

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Does US require RoHS Testing
23 Sep, 2021 1378 Author: Cherry Shen

Does US require RoHS Testing

The United States does not have RoHS testing certification requirements, but there are regulations similar to RoHS testing certification, the California 65 Standard (CP65). This proposal has been promulgated for more than 20 years. It is a restrictive standard for the control of toxic chemical substances for consumer products entering the United States. Mainly test the lead content in consumer pro...

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What is a gonio spectrophotometer?
23 Sep, 2021 2448 Author: Cherry Shen

What is a gonio spectrophotometer?

In this day and age, traditional photometry laboratories are no longer in operation. To achieve a complete characterization of LED-based luminaires, a new degree of complexity is required to measure their performance at different angle orientations. To measure brightness and evaluate the angle dependence of luminous intensity distribution, this instrument combines the capability of a goniophotomet...

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