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Future Trends and Developments in High and Low Temperature Shock Test Chamber Technology
27 Sep, 2023 366 Author: Cherry Shen

Future Trends and Developments in High and Low Temperature Shock Test Chamber Technology

The High and Low Temperature Thermal Shock Chamber has the advantage of large experimental space inside, which is used for material exploration and industrial manufacturers’ batch or electronic and electrical components, automation components, metals, chemical materials, communication components, etc, Test the degree of its endurance under the continuous transformation environment of instan...

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Analyzing the Influence of Environmental Factors on High Precision Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere Measurements
27 Sep, 2023 370 Author: Raza Rabbani

Analyzing the Influence of Environmental Factors on High Precision Spectroradiometer Integrating Sphere Measurements

Introduction The capabilities of high precision spectroradiometer integrating sphere systems for measuring spectra and characterizing sources are quite helpful. However, in order to produce reliable and consistent results, it is very necessary to take into consideration the influence that environmental factors have on these measurements. In this research, the effect of environmental factors on the...

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The Importance of Temperature Cycling in Product Testing: High And Low Temperature Test Chambers Explained
26 Sep, 2023 481 Author: Cherry Shen

The Importance of Temperature Cycling in Product Testing: High And Low Temperature Test Chambers Explained

The temperature and humidity of a high and low temperature test chamber exist in two situations: alternating test chamber and constant test chamber. The control method for a constant high and low temperature test chamber is to set a target temperature first, and the test chamber has the ability to automatically stabilize to the target temperature point. High and low temperature testing is applica...

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Technical Analysis: Capacitor Leakage Current Tester and What is the Current Leakage of a Capacitor
26 Sep, 2023 553 Author: Rachel He

Technical Analysis: Capacitor Leakage Current Tester and What is the Current Leakage of a Capacitor

Leakage in insulation is related to the material structure, defects and electric field strength of the insulating material, which can be weakened and reduced. Generally speaking, electromagnetic sealing is an effective way to enhance the leakage current of the insulating material, and increasing the thickness of the insulating material and the quality of the insulating material can improve the lea...

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Revolutionizing Automotive Electronics: Unleashing the Power of Electrostatic Discharge Generators
25 Sep, 2023 396 Author: Ellen Liu

Revolutionizing Automotive Electronics: Unleashing the Power of Electrostatic Discharge Generators

The electrostatic discharge generator is a device used to generate a high-intensity electrostatic field and induce electrostatic discharge phenomena. Electrostatic discharge is a process of charge release, which occurs when an object accumulates excessive charge beyond its capacity and the charge is discharged through air or other medium. LISUN ESD simulator guns (Electrostatic Discharge Generato...

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Temperature Humidity Chambers in Pharmaceutical Research and Development
25 Sep, 2023 414 Author: Raza Rabbani

Temperature Humidity Chambers in Pharmaceutical Research and Development

Introduction Pharmaceutical research and development greatly benefits from the use of temperature and humidity chambers for the purpose of testing and evaluating medication products, formulations, and packaging. In order to guarantee the safety, effectiveness, and stability of pharmaceutical goods, the pharmaceutical sector operates under strict regulatory frameworks. Scientists and researchers ma...

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Salt Spray Test Chambers for Outdoor Furniture: Evaluating Weather Resistance and Durability
24 Sep, 2023 358 Author: Raza Rabbani

Salt Spray Test Chambers for Outdoor Furniture: Evaluating Weather Resistance and Durability

Introduction Water, temperature changes, and caustic substances are just some of the environmental factors that outdoor furniture must contend with. Manufacturers and customers alike depend on salt spray testing to gauge the durability and weather resistance of outdoor furniture. This article delves into how crucial salt spray test chambers are for determining the longevity of coatings and finishe...

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Impedance Analyzer: What Is The Principle of Impedance Measurement
24 Sep, 2023 744 Author: Rachel He

Impedance Analyzer: What Is The Principle of Impedance Measurement

What is an Impedance Analyzer? An Impedance Analyzer is an instrument used to measure the impedance of biological, chemical, and physical systems. It takes alternating impedance as an indicator and gets the electrical characteristics of the service object at different frequencies to obtain a series of physical and chemical parameters. It is a commonly used electronic tester that can measure parame...

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Understanding ESD Simulator Guns: A Comprehensive Guide
23 Sep, 2023 476 Author: root

Understanding ESD Simulator Guns: A Comprehensive Guide

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is a common phenomenon that occurs when two objects with different electrical potentials come into contact or are separated. The discharge can cause damage to electronic devices and components, leading to costly repairs or replacements. To prevent ESD damage, ESD simulators are used to test the susceptibility of electronic devices to ESD events. This article will disc...

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