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Photometry, Colorimetry and Electricity Test System
27 Jun, 2010 6285 Author: root

Photometry, Colorimetry and Electricity Test System

LPCE-2(including spectrophotometer, integrating sphere) is designed for analyzing the photometry, colorimetry and electricity of LED lamp, energy-saving lamp, fluorescent lamp, high-voltage sodium lamp, high-voltage mercury lamp, metal halide lamp and phosphor, completely meets the test requirements of CIE for photometry and colorimetry. Measure and display the relative spectral power distributio...

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UV-C LED Prospect
15 Jan, 2010 5932 Author: root

UV-C LED Prospect

With LED technology development, LED applications in market are more and more wide. UV-C LED germicidal disinfection applications market also reaches a new height in 2016, prospects are bright. With more and more LED companies launch new products, UV-C LED technology will also develop faster. Wavelength of 200~280nm UV part is called UV-C region; this region UV wavelength is short and has high ene...

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LED Quality Testing Instruments
10 Jul, 2009 6326 Author: root

LED Quality Testing Instruments

LED is not only a semiconductor device, but also a light source. It has the advantage such as high light output, low consumption and easily drove. LED is regarded as the most competitive light source in 21st century. LED’s quality should be tested by checking its photometry and electric parameters. Lisun designed and reseached a series LED Test instruments on chromatic, optic, color, electric...

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